It sounded so loud that the whole earth was shaken by the sound. It was an adult Kun. Adult Kun has two abilities: one is to be able to freely switch between body Kun and Peng, and the other is a mysterious force. Kun is the overlord of water. Adult Kun can control all water.

As soon as Kun appeared, his huge figure covered the sun, and the sun’s light was blocked by it. The earth was covered with Kun’s shadow. Kun was summoned, and nearly 90% of Sun Qi’s physical strength was drawn. I’m afraid that Sun Qi had become a man if it was not supported by a dead door.
When GongSunChen looked at the giant Kun, his eyes showed fear. Even if he was as thin as wood and his body roots were as dry as bones, he would not be able to withstand the weight and impact of Kun’s huge body, let alone Kun’s ability to display his skills.
The huge amethyst pterodactyl is as big as an adult and a baby. Even if it is controlled, it can tell it that the horrible ray in it is not something it can deal with, at least not now.
Kun was summoned but didn’t do it. His heart communicated with Sun Qi and taught Sun Qi to make Kun’s blood vessels break through G level.
Gong Sunqi listened quietly with his eyes closed, and Kun taught Gong Sunchen whether it was operatives ginger or great. Seeing that Gong Sunqi didn’t move and Kun didn’t attack, he propped up his body and made a sudden attack on Gong Sunqi.
Gongsunchen, this attack is combined with the world tree to launch an attack. Even if Kun is strong, it can’t be stronger than the world tree. The world tree is the pillar of the whole world and has more energy than the whole world combined.
Using the power of the world tree to launch an attack, even Kun is caught off guard. "
Chapter 36 The Last Fight ()
"Kun’s huge size has prevented him from dodging. The most deadly part is that his body is slightly rubbed, but even being rubbed has caused a lot of damage.
The washbasin-sized wound didn’t shed blood, and the hole wound was burnt black and gave off a pungent smell. Kun didn’t scream at all, but it was still light as if the wound was dispensable to it.
Gong Sunqi’s mind is still half kneeling, full of Kun’s words, and the words are as firmly engraved in Gong Sunqi’s mind as diamonds.
Kun looked down and meditated. Now the situation is urgent. When there is not much time left for Gongsunqi to think and meditate, it is time for Gongsunchen, who has integrated the power of the world tree.
Besides, not only GongSunChen but also Amethyst pterodactyl was controlled, and GongSunChen started to attack GongSunInspired.
"Shukaku shield"
A giant civet cat made of sand barely blocked the first attack of amethyst pterosaur in front of GongSunQi, but it was only the first attack. This first attack made me love Luo to use up the rest of chakra.
"roar ~ ~"
Amethyst pterodactyl growled, opened its mouth, and a dazzling purple light shone deep in its throat.
A purple light beam was ejected from the mouth of Amethyst pterodactyl, and the high-energy light beam was slightly distorted everywhere. If the energy was increased, I’m afraid the whole thing would break.
I have run out of oil and lamp, and I love to watch the purple beam fly towards Gongsunqi, but I can close my eyes and wait for the smoke to melt.
"screw it and brew it for the old man."
In the fog, a swearing tells whether the whole fog starts to move or the supersonic speed moves only milliseconds. The purple energy beam is about to approach the front of Sun Qi, and the instantaneous Hōzuki Gengetsu carrying flies appears in front of the beam.
"Water escapes quickly, but water rushes"
Hōzuki Gengetsu mirage shell body is wrapped in spiral water flow, and the purple beam of the high-pressure water cannon collides with the mirage, so I want to use this extraordinary endurance to bounce the purple beam back here to protect GongSunQi.
"Ah ~ ~ ~"
Hōzuki Gengetsu’s forehead is sweating, and his body, chakra, has lost sharply. Hōzuki Gengetsu has also lost the candle. Once he runs out of chakra, he waits for Hōzuki Gengetsu to be a devastating attack from Amethyst pterodactyl.
Hōzuki Gengetsu looked back and meditated. Gong Sunqi touched a moustache or two and smiled slightly. "I can help you here. I will cherish it when I walk with you in the future. Maybe I won’t have this memory later, but this experience is the most precious I have ever had."
Hōzuki Gengetsu squatted down slightly and stroked the seashell. "Thank you, old friend. I’m afraid this is really the last battle between you and me."
Boom ~ ~ ~’
Amethyst pterodactyl increased its strength to output light beam, which drowned the ghost lamp. After the magic moon, it exploded out of Hōzuki Gengetsu and the stork disappeared, leaving no last glass ball in the vast world.
Gong Sunchen spat. He gave Amethyst pterodactyl one last command: "Kill Gong Sunqi and kill him for me at any cost."
Gongsunchen was pinned down by Kun to attack Gongsunqi. The attack of Amethyst pterodactyl was blocked three times and four times, but Gongsunqi’s companions also decreased with each attack of Amethyst pterodactyl. Now Gongsunqi has no’ shield’ around him. Should Gongsunqi be blocked in the next attack meditation?
Amethyst pterodactyl turned into a purple flash. Pang Dalong’s body instantly came to Sun Qi and raised its sharp claws. The crystal-clear purple light flashed with cold light. Once caught by claws, Sun Qi now looks absolutely dead.
"Woo ~ ~"
"GongSunQi! !”
"GongSunQi! !”
"GongSunQi! !”
Shouts and Kun calls from peers all hope that GongSunQi can open his eyes and avoid the attack of amethyst pterosaur’s claws, but GongSunQi is like a statue, with no warning of opening his eyes and no signs of dodging.
"Ah ~ ~"
Wen Lisheng and others have put their heads aside and can’t bear to see the scene when Sun Qi was torn apart by claws, because claws are really close at hand.
"Heaven shines on the main shield"
Sudden sounds and black fire all over the sky stopped Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi from reappearing without Sun Qi’s permission, and as soon as they appeared, Sun Qi solved the crisis
Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi a left a right mess in front of GongSunQi that murder foaming at the mouth eyes staring at amethyst pterodactyl.
Uchiha Itachi was blind at a glance. He left another kaleidoscope. He used the remaining kaleidoscope to cast a shield of the sky, and the black sky shone on the fire to form a shield. Kakashi quickly forced himself to take the three of them away and take them out of the attack range of the amethyst pterodactyl.
"Don’t forget to have us! ! !”
A simple sentence is full of domineering, heroic temperament that is not afraid of life and death, showing more than that. I love Luo a little in the distance, and chakra is also slightly influenced by their momentum.
"Not only them, but also us."
Wenlicheng appeared beside GongSunQi with ginkgo and water.
"And we can fight."
"Yes, yes, yes, we can also fight."
At this moment, those people who are tired get together again. They have already fled. Since they can escape, let’s give it a try. They are influenced by the momentum of Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi, and they appear together at the same time to form an encirclement around Gongsunqi to protect Gongsunqi.
"Even though we humans are small, there are things we can do."
"We have lost too much, and there is nothing to lose."
"We might as well take a chance if we are alive, even if we die, we will not live in pain."
"Ladies and gentlemen, they want Sun Qi’s life because they are afraid of him, because he may become the real savior, and they want to kill the growing Sun Qi, so that it can be broken. We hope that what we want to protect now is that we hope for light and hope for fire."
Xiang Zhanqing appeared at the front of the battle from time to time, clutching his broken arm, and roared to inspire all people’s anger. "Ladies and gentlemen, once Gong Sunqi dies, it will be even worse to wait for us. Do you want to fight like individuals or become exotic food? If you want to fight like people, then we will protect our fire and hope that the fire will burn all over our world and become a light to save us."
1/31 13:32:41|491575
Chapter 37 The Last Fight ()
"GongSunChen feel something bad and want to stop things from happening. Will Kun give him a chance to blow the dragon and aim its tail at GongSunChen’s fan to Kun? That horrible fishtail is also huge. Even if GongSunChen is integrated with the world tree and wants to carry it hard, it will hurt.
"Your opponent is me"
For the first time, it’s the first time that Kun has spoken, and it won’t let people interfere with Gong Sunqi’s two huge fins, opening up and speeding up. He slammed into Gong Sunchen, knocked Gong Sunchen into the distance and forcibly opened the fighting range, hoping to have a head-on contest with Gong Sunchen.
"roar ~ ~"
The current situation is not to say that many people are more powerful, and no matter how many people face the terror, Amethyst pterodactyl can also be a gladiator. The only thing they can do is to block Amethyst pterodactyl from attacking Gongsun Qi again and again for another chance.
One side of the wall fell down, and the amethyst pterodactyl attacked again and again, getting closer and closer to Gong Sunqi, who was still in his own world and in the final realization.
Maito Gai’s strength of opening the door and escaping from armor and death indeed surpassed G, but I opened the door and escaping from armor and death did not surpass G. What is missing in this?

The news of the chaos in Caizong Temple flew to all directions of the sky as if it had spread its wings.

The front-line Chu army marshal camp
Chuzhaohou and Crane Immortal listened to a report from a genus, and they were all at sea.
"You’re not exaggerating?" Chuzhaohou sink a way
"I don’t dare to have a bigger and more chaotic scene. There is nothing to hide. The real Cai Zongmiao ruined the fate!" That belongs to the respectful way
Chu Zhaohou and Crane Immortal looked at each other.
"Bian Que sermon conference? Is this ok? " Crane Immortal eccentric way
Chu Zhaohou "…!"
"All the sermons are for the willing, others don’t want to listen, and there is nothing they can do. But Bian Que forced the doctor’s thoughts into others’ heads and made others feel grateful?" Crane Immortal dignified way
"No matter how much, the most important thing now is to take Cai Guo Cai Wang, a defeated country toy. Haha, Cai Guo’s fate is just our good time!" Chuzhaohou. "
"Not bad!" Crane Immortal nodded.
"Come and inform the public that Hou Daying will attack Cai in the future!" Chuzhaohou drink a way
"Yes!" ——
There is a Xu Guochen beside Xu Sicai.
"Are we going back?"
Xu Si nodded. "It’s a pity that I couldn’t kill Zheng Jia, but Cai Guo’s luck has run out. Cai Wang, an idiot, is really a loser!"
"Let’s go. This place shouldn’t stay long!" Xu si sink a way
"Yes!" ——
In a mountain forest in northern Cai Dong.
Man Zhong, Chen Yi, Lu Brothers, Little Witch, Jiang Tai’s 100th brother, Chen Liushu, and a group of doctors’ brothers.
I am waiting at the moment.
Next to a pile of skeletons, it is obvious that they have just experienced a sumptuous meal.
"Jiang Tai, try it!" The little witch pointed to a big stone and said
"get up!" Jiang Tai drinks a lot.
The big stone crashed over the head of the country.
"The tenth major perfection of quenching body condition! Jiang Tai’s arrival can impact the abdomen!" Cried the little witch
"hmm!" Jiang tai satisfaction laughed
"However, it is not so easy to impact the abdomen, and it may take some time!" Little witch frown way
"Don’t let me get together for a while!" Jiang Tai is in no hurry.
A black light came in the distance, but Bian Que instantly arrived near.
"Giant!" The doctor brother respectful way

At this time, the ancestors of Terran gathered together to look at the vast chaotic world outside the fetal membranes of the all-star world. It was too easy for the ancestors to sigh gently, "What a eventful autumn, the trace of heaven was not found by the seat, such as using magical powers?"

Listening to this, the ancestor of Taiping Sect said, "Our town killed the blue sky and the blue sky, but how can we let it go?" Nowadays, heaven’s seclusion is not because it feels that the strength of the strong in the world is growing, but it is suppressed by law. One day, heaven will make moves to everyone who is waiting for us. "
"Now even the trace of heaven can’t be found, such as suppressing heaven?" In the eyes of Grandfather Tai Dou, the stars are all around the body, and every cell is flashing with the best light. It seems that there is a star in the world, and Grandfather Tai Dou is the incarnation of the star.
"It’s too hard for you to cope with the future disaster. My Terran can sacrifice you." It’s too easy to sigh gently.
Too bucket wry smile "can’t who call me avenue law is the most suitable for this kind of cultivation method, if I can achieve great success in the future, I will be doomed to defeat the sky, if I fail, I will be completely buried in the boundless universe, and I will never be able to be absorbed by the boundless universe law to practice this avenue of stars. The safest way is to ask Hongjun to protect me."
This name seems to have a kind of magic. Every time people name this name, it seems that there is a mountain in their hearts, which makes people want to yell.
"evil influence! Hung-chun has become a younger generation of evil influence, who has been living in a commanding position, overlooking the world. All sentient beings dominate the overall situation of the heavens and the earth. Even we are far from being able to eat dust behind us. Even the trend of heaven and earth can stop the demon race. The dominance has become a trend that swept across the heavens and the earth. At that time, we Terran Nai left home and hated Hung-chun and others, but we never thought that we were the frog at the bottom of the well. Hung-chun was the great wisdom, and the layout was far-reaching.
Grandfather Taiyi’s eyes are full of regrets. No, you can’t. Jade Duxiu later dominated the heavens and the world. These old guys who have lived for millions of years are hard to match.
"Now the key is to look for heaven to kill the demon race in the town of heaven, and to win in the excitement of the fiend clan is just around the corner. The fiend clan will inevitably refuse to let it go, and it will be hard to lose both sides. As a result, the demon clan’s heritage will continue to be consumed in just tens of thousands of years. First, I don’t know if Hung-chun should be counted." Grandfather Tai Dou’s eyes are full of regrets. "We all underestimate Hung-chun! In those days, if we didn’t suppress Hung-chun’s achievements, Gao Hongjun’s wisdom might be even better than today’s. Will there be a demon race fiend clan to drill? "
"Having said that, I can’t see through Hung-chun’s layout. It’s not so good that Hung-chun is leading the way. It’s the right way to get rid of Hung-chun’s calculation."
Too yuan godfather’s eyes are full of depression and tightness, and he said, "One."
Listening to the words of Tai Yuan’s ancestor, Tai Dou’s ancestor said, "Having said that, the best calculation among us is too easy, too easy to calculate, but Hung-chun is worse than us." If we can crack and disrupt the layout of Hongjun, it’s all right. If we can’t break the layout of Hongjun, we will be involved in it at random. Instead, we will be led by Hongjun. Instead, we will become Hongjun chess and be calculated by Hongjun. "Taiping’s ancestor gently stretched out his finger in the eyes of the emperor’s map, and then he saw the spread of water waves in the emperor’s map. The situation on the earth was clearly revealed to everyone.
The ancestor of Taiping Sect said, "The real killing of Long Mai’s turbulent demon clan has just begun. Let’s wait and see. Don’t disturb the layout of Hongjun. Although Hongjun doesn’t deal with it, everyone agrees on the problem of demon clan. The center of heaven and earth is our Terran. How can those beasts occupy it!"
Sirs, look at me. I see an inexplicable charm flashed through your eyes when you looked at the imperial map. Each of them sat there for a long time without saying a word. The Taiping ancestor seemed to perceive that something was wrong and instantly converged on the imperial map in his hand. Then he said unhurriedly, "It is not surprising that I feel the momentum of the world and the strength of Long Mai."
Having said that, no one in the eyes of all the ancestors believed that a pair of eyes looked at Taiyi Grandfather Taiyi Grandfather with a sigh. "Taiping didn’t expect that you were the deepest hidden among us, but everyone underestimated you. If you didn’t reveal the clues today, we wouldn’t know all about you."
"Ahem" Taiping ancestor a dry cough "what did you say? Bodhi old zu, I don’t understand what you said. If it’s okay, bodhi old zu, I’ll go first. "
Say that finish after Taiping progenitor took a look at all the strange eyes in a hurry to leave.
"Everyone has a hidden skill. I am the most hidden among the Terrans. I didn’t expect that it was Taiping. This fellow is also a bad luck. I actually showed the clues in my mind." Taidou Godfather wry smile.
"We know we belong to know, but this kind of thing can’t be said. This is a gift package for all the families of the heavens in the future." Grandfather touched Ba. "This old thing is so thoughtful."
"A wise head makes a wise mouth, but not a real person." The plum blossom, the ancestor of Taiyi, fluttered in his hand, and the petals of a snow-white plum blossom were a little red as if peony were crying.
Taiyi’s ancestor said, "I was not angry with this old guy before, but now it seems that I have followed the first ancestor. The strong means and scheming are not comparable to ours."
"The bottom is thin?" Taiping’s ancestor gave a pair of eyes to look at the imperial map in his hand over and over, and then his eyes were full of depressed colors. "Where is the flaw?" How can you show your bottom? Have I hidden deep enough? "
Recalling the previous scenes, the Taiping ancestor looked at the imperial map in his hand and didn’t know where his own details were exposed. Then he turned and walked towards the original road. "If I don’t make it clear, I won’t be happy."
As the saying goes, the authorities are fascinated by the onlookers, and many ancestors have discovered the details of the Taiping ancestor, but the Taiping ancestor himself can’t find it.
See the Taiping ancestor turn all the ancestors kept silent Taiping ancestor said, "where did I miss the details and was found a flaw by you Lao Wang?" Don’t ask a white bodhi old zu unwilling in my heart "
Chapter 199 Seek tactic to spoil the game
There is no substance in pouring water today. You can not subscribe to or steal reading this chapter.
Taiping’s ancestor was so depressed that he hid it for so many years, and he didn’t know why he had leaked the old man this time. It was simply depressing and he wanted to hit the wall.
Jade Jingshan is also blustery at this time. The Wolf God crossed the world barrier with a group of people and looked at the rolling chaotic gas wolf Shinto. "Don’t blame me if you stay close to me and are melted by chaotic gas."
Of course, the wolf myth is to say to the guards who are carrying their sedan chairs around them that the quasi-strong are afraid of chaotic gas, but they can also be born out of chaotic gas more than the quasi-strong, and they can vaporize chaos and evolve their own nutrients, especially for the fiend, it is essential to really practice the chaotic gas.
The Wolf God outside Yujingshan took the bodyguard to set a sedan chair and gave a gift to Yujingshan. "The Wolf God asks for the Hongjun crown."
Courtesy is bound to ask for something from others. At this time, the wolf god is so respectful that it makes people feel uneasy.
Virtual distortion of the world barrier hit the old turtle’s head out to cover the sun as if it were a mountain overlooking the wolf god and his party facing the old turtle’s eyes. The wolf fiend had a thrill of fear and couldn’t wait to escape immediately
"How did that happen? Can it be said that this old Wang Li is so powerful that everyone is afraid? " Wolf God was shocked by a pair of eyes staring at the big head sticking out of the empty space.

Just as the mayor grew up watching Mo Laosan grow up, Mo Laosan ate a hundred meals and grew up with a child who knew the mayor’s personality very well.

Mo Lao’s impression that the mayor rarely shows such a positive attitude towards uncertain things.
Only when the truth of the incident is confirmed will the mayor be so sure of his position. He also deliberately told Mo Lao not to rashly offend the exorcist.
"Master, I have a question I want to ask you."
Hesitated briefly and inexplicably gave birth to a curious mo Lao said in a low voice
"What’s the problem?"
It’s Pei Wende’s turn to be curious about what Mo Lao wants to ask.
"Well, the mayor said that you were exorcising evil spirits during this period. What evil is exorcism?"
The tone paused a little, and then he added that he could express himself more clearly.
"Is there anything evil in this land temple?"
"I grew up in Yongle Town. It seems that I have never heard of any evil in the land temple?"
Mo Laosan is telling the truth. He spent quite a long time in this land temple since his parents died.
If it weren’t for that uncle’s inexplicable disaster, Mo Laosan wouldn’t have finally returned to his ancestral home and lived by eating hundreds of meals.
"It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it, because the real evil has long since disappeared."
"It is a special resentment that remains in this land temple, and now it has been accepted by me."
Hearing Pei Wende say this, Mo Laosan’s premonition throbbed a feeling that a strange emotion suddenly poured out of his heart.
"accept? Is she okay? !”
Yet a don’t say PeiWenDe show amazing even mo Lao himself raised his head with a face.
"How did you know it was’ her’?"
Narrowing his eyes slightly, Pei Wende stared at the same million thoughts of Mo Laosan with horror, which flashed through his mind.
"I don’t know …"
Hold your heart tightly and feel inexplicably nervous. Mo Laosan is completely overwhelmed.
I just that moment what will blurt out?
Why are you so worried about a resentful person?
[I don’t know? 】
Judging from his heart, Pei Wende knows that Mo Laosan really doesn’t know anything.
However, in this way, it can explain Mo Laosan’s previous blurting out nervousness.
It seems that things are a little more complicated than I thought? 】
At this moment, Pei Wende felt the Prajna ghost mask ready to move.
As mentioned above, the Prajnaparamita ghost mask is not an ordinary instrument or magic weapon, but a ghost with life initially.
However, due to the particularity of life resentment, most of the cases will not actively express their emotions.
But Mo Lao blurted out that there was no mood fluctuation later, and the Prajna ghost mask actually had an impulse to take the initiative to show up.
"Speaking of which, I don’t seem to know your name yet?"
Hesitated a PeiWenDe suddenly turn (asked about the mo old name.
"What’s my name?"
Staring blankly at Pei Wende Mo Lao said honestly
"The little family named Mojia didn’t take a name because of the death of his parents at home."
"But my family is the third place, and everyone is used to calling me the third place."
Chapter VI Six Enchantments, Dancing Pure Land
"Mo Laosan?"
I couldn’t help but touch myself. Ba Peiwende could feel that the Prajna ghost mask became more and more stirring after Mo Laosan said his name.
"Did it ever occur to you that the mayor would send you here to inform me?"
Gently bow their heads and have a hunch that Mo Lao replied.
"Maybe it’s because of my hard life?"
The sound is full of doubts and uncertainty, but Mo Laosan can refuse to think about it.
"Hard life?"
If you think, look at Mo Laosan. Pei Wende then asks a sharper question.
"Don’t you ever wonder why your life is so hard?"
Pei Wende, although he has not practiced life in depth, can achieve his level of monasticism, even if he has a little taste, he has attainments beyond the average person
Therefore, Pei Wende can clearly see that Mo Laosan’s life is not inferior to the "Dreadwind Lone Star" mentioned in the speech.
The most important thing is that Mo Laosan’s life is not born this way, but that some experiences have changed his life.
This kind of situation is not uncommon, and it can be said to be a common practice.
The life trajectory of all beings is not static, and it is absolutely normal to change the life trajectory at a certain stage due to sudden changes.
Career change, imperial examination, windfall and marriage are all ways to change one’s life.
But the problem is that the average person’s life, no matter how it changes, fluctuates in a horizontal line.
Just like the sudden windfall, the class, cognition and personality determine that few of them can keep this windfall, and most of them will get rich and return to poverty after two years.
This is the so-called fate, and it is also the so-called fate.
However, Mo Laosan’s situation is different. His life seems to have undergone some earth-shaking changes when he was a child, which completely changed his life track.
"Master, do you know anything?"
After another dead silence, it seemed that Mo Lao had made some determination and looked up and asked.
"I don’t know much, but I guess something."
There is no such problem as selling too much. See Pei Wende tap a finger lightly, and a wisp of wave is blooming in his palm.
One second, one big and one small, two ferocious and weird Prajna ghost masks appeared in his hand.
"Mo Lao, do you know that there are many ways to change one’s life?"
"except for those opportunities that can be met but not sought,’ changing your name and taking words’ is the simplest way."
Pause for a moment. Pei Wende knows that the other party must not understand what he means, and further explains
"You’re past your prime now, and the theory has its own words."
"What about the result?"
"Don’t you think it’s strange that you don’t even have a proper name without words?"
Even if you eat a hundred meals and grow up, you will give yourself a good name to support when you grow up.
It happened that the old one seemed to be deliberately ignored by the whole Yongle town, and no one ever pointed this out, which is obviously not normal.
"Strange … strange?"
Look some trance staring at PeiWenDe prajnaparamita ghost mask mo Lao is light repeating each other’s words.
Seeing those two masks instantly gave birth to a kind and familiar feeling as if I had not seen my friends for many years.
Especially the big Prajnaparamita ghost mask Mo Laosan saw a little sadness and bitterness in the grim face opposite Gherardini.

I can’t wait to slap myself in the face. It’s too fucking face!

Jiang Xiaonan shouted, "Get ready, everyone. The Great God said before that he would find a chance to make a big move to completely disrupt the jackals. We should attack at this time!"
Ye Zhao said, "Adjust the team immediately and wait for the attack command!"
Onu has to admit that Hangyu’s experience and will are terrible.
Several skills are more skillful than others, and they can always predict their skills repeatedly, so as to avoid them by instant attack or flashing. However, it is impossible for him to defeat himself by relying on this strength, which is just the level of several jackals.
His vitality is too weak!
Bloodthirsty rage increases strongly and returns strongly.
But every second will lose your vitality!
It’s not a problem for Onu to persist for about ten minutes with his strong vitality.
Hang Yu potion can help but persist for a minute or two. If you just delay a little, you can directly kill him.
Can be expected to be completely different!
Bloodthirsty rage skill has a characteristic.
The higher the loss ratio of health, the stronger the skill increase effect.
If the loss of life accounts for more than 1%, the skill power will increase by 1%!
If the loss of life accounts for more than 5%, the skill power will increase by 5%!
After thirty or forty seconds of fighting, Hangyu’s vitality loss has reached as high as 6%. The bloodthirsty and violent power is getting stronger and stronger, which makes Hangyu form a counter-measure against Onu with its super strength, super responsiveness and super-fast moving speed!
When the loss of life exceeds 7%!
Hang Yu has completely suppressed Onu.
Every attack can cause amazing damage.
Hang Yu will keep her vitality at 3%.
In order to save the spirit, we don’t use redundant attack skills, such as instant attack and flashing. In most cases, the flat A attack absorbs vitality and relieves blood loss by constantly causing damage.
Onu has more and more wounds.
His vitality also slipped to about 56%
Hang Yu predicted that Onu still had about 3 vitality, so he suppressed his vitality again and let his vitality slide to 12%. The power of violent skills rose by 9%, and the whole person was just like hanging up!
Onu was completely angry.
I’ve never seen such a game of fire!
He decided to kill Hang Yu in one breath!
He is fragile now, like a piece of paper!
Onu first released a violent quarrelling, and as expected, he was flashed and hid, and then he released a shower of guns and was once again attacked and hid by Hangyu.
"You’re finished!"
Aonu has found out the routine of Hangyu.
Therefore, the opponent takes out a skill scroll in the process of avoiding.
Level 1 skill scroll fire rain arrival!
Hang Yu sensed the energy fluctuation of the skill scroll. He knew that it was a range to attack the skill. His current state and the cave were exhausted, so there was no possibility of hiding.
However, when it takes a little time to release the skill scroll.
Hangyu took the opportunity to activate the commander shield of jewelry suit.
Although the level 5 green suit skill commander shield is somewhat outdated, it is enough to weaken and buffer some attacks to resist several falling fireballs, and then a ring in Hang Yu’s left hand suddenly flashes, releasing an intensive therapy.
This is the treatment ring that Hang Yu borrowed from Xiaobai.
Its physical attributes are very good, which can enhance the fighting capacity of Hangyu.
But also because of that therapy, which is why Hang Yu dare to play with fire.
The treatment instantly restored Hang Yu’s half life and offset the subsequent injuries.
Hangyu took advantage of a slam and rushed to Onu, who was hit by a gun blade in the chest and was immediately knocked out of more than ten meters.
"Another blue dress?"
"All right, all right, kill this guy first!"
Onufa calmed down. He didn’t expect one of these weak chickens to be so strong, and the other person had two very good attributes: blue dress.
Although Onu is not afraid of Hangyu
But it’s too strong to fight like this
So Onu directly gave up fighting and ordered the Jackal to attack.
Hang Yu hung a smile on his mouth when he faced the jackal who was getting closer and closer with 5% of Onu.
Gun blade
Upset energy fluctuation
Condensed to the limit in less than two seconds.
Onu has sensed danger and his face changed greatly. "Back off!"

Four people control their magic weapons and fly over Leigong Mountain, leaving a faint sigh and waiting to fly over the border of Guizhou Province. The evil spirits can’t help but feel glad that this magic shuttle is actually comparable to his normal flight speed. If the Pappy duo sacrificed the magic shuttle just now, the speed pursuit can’t catch him, but it can’t be much slower.

Yi also thought in his heart, "If you hadn’t come here today to hide evil, you might have to plant it in the hands of Pappy."
Great scenery changes along the way, not only that today’s Babbitt duo wouldn’t have made things so satisfactory if they weren’t guilty.
Although Yi has both magic weapons and a series of great events, they can’t hide the fact that his debut period is too short and his age is also a problem. Most people look down on him a bit if he doesn’t have magic weapons, he must take care of them.
Kuang Yan is generally exaggerating the truth and falsehood. Maybe that magic sword is not worthy of the name. Maybe Pappy’s two men have never experienced the magic, so they are not so afraid. Otherwise, today’s sweeping of the face will help the evil spirits to deal with the two brothers, and the consequences will not be like this.
In that case, it is also the only regret and guilty place for Babbitt’s twins. They were called "the king of big stomachs" when they were young, and they were greedy for the new and tired of the old. At the beginning, they were able to eat chicken, duck, fish and other meat. Later, when they were completely fed up, they stared at those monsters in the deep mountains of osawa, but most of them were hiding in crypts. Although they were happy with each other, they also suffered enough and suffered a lot. At the same time, they also had a narrow escape experience.
It’s easy to see that after the reform of Tianlong Mountain Villa, only one or two monster dishes became a hit. Babbitt twins were the first wave of customers, and they were able to win the lottery at that time. Since then, they have been wandering around Tianlong Mountain Villa in various provinces with years of accumulated money. They have solved the three problems, which is simply a long time. The owner of Tianlong Mountain Villa in all provinces there, Xiao Er, rarely knows Babbitt twins. At the same time, they have made many friends. It’s so unpleasant to eat and drink in the mountains every day!
There is a saying that "the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease" is-"the spring breeze is proud of the horse’s hoof"
In just a few months, all the money accumulated for more than ten or twenty years was filled into the underground hole of Tianlong Villa, where people from all the villas were familiar with and owed a lot of debts. Before the two brothers began to repent, the debt collectors from all the villas came in waves. Together, the debts owed by these dozens of villas were astronomical, and both of them had the idea of fleeing overseas. This happened at the beginning of the month, and it was now that they were struggling to pay their debts every day and were running around.
They also have the idea of defaulting, but as soon as they remembered something happened in Tianlong Mountain Villa, they were dismissed.
It turned out that some people, like their brothers, owed a lot of debts, even though they wanted to default on their debts. Later, they made a rude remark and annoyed the villa owner. They made a big blackboard and wrote down the debts owed by this person in detail. Just a few days later, the people next to the gate of the villa paid tribute to this person. Even the house dared not make this move, which was worse than the killer. The only magic weapon that harmed people’s reputation was still easy to use in the secular world, but the effect was multiplied.
How dare the Babbitt twins reproduce such thoughts? If there is a villa, it will be a shame. But don’t forget that Tianlong Mountain Villa is full of flowers, and there are branches in every province. The passenger flow is very large. If it annoys people, it is better to put this killer at the door of each branch.
Today, it’s easy to encounter the evil spirits. I’m so glad to hear that the hairy and stupid two brothers are Pappy twins. You know, all the measures of Tianlong Villa can be done at the behest of others, and I dare not offend the guests so much without his command to the villa owners.
Yi’s ambition has always been small, but it’s impossible to have ambition alone, but with the rapid increase of repair, this hand is full of big cats and kittens, and it’s not ten years before they come out. At that time, the daylily was cold!
Up to now, the four brothers Yi Dong, Nan Yi, Yi Xi and Yi Bei, who are able to get their hands on, are barely left. There are less than ten people who have just stepped into the field of fixing the truth for three or four years.
The only resource is that Tianlong Mountain Villa is easy to rack one’s brains to think of a way to pay debts to win over all parties. Ying Jie is so reluctant to let the child set up a wolf. A win-over failed. Yi Zheng is thinking about finding the second goal, which is the third goal.
Otherwise, do you know that Tianlong Mountain Villa has no credit rules but let people credit? Of course, this is for an individual. At least, the mature person in the realm of spiritual cultivation should go there, otherwise everyone can get credit and don’t do that business.
At present, some people in the intelligence agency managed by Xu Rou revolve around these people. It is also a precaution to prevent this person from missing. In addition, it is necessary to inquire, observe the line, background and so on. Because the spies have worked very hard to track down, they can arrange a large number of people to win.
Yi, if it weren’t for such a hurry to form a scale of his own power in a short time, just those young men and women in Tianlong House and intelligence agents will form a certain scale after ten years.
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter five hundred and forty-nine Mysterious red carp
Let’s talk about Yi and his party’s four-person flight, which is striking enough. Let’s not talk about Yi’s evil spirit. Let’s say that the flying momentum of the two of them can be shaped by the word "Biao Hu"
It’s not surprising that the magic shuttle flies fast, but the two of them fly in a big way, and the yellow halo unearthed from the body surface is not obvious at close range, but it will be much thicker at a distance, and a cold wind will blow out and a yellow tail will fly backwards like a cloud, leaving two long ripples. This sword is very similar to the red sword.
Through the conversation on the way, Babbitt became more and more aware that he was easy to be angry with his brothers. Not only did people look pleasing to the eye, but he also spoke very generously. Except for his voice, he was a little shorter, and there were similarities in other places. He was particularly easy to be a carnivore and had a deep accomplishment in external work. So after a while, the two sides exchanged a lot of experiences and talked more speculatively.
And the evil spirits on the side can become marginal figures. His bad feelings between Papilions are not so easy to eliminate and he doesn’t want to interrupt. If it weren’t for his easy saying every once in a while, he might have been forgotten by Papilions.
However, he is not idle, except for flying silently, but observing Yi. He found that Yi’s means of communication is very bright. It is a refreshing feeling in his heart to listen to him. Didn’t you see the appearance of the Babbitt brothers? It seems that it is even longer than when they met Yi. In such a short time, the three of them have become brothers, and nothing can be abandoned.
Moreover, Fu Xie also found that Yi Xiu was not the same as Tianlong Mansion three years ago, which made it more and more difficult to ponder. When I first met him, he definitely refined the realm of gasification, which was also discovered by an accident. Now, I feel the strength of Fu Xie from the magic sword and conclude that Yi has cultivated into a Yuan God and entered the realm of refining God and emptiness. The word "stormy waves" is not enough to say the mood of Fu Xie at this time.
Three years is just over three years! Actually, from the realm of refining and gasification to the realm of refining and returning to emptiness, even the older generation can’t work so fast, can they?
He wanted to ask all the questions seriously, but after considering it, he suppressed this discovery. It was very uncomfortable. When did he even consider other people’s opinions?
The towering peaks rise from the Bifu Mountain Range, and the dark green virgin forest is misty and misty. The outline of Nanling Mountain is already in sight.
Crossing the boundary of Qin province, Babbitt duo looked at the misty peaks of white clouds on the horizon, but they could not help but converge a lot and spoke a little less.
Glancing at it quietly, I secretly lamented that it was too great a prestige accumulated over the past thousand years. Even such a muddy person knows that convergence is no wonder that it can stand out from the crowd. However, I wonder if Kunlun and Emei can keep the present situation?
Babbitt’s twins can’t wait to look at the faint colored whirlpool in the sky seen by Tianlong Mansion. Look at the blue waves of the oblique side and the horseshoe-shaped island in the lake. Babbitt’s twins can’t help but admire and envy.
People can piss people off more than people. The two of them have worked hard to settle down for so many years. The abode of fairies and immortals is just a corner of an unknown hill. Let’s see if this mansion stands directly in the sky or this inch of land in Qin Province and its neighbors are too many. Who dares to run wild here?
I think that there was no good place for the demon monk and the flame venerable person to run wild here after several years, so I don’t want to say that this Tianlong mansion is too one place to enjoy even the slightest bit.
Who says there is no pure land in downtown? Look at the layout of Tianlong Mansion from now on, and you will know that it is a first-class gathering of spirits. Besides the envy of the land, there are three points of loss and inferiority.
At this time, the mind was suddenly and fiercely, as if there was a qi machine coming from its own side, and the mind swept past but found nothing.
"Bro, what is this fish in your family? Red as fire, fat and beautiful, and still jumping out? " Male flashing eyes looking at the lake fish throat still shaking two.
Erxiong touched a round belly and sneered, "Is Big Brother greedy?"
Nobita’s question shifted his attention. He took back his mind and took a look at the lake and smiled. "Speaking of this, the origin of fish is very strange. When the magic came out, it caused a vision of heaven and earth. The crazy thunder split the ten-mile land in Fiona Fang and watered it by rain to form a lake. It was still a dead lake …"
"Ah …" Nobita opened his mouth and suddenly said, "So this lake is formed in this way. Did I already have it?" Say that finish and tut.

Jade Duxiu smell speech shook his head. "It’s impossible that I know the snake god better than you. It’s the strong who want to erase the memory. Even it’s impossible that this snake god can’t be released for the time being. When the overall situation is settled, it’s not too late to release it again."

When I say this, Jade Duxiu sneers at me, "When my fate is controlled by a knife, I can design a plan to call the snake god to escape and ask him to dare to vent the open-air seat unappreciably, so that God will kill and bury him forever."
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s insect god biting his lips, "Well, as you said."
Jade Duxiu looked at snuff in the distance for a long time and said that the worm shinto "Everything here is given to you. Go back first."
"Worm God please help yourself." Jade Duxiu bears his hands and wears a black robe all over his body. The whole person seems to be integrated into the darkness.
"Do you believe in the myth of insects?" Kurong came out.
"Don’t believe" Jade Duxiu Road
"I knew people like you would believe in themselves all their lives." Kurong sighed gently.
Jade Duxiu unhurriedly said, "If you want this insect god to enter the Xuan door, it’s not up to him then. It’s all up to the seat."
Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu turned his head and looked at the withered monk, "Master, don’t go to rest so late."
"Before I felt the arrival of Qi Qi, I was afraid that this Jinshan Temple would be accidentally torn down." Withered and wry smile.
Jade Duxiu gently sighed, "It’s good that you can rest assured that this Jinshan Temple will not live long. It’s a hundred years long and a decade or two short."
At Yu Duxiu, Kurong shook his head. "You are not a law-abiding person by nature, and you are always making trouble everywhere."
"I’ll sue you for slander," Yu Duxiu criticised.
"Oh, old man, I’m going to bed. Be careful yourself. Don’t capsize in the gutter."
The night wind hit Yu Duxiu’s black robe and shook with the wind, and then he saw Yu Duxiu with a gentle smile. "Did you capsize in the gutter? What storms can these two small roles flush with dry ghost brakes? "
Thirty-three times a day, a pair of eyes are really dragon and purple, and the airflow is staring at the world.
"What are you looking at?" Xi he came to the dry day.
Gan Tiandao: "I want to be wonderful again. Why do I try my best to combine the white snake with the common people?"
"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. What is this wonderful show?" Xi he Road
Dry day frown "I think for a long time, the only explanation for laxative is that the white snake Xu Xian will give birth to an heir, and then this heir has a big problem, or that Xu Xian has a big problem. If I can control Xu Xian or separate a little bit of real dragon and purple, the fetus will certainly be able to hold Miao Xiu’s feet and force Miao Xiu to hand over the seal of the day."
Xi he smell speech nodded. "It’s really such a wonderful show. It’s always not a spectator. Now, if you think about it carefully, if everything goes into position, you can say that all the plans of this wonderful show are inseparable from Xu Xian, and a baby is likely to be born in the future."
"I want to go to the world in person and see what Miao Xiu is playing, moth." After the dry day, I hid the instantaneous latent boundary of my body.
Jade Duxiu in Jinshan Temple always looks at Suzhou City and looks at the doom coming from the virtual convergence. Jade Duxiu sighs gently, "I knew this man’s fruit position was not so good, it must be a lot of doom. Everything is a routine."
Say that finish after nai a sigh.
Chapter 1731 Trauma dry day
Jade Duxiu’s eyes looked at the sky and saw a purple gas that could not be observed. It landed in the middle of 33 days and came to Suzhou.
That dry day directly turned into a streamer and entered the dream of Xu Xian. Some days here, Xu Xian is busy making babies with her own mother, and she falls asleep every day. It is natural to sleep on that dry day.
"Xu Xian"
"Are you human?" The Xu Xian looked at the whole body really dragon and purple air fills the air dry day to do imperial dress immediately one leng at loggerheads way
"I’m the Emperor of Heaven in the Hall of Wonders, and I don’t bow down quickly when I see him." A stream of qi activity in the whole body of a dry day oppressed Xu Xian.
Xu Xian suddenly one leng plop a kneeling "right Xu Xian met my emperor, long live long live long live"
"There is still a lack of a fairy official in Xu Xianzhen’s incense hall. Would you like to be an celestial official after your death?" The sound of the dry day avenue is deafening, and the dream world trembles.
Hearing the words of the dry day, Xu Xian heard that he was overjoyed to live forever, which is what people yearn for. At this time, he heard that the dry day promised to come immediately, but for a moment he saw a black lotus blossom in the void, and a shadow of a man in black emerged and turned his back on Xu Xian.
"Dry day, you this fellow has crossed the line too much, right? You also deserve to intervene in the layout. It’s really little." Jade Duxiu’s figure appeared in the field and a pair of eyes disdained to look at dry days.
"Jade Duxiu! If you find traces of me, "dry day watching jade Duxiu appear suddenly one leng.

Is this an opportunity for him to sneak in?

"Of course, it’s appropriate to know that I was enemies of Wang Ye and Yun Zui and asked me," said the kite slyly.
Su Yantong was immediately attracted and asked anxiously, "What are they like?"
She really wants to know that even knowing the answer would be deceiving herself.
13 Chapter 13 Trace
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"This also ask you are not already aware of the unusual? Of course, they are not generally two of a kind, and they already have each other’s hearts and bodies … "He said that it is not an exaggeration to guess these things, but it is just a lack of evidence.
Hear the kite said Sue dye pupil face a slight white.
It was self-deception.
"You’re in a coma these days. Although Chi Nie Yi is still single-minded about you, he has changed since he met Yun Zui. Do you know that Chi Zui Yun Zui has done a lot of things? On his birthday not long before Chi Zui, Tianchi Zui danced with Yun Zui and their clothes were a pair?" This made Kite’s words still not grandiose but honest.
Sue dyed the pupil is not silent again eyes red again.
After seeing this, the kite was immediately distressed. Su Dye wiped away her tears and said, "Don’t cry, I will feel distressed."
Su dyed her eyes with tears, but she couldn’t stop looking red and asked, "Do you love me?"
I made the kite take her away, said affectionate words, and now I say that I am distressed. What is it that I don’t love her?
I didn’t expect Su Dye’s pupil to ask such a question for a moment, and kite replied, "Love is better than myself."
His words are still not exaggerated, very serious and sincere.
Su Dye Pupil seemed to be slightly balanced in his heart for a moment, and then he said to the kite, "Then you love me in your way."
Say that finish and take the initiative to send your lip to seize the kite.
Make the kite feel soft but limp and sweet when it touches the mouth.
I cann’t believe she’s so active and still loves her in his way!
His way is to pity, cherish, cherish and spoil.
Just as he tried to maintain himself and care about his skin appearance and temperament, it was not himself, but to turn himself into the best side and dedicate it to Su Ran.
Now she’s in his arms and so active.
Make kite put all his troubles behind him for a while, and then love Su Dye Pupil in any other way.
He is not as fanatical as Chi Mi, but as gentle as water.
A drop of tears from Su Dye’s eyes made the kite swallow a drop of bitter taste, but he felt slightly sweet.
The carriage is still driving. Passers-by can’t see that the carriage is strange. The market is still lively. Chi Yi finds that he seems to have gone too far, so he makes people look for Su Dye.
Finally, I found that Su Dye’s pupil was not in the palace, but someone went out to look for it.
Chi Mi sighed and looked at the blue sky. He hoped that Yun would come back drunk or let God turn his heart into the one that used to love Su.
It’s getting dark as if it were a sudden rainstorm.
What Wangfu people looking for speed immediately accelerated.
Street people found that the sky would change and immediately cleared up their stalls and prepared to go home.
The carriage didn’t stop until the kite was ordered. It was more like a killer than a groom now. He didn’t stop until the kite was ordered.
Make the kite look at Su Dye’s bright and white skin, and find that there are traces of blue and purple on the face. When the pupil shrinks, the heart hurts.
It’s a pool trace, right?
He closed his eyes to let himself not care, but also to cover the traces of the pool.
139 Chapter 139 Returning to China
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
It’s getting dark outside, and there’s a muffled thunder, and raindrops are falling.
At the same time, some people found that there seemed to be snow in the rain.
It’s really rare that it thunders when it snows, but they met on the first day of snow!
Is there anything different this year? !
Is this a good omen or an ominous sign?
All the people can’t help whispering.

Xuanyang is talented and interested in all things that are practiced.

Zhengyi French, Huangdi Jiuding Shendan Jing Volume 1, Jinyi Shendan Jing Volume 1, Taiqing Jinyi Shendan Jing Volume 3, Thirty-six Changes of Tiangang, and Fu Renlei’s Scripture …
In the past two hundred years, Xuanyang has made great achievements in every field of practice by following the example and accepting hundreds of schools.
Zhong Li said that if Xuanyang was willing to specialize in one thing, I’m afraid he would have already broken through the realm of Yin God and taken the road of achieving immortality of Yang God.
Xuanyang himself is not at ease about this.
Xuanyang is simply interested in practicing.
Avatar magic, longevity and long-term vision are all "unexpected gains" in the process of self-cultivation.
If you really specialize in it at the beginning, you may be able to reach the realm of Zhong Li’s mouth, but it is more likely that you have developed an aversion to spiritual practice since then.
Isn’t another explanation for being free and easy is the sexual self?
"This is a bit ugly. Didn’t you come here like this?"
Don’t complain about Xuan, rest assured that Yueyang conveniently folds a branch from the big tree next to it.
"When you were in the mountains, it was just you, me and Master. At that time, you were much more difficult to serve than Pure Yang."
Yueyang didn’t lie about this.
Although Xuanyang looks like a reliable and serious second brother now, he was very noisy when he was in Chushan
On the other hand, Chunyang has always been a sensible and lovely child, which is a fresh contrast with Xuanyang.
"Tut tut pure Yang and I can’t generalize …"
"Who knew that the’ human trafficker’ who took a steamed bun and turned me into a mountain turned out to be a man with a successful practice."
Xuanyang today remembers that he planned to steal something and cheat some food as usual that day. As a result, the thief actually stole the clock from him.
Then the clock from smiling a steamed bread to turn himself to the mountain.
From that day on, the world lost a beggar who cheated and cheated, and a greedy Taoist boy was added.
"Cut the crap and give me a few moves first!"
Waving the trimmed straight branches casually, Yueyang pressed the bass to drink a way.
It’s not true that she specially called Xuanyang from the Wu Yuan to recall the past with each other.
"Elder martial sister, is this necessary for you?"
Seeing this situation, Xuanyang’s face suddenly converged a little and his look became solemn.
"If Chun Yang really wants to learn sword, I’ll just teach him directly."
"You are now in the period of breaking the bond of Yin, so there is no need to be distracted by this little thing."
Although Yueyang is a master elder sister of pure yang view, it doesn’t mean that she knows everything.
On the contrary, in addition to the ability to predict good fortune and bad fortune, Yueyang is best at the medicine of the living dead and the bones.
Yueyang, like fencing, can be said to have dabbled in it, but it is far from being a teacher.
Because of the previous commitment to Chunyang Yueyang, I temporarily found Xuanyang, a fencing master who was going to be distracted from learning.
Yueyang’s talent and experience are more than enough to guide Chunyang’s entry even if it is a simple study.
"Hum, if you could teach your disciples one by one, you wouldn’t still be like this today."
"Besides, this is what I promised Chunyang. How can it delay your practice?"
Looking at a face that insisted on Yueyang Xuanyang’s awkward words and opened his mouth, he finally didn’t open his mouth and continued to persuade.
Because he knows that this is Yueyang’s character and the root of his younger brother’s gradual increase.
In the hearts of all the younger brothers in Chunyangguan, Yueyang, a teacher, sister and mother, has more prestige than his own master who doesn’t take care of things.
Even if it is lazy, such as Xuanyang, there will be no objection when Yueyang decides things.
"all right! Since you insist on this, I have to be more serious, teacher younger brother. "
Suddenly take a deep breath and see Xuanyang’s hands pointing to the air around the sword, and then the wind spins quickly and the fingertips form a blade.
-congenital kendo, flurry sword!
Swordsmanship reaches the state of Xuanyang, and plants, bamboo and stones can be used as swords.
Moreover, compared with simple firm but gentle sword and Jian Gang, which rely on the rapid wind and flowing water to form a sword, it is not only convenient, but also more powerful.
It was in the blink of an eye that Xuanyang’s figure disappeared from Yueyang’s field of vision.
At the same time, a shrill scream came from her left side and forced her back a few steps.
"Sister, this move is called’ preemptive strike’!"
Didn’t take the opportunity to further Xuanyang figure stopped when the distance Yuezhi is not a few steps away, a deep and hoarse voice explained.
"Sword is a weapon, fencing is a killing technique."
"So if you really intend to teach Chunyang yourself, this is the first lesson."
The tone didn’t pause, but Xuanyang disappeared again.
"Although my dragon swordsmanship pays attention to’ attacking the enemy from behind and breaking all the laws’, it is to establish rich combat experience and practice for years."
"Beginners who practice swordsmanship should first be determined to keep an offensive state at all times."
"It is a skill to strike first, but it is a state of mind."
The figure on the right side of Yueyang reappeared. I just wanted to repeat my old trick and stab a sword, but I was surprised to find that the branches in the other hand had already swept towards me.
"Good teaching. Do you think my attack and defense is in line with the’ preemptive strike’ mentality?"
Chapter 22 Road flyover fire dragon XuanYang
"Yes, it is a’ preemptive strike’ mentality to attack quickly and force the enemy to defend!"
If it is a real battle, Xuanyang has 10,000 ways to crack Yueyang Sweep.
But Xuanyang is not fighting now, but teaching Yueyang the tricks and techniques of practicing sword. He resolutely chose to retreat and avoid this sweep.
"It is important to know that the sword practitioner holds a sword instead of a shield."
Therefore, regardless of the situation, the offensive intention is always greater than the defense.
Seeing Xuanyang preaching to Yueyang, he constantly adjusted his position and let himself be in an offensive position at any time.
"In addition to the most basic mentality, the second lesson that beginners need to learn is the pace."

Li Xiangkun didn’t speak and walked straight towards him.

"Help me!"
The girl screamed when she saw someone coming.
Covering her mouth, the dog leg found that she actually broke free, gave her a hard mouth and blocked it again.
"Love dearly? Want a hero to save the United States? Don’t take a piss and see what kind of masked man you are? " Sunglasses man stared at Li Xiang’s mouth with disdain and chugged like a machine gun.
Li Xiangkun looked at him quietly and said, "Let her go, I’ll say it again or I’ll take the consequences."
"hey! Are you a fool when you are a young master? " Sunglasses man pulls out a knife from his waist and plays with it in his hand.
Lee sang-woon directly knocked over the sunglasses man with a hard punch, and the quality was very good. The sunglasses were smashed by a dozen.
A few dog legs let go of the girls, and they all took out their knives and aimed them at Li Xiangjuan, maintaining a five-meter distance confrontation.
"Mom dares to beat the youngest. You have guts!" Sunglasses man vociferously brandished a knife and stabbed at Li Xiangrui.
However, in an instant, a long blue knife resisted his attack and put his backhand on his neck.
"Eldest brother! Eldest brother I was wrong. "
Seeing that the situation was wrong, the sunglasses man immediately knelt down and cried and rubbed his arms around Li Xiangkang’s thigh.
Several doglegs saw each other being controlled by the boss and hurriedly stabbed Li Xiangkang with a knife.
"whoosh ~"
Who would have thought that Lee Sang-soo had directly picked up the sunglasses man and pointed his ass in the direction of those dog legs?
Those dogs tried to control their strength, but they were still a little late. Several knives were gently inserted into the sunglasses male buttocks at the same time.
A scream rang through this alley like a tenor.
The sunglasses man fainted from the pain and lay down directly with a row of knives in his ass.
"Mo Ge!"
Dog legs hurriedly went to check the injury of sunglasses man in fear and found that his ass blood had merged into a stream and directly carried him up.
"Xiao you are finished! If you offend us, Mo Ge, you can’t get along in Destiny City! "
Leave this sentence and a group of people will disappear from sight.
Li Xiangkun scratched his head and said strangely, "What are you blaming me for?"
"Snow …"
Laughing, the rescued girl wiped her eyes with tears and said, "Thank you. I really don’t know what would have happened if it weren’t for you."
"It’s okay to raise your hand and work hard. It’s too dangerous for a person to have this kind of alley." Li Xiangrui told him and turned and left
"What a mysterious person!" The girl looked at him thoughtfully until he disappeared.
"ding ~"
[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing "Being a Hero for Once" and getting honor value +5 joint currency +12 female NPC goodwill +1] Gee, what’s the surprise of such a little reward!
However, it’s interesting that the female NPC’s goodwill has increased.
He tentatively went to a tea shop in the downtown area. The owner is a sexy and charming mature woman. She is wearing slightly exposed clothes to enjoy the cool and full of temptation.
A man walked up to her carefully and asked, "The proprietress doesn’t know how much your Hualing Wuyang tea is?"
"hey! You want to buy Wuyang tea? Don’t ask when you can’t afford it! " Wife of shop-owner impatiently fan fan said
"Hum! What quality is old and not bought! " The man angrily left directly.
This scene makes the men around you even more scared.