Jade Duxiu smell speech shook his head. "It’s impossible that I know the snake god better than you. It’s the strong who want to erase the memory. Even it’s impossible that this snake god can’t be released for the time being. When the overall situation is settled, it’s not too late to release it again."

When I say this, Jade Duxiu sneers at me, "When my fate is controlled by a knife, I can design a plan to call the snake god to escape and ask him to dare to vent the open-air seat unappreciably, so that God will kill and bury him forever."
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s insect god biting his lips, "Well, as you said."
Jade Duxiu looked at snuff in the distance for a long time and said that the worm shinto "Everything here is given to you. Go back first."
"Worm God please help yourself." Jade Duxiu bears his hands and wears a black robe all over his body. The whole person seems to be integrated into the darkness.
"Do you believe in the myth of insects?" Kurong came out.
"Don’t believe" Jade Duxiu Road
"I knew people like you would believe in themselves all their lives." Kurong sighed gently.
Jade Duxiu unhurriedly said, "If you want this insect god to enter the Xuan door, it’s not up to him then. It’s all up to the seat."
Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu turned his head and looked at the withered monk, "Master, don’t go to rest so late."
"Before I felt the arrival of Qi Qi, I was afraid that this Jinshan Temple would be accidentally torn down." Withered and wry smile.
Jade Duxiu gently sighed, "It’s good that you can rest assured that this Jinshan Temple will not live long. It’s a hundred years long and a decade or two short."
At Yu Duxiu, Kurong shook his head. "You are not a law-abiding person by nature, and you are always making trouble everywhere."
"I’ll sue you for slander," Yu Duxiu criticised.
"Oh, old man, I’m going to bed. Be careful yourself. Don’t capsize in the gutter."
The night wind hit Yu Duxiu’s black robe and shook with the wind, and then he saw Yu Duxiu with a gentle smile. "Did you capsize in the gutter? What storms can these two small roles flush with dry ghost brakes? "
Thirty-three times a day, a pair of eyes are really dragon and purple, and the airflow is staring at the world.
"What are you looking at?" Xi he came to the dry day.
Gan Tiandao: "I want to be wonderful again. Why do I try my best to combine the white snake with the common people?"
"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. What is this wonderful show?" Xi he Road
Dry day frown "I think for a long time, the only explanation for laxative is that the white snake Xu Xian will give birth to an heir, and then this heir has a big problem, or that Xu Xian has a big problem. If I can control Xu Xian or separate a little bit of real dragon and purple, the fetus will certainly be able to hold Miao Xiu’s feet and force Miao Xiu to hand over the seal of the day."
Xi he smell speech nodded. "It’s really such a wonderful show. It’s always not a spectator. Now, if you think about it carefully, if everything goes into position, you can say that all the plans of this wonderful show are inseparable from Xu Xian, and a baby is likely to be born in the future."
"I want to go to the world in person and see what Miao Xiu is playing, moth." After the dry day, I hid the instantaneous latent boundary of my body.
Jade Duxiu in Jinshan Temple always looks at Suzhou City and looks at the doom coming from the virtual convergence. Jade Duxiu sighs gently, "I knew this man’s fruit position was not so good, it must be a lot of doom. Everything is a routine."
Say that finish after nai a sigh.
Chapter 1731 Trauma dry day
Jade Duxiu’s eyes looked at the sky and saw a purple gas that could not be observed. It landed in the middle of 33 days and came to Suzhou.
That dry day directly turned into a streamer and entered the dream of Xu Xian. Some days here, Xu Xian is busy making babies with her own mother, and she falls asleep every day. It is natural to sleep on that dry day.
"Xu Xian"
"Are you human?" The Xu Xian looked at the whole body really dragon and purple air fills the air dry day to do imperial dress immediately one leng at loggerheads way
"I’m the Emperor of Heaven in the Hall of Wonders, and I don’t bow down quickly when I see him." A stream of qi activity in the whole body of a dry day oppressed Xu Xian.
Xu Xian suddenly one leng plop a kneeling "right Xu Xian met my emperor, long live long live long live"
"There is still a lack of a fairy official in Xu Xianzhen’s incense hall. Would you like to be an celestial official after your death?" The sound of the dry day avenue is deafening, and the dream world trembles.
Hearing the words of the dry day, Xu Xian heard that he was overjoyed to live forever, which is what people yearn for. At this time, he heard that the dry day promised to come immediately, but for a moment he saw a black lotus blossom in the void, and a shadow of a man in black emerged and turned his back on Xu Xian.
"Dry day, you this fellow has crossed the line too much, right? You also deserve to intervene in the layout. It’s really little." Jade Duxiu’s figure appeared in the field and a pair of eyes disdained to look at dry days.
"Jade Duxiu! If you find traces of me, "dry day watching jade Duxiu appear suddenly one leng.

"Only these eternal wars of heaven and earth can resist the erosion of the blood sea and turn the blood sea into itself." Yudu Duxiu Gujing said.

The Hunger Nailai doesn’t care about Yu Duxiu’s ability to run to the side to start the array method, but he sees that the murderous look of heaven and earth is still like ink. Then The Hunger’s innate immortal flashes in the bronze furnace of nature, and that murderous look is like finding an organization. Wanderers instantly return to their homes and throw themselves into the bronze furnace of nature.
Chen Sheng wiped his forehead sweat in the wild and threw a stone. "Master, this old deathlessly is unreliable. Do all the dirty work for me. Can ordinary people come to this ancient battlefield? It’s cruel to rush into the Yuan God if it’s a murder. But in ancient times, I didn’t expect that there were actually thirteen ancient battlefields. This Shaqi was really tragic. If it weren’t for the protection of the master’s avatar, I would have to explain that this old deathlessly here is too unreliable. I’m exhausted. "
The Chen Sheng swearing constantly decorated with past law.
Chapter 154 Ancient secrets such as visiting from the dust
I kept complaining that all of a sudden, the murderous look of heaven and earth turned into a whirlpool, and Chen Sheng couldn’t prevent the instantaneous lift and flew out.
"I knew I shouldn’t have come this time, but that The Hunger promised to give it to me …" Chen Sheng cooed.
With a steady stream of war gas pouring into the copper furnace of Chenghua, Jade Duxiu converges to one side of the formula expression.
"That’s good?" Blood magic road
"If it’s so simple, wouldn’t it be all kinds of powerful magic weapons flying all over the sky?" Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger like an idiot
The Hunger smell speech suddenly blushed with thick neck, hey hey smiled and stared at the bronze furnace crossed by nature and didn’t talk.
Jade Duxiu corners of the mouth moved "until the murderous look of the ancient battlefield is stolen by us, this magic weapon is half practiced."
"Only half?" The Hunger was surprised.
It is indeed beyond The Hunger’s understanding of refining magic weapons to get so much trouble and complete half of it.
Yu Duxiu closed his eyes before the bronze furnace with his hands. "What kind of good baby is this? It’s trouble to refine it. Do you know that the three treasures were refined as a sacrifice?"
The Hunger shook his head and confessed his knowledge.
Jade Duxiu gently sighed, "I don’t tell you that Sanbao Ruyi is so easy to refine and so simple. There are three reasons. The first one is that Zuo Yi won the jade of the beginning of the world."
"God jade first? Is really rare, but it is not hard to find things "The Hunger hit it hit the mouth.
"This second point is that the seat has won a chaotic mother gas" Yu Duxiu casually said.
"This chaotic mother gas solid … what did you say? Chaos mother gas? " The Hunger almost jumped up a pair of eyes staring at jade Duxiu face horror way
"This matter was known to all the worlds in those days, but it was a quick step to refine it into a treasure. What’s the fuss about trying to seize it too late?" Jade Duxiu said.
"Make a fuss? That’s chaotic mother gas. Do you know what this chaotic mother gas represents? " The Hunger incredible way
"What does it represent?" Yudu avenue
"Tut tut" The Hunger looked at Yu Duxiu back and forth. "I’m really curious that this fellow of yours is still alive up to now. The first owner of the chaotic mother gas was an unlucky ghost. The unlucky ghost was fierce and terrible. Even after his death, the chaotic mother gas was contaminated by the unlucky things. The most important thing is that the chaotic mother gas is contaminated with the unlucky ghost. It’s not easy for you to be alive."
"Otherwise, you’ll get the precious things like chaotic mother gas from the dust. That little bitch was the bodhi old zu, and I was a step late, otherwise I’ll take the chaotic mother gas." The Hunger bodhi old zu gnashed her teeth.
Yu Duxiu heard the news and frowned. He didn’t die because of the disaster. The source of the disaster was more prosperous and blessed by God’s will. But even so, he was unlucky enough. Taiping Road turned against all parties and became enemies. These hatred causes and effects were enough for him to die ten times and a hundred times. But the source of the disaster was alive and kicking. "Is there really such chaos?"
"What is your third condition?" The Hunger dialect brought Jade Duxiu back to reality.
"The third nature is that only when the laws of heaven and earth are taken care of and conform to the heaven and the will of heaven and earth can we sacrifice and refine such treasures," Yu Duxiu said.
"God’s will has been illusory since ancient times, and you have come to deceive people." The Hunger pie pie
Yu Duxiu sighed gently when he heard this. "Who can tell if God’s will is ethereal?"
With that, Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger. "You are here to watch me close my eyes until the war between heaven and earth is almost over. You call me."
"Okay, okay, you go to rest." Blood magic way
"By the way, why did you scold Li Chen as a bitch?" Jade Duxiu suddenly way
"Hum, it’s a long story. Anyway, Liang is married." The Hunger said angrily.
Looking at The Hunger’s jade show, I know that this fellow suffered a big loss in ancient times.
"It’s not that I can’t say that I’m telling you that it’s strange to restrain the bodhi old zu, the bodhi old zu on the blood river avenue. I think that the blood god is independent, but if it’s faced with the death of the dust god, it’s absolutely instantaneous to be strangled. Everything has its vanquisher." The Hunger bodhi old zu said with a bad face.
Looking at The Hunger bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu shook his head and didn’t say much but said in his heart, "From the dust? This fellow is also a powerful figure in the heavens. If you can pull into Buddhism, you can also expand the power of Buddhism. "
Buddhism is now the first Sect in all worlds. What?
Amitabha is the first person in all worlds, but this deficiency makes Buddhism the first religion in all worlds, which really shakes Buddhism. The heavens are full of bodhisattvas from different origins, and the strong ones are all transformed by Yu Duxiu’s hand, and Buddhism appears.
However, these bodhisattvas are rarely seen before people, so they are found to be flawed by various clans. Everyone shouts that Buddhism has many masters, but there may not be a few who really get it.
Thought of here, Jade Duxiu touched the bar. "It will take Sun Chi to go once, and forgetting the dust will also be connected to the pure land of Lingshan in Da Lei Yin Temple."
In the future, the world will be in turmoil, and it is foreseeable that you will promote a storm that will sweep across the world, and the ancestors and all sentient beings will stay out of it
It’s not until Tongtian Road is over that the grand plan will be truly laid out and truly prospected.
Amitabha, the pure land of Lingshan, felt something in his heart. A method aimed at coming from the virtual was taken by Sun Chi.
Sun Chi, the Taoist priest from Dust, slowly closed the decree and thought for a while. I have heard about Taoist priest from Dust before. I wonder which bodhisattva knows more about Taoist priest from Dust.
"Tell the Buddha that the Taoist way away from the dust is long in ancient times, and that he is arrogant in his skill away from the dust." A quasi-fairy way
After listening to the bodhisattva, Sun Chi made a mistake. That’s an old saying. How can a strong man be recruited casually by himself?
However, since the Buddha’s decree is a violation of the law, it may not be necessary for the Buddha to make any arrangements.
After that, Sun Equatorial said, "I am going to travel to Lingshan to practice Buddhism in the middle earth."
Say that finish has disappeared.
Sun Tzu, who is far away from the dust cave, is surrounded by Buddha’s light. "The Tathagata of Da Lei Yin Temple, please meet the Taoist cold."
"It turned out that you came to the Buddha in the Da Lei Yin Temple. Why didn’t you come to my place to leave the dust?" There was a female voice in the cave of dust. "I didn’t expect that the wonderful show has fallen into reincarnation. Even you voted for his main certificate, and even the ape demon god was planted in your hands."
Listen to the cold, I can’t say whether it is praise or ridicule. Sun Chi smiled bitterly. He never dared to say that the Buddha in Lingshan is his own master. This is not too shocking.
"Taoist priests are not hospitable like this. Monks come here with sincerity." Sun Equator
"Oh, you want to see me?" The cold body shape slowly appears, and it is determined to be ten feet away from the grandson of the dusty land.
"I want to invite the venerable master into my Lingshan to enjoy the fruit of Bodhisattva and be served by the world" Sun Equator
"You’re not interested in the big screamo temple, and you’re not interested in Buddhism." After that, you left directly to dry Sun Chi here.
Sun Chi looked at the dusty cave and hesitated a little, but after all, he was afraid to say that his master was the Buddha. I don’t know how many eyes and ears stared at his trip. Even if he was confident in his own strength, there were countless kinds of secrets in heaven and earth. If this kind of thing leaked out, the heavens would be turned upside down. If the cold man invited himself into the abode of fairies and immortals, there would be a law to cover it up. One thing or two can be said. This cold man was too embarrassed to even let him into the abode of fairies and immortals
Chapter 155 Wonderful Jade Proof
Sun Chi knows something about some entanglements of Han Kui’s own master. After all, Sun Chiyu’s absolute confidant has planted a kind of robbery, and betrayal will never happen.
Looking at the cold and tight abode of fairies and immortals, Sun Chi smiled and touched his nose. A pair of eyes scanned the imaginary sirs and secretly peeped at the monks. They all retreated and turned around and turned to the big screamo temple.

Wu Zhe’s excitement was suddenly wrapped in this group of beetles and flew far away.

I don’t know when Dan Jiuyehua, a beetle-eater, has lost its pure beast, and a practitioner’s virtual shadow suddenly appears.
Wu Zhe heart horse took out the objective lens.
"After the death of the strong, there is a spiritual sea of a practitioner."
"Spirit is empty, spirit is sea?" Wu Zhe was startled to see the introduction of the spirit just now, but only the practitioners of Ophiopogon japonicus can broaden the spirit sea. Wu Zhe wondered to himself, "Can the practitioners protect their spirit sea after they die?"
That’s all for the introduction of the objective lens. Wu Zhe went to the news area to see the introduction of Spirit Sea.
"The spirit of cultivating Ophiopogon japonicus is a kind of spiritual power, which reflects that people die like lights. The natural law of spirit is preserved, but just like the monster beast, it reaches the yellow order. The monster beast can still live without the beast Dan, and the practitioner can create a spiritual sea in his mind, and the spiritual sea will turn into a virtual shadow. The practitioner who is weaker than his own spirit will be able to take possession and regenerate.
(Note that this rule is that the dragon will seize other players or np with the np special player method in the world, but the player has a great chance of being seized by np, and after being seized, the player will die and be reborn.)
Another possibility is that those practitioners who have refined and refined the natural materials and treasures that can increase their spirit will leave the natural materials and treasures in their minds if they are not destroyed after their death. When someone regains this natural material and treasure, the previous practitioners can also invade the spiritual sea to seize the body! "
Wu Zhe was shocked in his heart. I didn’t expect Liu to set up such a game. Fortunately, players have a news area to ask and search. If he is not very cautious, players or some np will be reborn when they encounter such a thing.
16 Lingmai Spring Water
Light blue Guanghua spirit virtual shadow can’t feel the surrounding creatures, and then slowly retreat back to Jiuyehua, and Jiuyehua keeps trembling slightly as if it were angry!
Wu Zhe looked down and saw that there were no less than 20 skeletons, practitioners and monster beasts in Jiuyehuafang, which was previously covered by Guanghua. Wu Zhe didn’t see it clearly.
I don’t know if there is the thief willow who made a lot of noise in these dead bones. He died here, but the nine-leaf flower and his spiritual sea were preserved. Instead of taking the practitioners around him, did he kill them?
Wu Zhe couldn’t help but see that Jiuyehua was quiet over there and was being eaten by beetles and flew to a small corner around.
The closer you get to the corner, the more obvious your previous strong and pure physical feeling becomes.
Is there any pure beast Dan?
In front of Wu Zhe, there is a circle of shimmering natural spring water gathering place. The spring water is pure and visible to the naked eye. There is a surge of energy in the spring water. It seems that someone deliberately built an earth-rock fence so that all the springs can gather together to take a bath and soak in water. Wu Zhe thought, should this be the place where willows take a bath? But the longer you stay here, the more physical energy you feel. Is it physical strength that flows in these springs?
Suddenly, several biting beetles jumped into the spring and carried out a pure beast Dan, and several biting beetles carried out an evil beast Dan from the ground and threw it into the spring.
Although these beetles were controlled by Wu Zhe, Wu Zhe didn’t order them to do things, they would still do the process that was previously arranged, but now the pure beast Dan carried out by the beetles has not been put over to Jiuyehua, but handed it to Wu Zhe.
Wu Zhe this just calculate white all willow means here.
Here, Liu set up a bureau to wait for the practitioners to enter randomly, and then he ate beetles and sent the practitioners to the front, choosing his own practitioners to seize their homes and regenerate.
It was Liu who never thought that there were beetles in his beetle-eating group that mutated and evolved, and a rare body emerged, which contained a heavenly beetle-eating beetle
Over the years, the beetle-eater has been following the orders of his previous owner to do the things assigned to him. As soon as this beetle-eater appeared, King Lishan controlled most of the outer circles to wander and eat beetles.
It should be that the heart of the beetle is also afraid that the previous owner never entered the outside of the Ministry and turned the practitioner and monster beast into their own delicious food.
Liu has never met a practitioner and a monster beast who came here for so many years. Wu Zhe is the only practitioner who came in. Liu Spirit also has his own hole. What’s the problem? It’s reassuring to see another practitioner coming in. But he didn’t want to take possession of him after seeing Wu Zhe’s physical condition. Why don’t you know that the practitioner didn’t greedy and took nine leaves, but harvested the pure beast Dan next to him?
There are 100 ways for the practitioner to touch the nine-leafed willow to make the bones turn to death. But if the practitioner doesn’t touch the nine-leafed willow, there is really no way to watch Wu Zhe move all the pure beasts. Dan Liu’s heart drops blood and bites his teeth. He wants to take possession of it, but he didn’t think that he ate beetles … and actually helped this man avoid his own thoughts of taking possession of Liu …
Wu Zhepei Liu took out the objective lens at the same time and shone it on the spring in front of him.
"The pure energy of heaven and earth in Lingmai spring has the effect of purifying evil things. Practitioners practice in spring water with twice the result with half the effort."
"Lingmai spring water?" Wu Zhe startled the horse and searched the news area again.
Lingmai Spring does have the effect of dispelling evil spirits, but it will take a long time. This small pool of water will definitely be slower. Seeing the news area saying that Lingmai Spring is good for practitioners, there is no harm. Wu Zhe undressed and soaked himself in the spring.
As soon as I was wrapped by the vast energy of heaven and earth, I felt comfortable all over, and I needed to exercise my body. Hundreds of millions of pores relaxed every inch of blood and flesh independently, and every cell rejoiced, and my physical fitness increased rapidly.
Very rich and pure energy of heaven and earth. Wu Zhe was overjoyed. He sat cross-legged and started to work like a whale absorbing water and swallowing the energy in the spiritual vein spring.
Wu Zhe said, "Thief really found a good place to practice three hundred years ago. No wonder it can be practiced in thirty years to the point where all major doors are helpless. It turns out that there are not only nine leafflowers to help control the beetles, but also this spiritual spring? It’s strange that the former keeps the body while the latter keeps the body and has two big treasures.
Wu Zhe no longer wants to close his eyes and meditate and practice! He didn’t notice that the badger’s pen and blue beard dived into the spring early and chewed it …
Physical fitness will be full in a minute. This time, I am not afraid of the black mass in the middle of the body. When I am full of physical fitness, I will keep helping to absorb the longan stone in my chest. It seems to be very disgusted with the black area grabbing physical fitness with myself and actually quickly absorbing the physical fitness in Wu Zhe’s body …
At that time, Wu Zhe actually felt that his physical fitness was not enough to make him dizzy.
Physical exhaustion?
Wu Zhe wondered what happened to Blackie and Beetle-eating. Are you hungry? I can’t afford you to eat like this …
You have to eat a few animal Dan to increase your physical strength. When Wu Zhe touched Gan Kun to quit, he chose pure animal Dan. When he caught it, he was a few purple pure animal Dan.
For the first time, Wu Zhe felt that there was little difference between pure beast Dan and evil beast Dan, but his physical fitness increased rapidly …
For more than a month!
Wu Zhe’s practice of forgetting himself and opening his eyes when he didn’t notice it directly kicked him out of the game.
present world
As soon as he left the game, Wu Zhe heard the door knocking at the door.

Gong Sunsheng was overjoyed and accepted it without hesitation. For him, the Lingcao of 7,000 years is much more difficult than the sons of thunder.

Chapter one hundred and thirty-one Return to destroy the magic star (below)
After Fukai opened a double courtyard, Xi Fangping rushed to Chicheng Mountain, where he bought 40,000 Jin of Taiyan stone with ten 7,000-year-old flat trees, which is the output of Chicheng Mountain in about ten years. All of a sudden, it was completely changed by Xi Fangping. Then, Xi Fangping rushed to Baiyun Temple again, and also used ten Lingcao trees to get a huge amount of dust-forgetting pills and Shengji powder from Baiyun Temple. At the same time, he also took out 10,000 pieces of 3,000-year-old gold ginseng and gave it to Baiyun Temple, asking them to refine 500,000 pieces of gold essence pills with enough dosage. Although he also knows that Baiyun Temple will get some benefits from it, Xi Fangping doesn’t matter, he makes a big profit. You have to make some money for others. If you have money, everyone will earn it. This is the secret of doing business. Xi Fangping was very careful, trying not to use Lingshi, but to use Lingcao. For him. Lingcao can be regenerated, as long as it is given enough time. There are as many Lingcao as you want. But … Lingshi is different, many times. Lingcao alone cannot solve the problem.
After Baiyun Temple was finished, he went to Baihu Mountain and Feijian Gate again. Xi Fangping rode a one-horned cow and hurried towards Cihang Temple. This time, the magic star was destroyed, which has made everyone know. If you don’t go to Cihang Temple to have a look at Huiqing, it’s a bit unreasonable. In fact, originally XiFangPing was thinking of going to visit HuiQing as soon as he got to destroy the magic star, but he couldn’t make up his mind, for he was afraid of seeing HuiQing’s red eyes.
Before he entered Cihang Valley, Master Yuan Qing met him at Taniguchi. These big sects all have their own ways to convey information. If Xi Fangping didn’t deliberately hide it, he wouldn’t have broken into the valley at all. Xi Fangping dare not neglect Teacher Yuan Qing, who is the master of Sister Hui Qing. In fact, he has to call Teacher Yuan Qing a senior. However, now Xi Fangping is the senior elder of Yingyue Palace, and his status is the same as that of the Yuan Qing teacher, even higher. The two sides are friends, and God knows how to calculate this stupid account.
Xi Fangping jumped out of the unicorn and greeted him. He said loudly, "Thank you for coming to meet me from afar. I’m afraid.
Master Yuan Qing made a Buddha’s name, and he lowered his hand and said, "It’s a great honor for Xi Daoyou to come here. Please invite Xi Daoyou in. There is nothing good in Cihang Valley, and there is always a cup of green tea. "
Xi Fangping shook his head: "No, Teacher Yuan Qing, I’m here to see Hui Qing. I have something urgent to do, so I have to leave at once. Please also ask the teacher to call Huiqing’s sister out. "
Mrs. Yuan Qing smiled and shook her head and said, "I’m sorry, Mr. Xi Daoyou, but Hui Qing can’t come to see you. After Daoyou left last time, Huiqing closed the door. This time, she is closed to death. If she can’t advance to the early stage, she will never come out.
XiFang calm down a dim, he knew. Hui Jiang closed the death gate for him. When he left, Xi Fangping told Hui Qing that he would leave for a period of time and strive for an early advancement to Yuan infant. At the same time, Huiqing should also step up training and strive for early advancement. HuiQing must have listened to his words, just closed the dead, have to advanced yuan baby. Hui Qing’s deep affection has never been shown on his face, but that intention has made Xi Fangping deeply uneasy.
For a while, XiFangPing this just lift again. He said to Yuan Qing, "In this case, I won’t go in next time. I have some things here, please ask Teacher Yuan Qing to accept them."
After that, he took out twelve Lingcao from the storage bag, gave it to Yuan Qing and said, "Teacher. Among them, ten Lingcao trees should be regarded as filial piety to your teachers, and please help your teachers to take care of Huiqing. There are two other trees, after Huiqing goes through customs. Just give it to her.
Then, he took out another catty of Xuanyu, put it in a brocade box, and handed it over. He said, "These are some refining materials that I got in the next place, which are very suitable for martial sister Huiqing. Please give them to her, too."
Yuan counted his head. Took the brocade box. When I opened it, my face suddenly changed color. Obviously, Yuan Qing, who is well-informed, didn’t know what this thing was, but she already saw the extraordinary thing.
Xi Fangping left Cihang Temple in disappointment. He was a little afraid to see HuiQing, but when he didn’t, he was so worried that even he didn’t know why he had such contradictory ideas.
Xi Fangping returned to Hunyuanzong, and first called out the first and second products of the immortal beasts in his belt. This just started the biggest goal of this trip. Since there is a serious shortage of Lingcao on the Cape Star, the exotic flowers and plants that are almost everywhere in Hunyuan Sect are worth a lot of money. When I left last time, I didn’t know what I needed on another planet, so. The amount of Xi Fang’s flat mining is not much, which is just nine Niu Yi hairs to the exotic flowers and grasses of Hunyuan Sect. It’s different now. There’s a shortage of lingcao in Arcturus. If we don’t get some in the past to exchange lingshi, it’s really a bit unreasonable. Especially. The war is about to explode. At that time, the injured monks must be hundreds of millions of herbs for healing, giving birth to stocks and restoring aura. The demand must be quite large. If we take some, he will make a fortune.
Xi Fangping used three. For many months. In Hunyuan Sect, a large number of holy healing products were collected, such as blood orchid for stopping bleeding and enriching blood. Cold tobacco for promoting granulation and bone bonding, etc. Tuck it all into your belt. These herbs are still precious on the magic star. When you arrive at Arcturus, you will definitely be able to sell large-priced clams with fine notches and different shapes, at the very least. Xi Fangping stayed in Feixian City for a long time. There is no "Ya Qu Meng" Lingcao.
Four months later, Xi Fangping left Hunyuanzong and ran to Yingyue Palace. As he expected, the double sacred courtyard, Baiyun Temple and Flying Sword Gate. Bai Hushan sent what Xi Fangping ordered to Yingyue Palace. A huge amount of Dan medicine, 20,000 sons of thunder, and other things were filled with a whole hundred storage bags, and they were also storage bags used by monks in Yuan infant period. How many things have Xi Fangping bought? What makes Xi Fangping even more stunned is that the five hundred thousand pieces of horoscopes and five thousand pieces of magic weapons obtained by Yingyue Palace were actually filled with five hundred storage bags used by monks in infancy, and they were piled up on the table. It’s scary to see. As a parting gift, Yin Wuji also gave Xi Fangping a hundred extreme talismans, which is enough to deal with the high-order talismans of the monks in Yuan’s infancy. There are not many of them in Yingyue Palace. This time, the bottom of Yingyue Palace was almost hollowed out. However, compared with Yin Wuji’s 40,000 Jin of lunar stone and 15 Jin of xuanyu, Yin Wuji didn’t even frown when he took it out. Not only did he give a lot of talismans, but at the same time, at the request of Xi Fangyi, Yin Infinity made him some very useful array flags, and Xi Fangping carefully put these things into his pocket.
After Xi Fangping said goodbye to all of you, he took a big cloth bag and wrapped all 600 storage bags. It was really time to fly to the transfer array, and then he took out all the contents of the storage bags. Put most of them into your belt. Such a huge amount of things still occupy only a small part of the belt, so we can see how big the capacity of this belt is. It’s just another world.
After leaving for four months, Xi Fangping finally returned to the Pleiades. He made a big circle outside first, and then entered Feixian City from the other side. He didn’t go back to his stupid shop without a door. But straight to the inner city of feixian city. At the city gate, Xi Fangping was blocked by dozens of Jiedan monks whose eyes were higher than the top. Xi Fang was calm and surprised. When he came some time ago, there were only ten knot Dan periods at the gate of the inner city to lead dozens of condensation periods for posturing and blocking idle people. Now, the strength of the guards has increased by about five times, so it is certain that the situation has become more and more tense.
A guy in the middle of Dan’s marriage swaggered over and shouted, "Who are you? Don’t you know this?" You didn’t build the place by yourself? "
Xi Fangping is no different. He doesn’t need to compete with a janitor. That’s what janitors need. Look at several janitors outside Wanbao Hall. It doesn’t seem that there is much difference: "I’ll remember that Xi Fangping, the boss of the firm, has something important and needs to meet the elders of your sect. Please ask Taoist friends to convey it on his behalf."
That guy slightly lowered his head and looked at Xi Fangping with the eyes of looking at ants. Ha ha smiled: Boy, you are a little monk in the early days of Jiedan, and you want to see our elder. Who do you think you are? Stop talking about the elder. The general elders in the door are not what you can see if you want to see them. "
Xi Fangping was stunned. Haosang himself was quite famous in Feixian City. Why didn’t this guy know it? He smiled and asked, "I don’t know where your friend came from. Didn’t you come from Feixian City before?"
That guy said grumpily, "It’s none of your business whether I’m from Feixian City or not. Yes, Lao Tzu was just transferred from other places. Today, the gatekeepers are all elite teachers from other places, and I’m not the only one. Go away quickly, otherwise, don’t blame Lao Tzu’s heartlessness. "
Xi Fangping’s fire suddenly came up. No one ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him, even the Yin Wuji at the end of Yuan Ying. He is also respectful and courteous, and you, a little monk in the middle of Dan, dare to cross up in front of me. He shouted: "Daoyou, are you going in or not?" If you don’t go in and report, you will be at your own risk. "
that The guy held his head high, and haha laughed: "You have a small knot in Dan’s early practice." The tone is not small. I just don’t report it. What can you do to Lao Tzu? " Xi Fangping laughed angrily: "Very good, very good. Then I won’t go in and tell you that Wan Changlao, if he doesn’t explain this matter within three days, then all the consequences will be at his own risk. "
Say that finish, brushed away. He didn’t think of it. The quality of Feixianmen’s disciples is so poor. This guy is obviously begging for a notification fee. However, Xi Fangping used to go to any sect. The elders of that sect are all rushing out in person. When have you ever been so angry? Give Feixianmen a warning and let them know. Don’t take yourself too seriously. In Xi Fangping’s eyes, Feixianmen is not really a big sect, and it is urgent. He brushed his hand away, and you Feixianmen are waiting to be wiped out by the golden light.
When I returned to my shop, it was just dawn. XiFangPing surprised now, at the gate of his shop, full of monks, guess calculated, at least one hundred and eighty. Xi Fangping was surprised that there were only twenty or thirty monks selling medicine for him. How could so many people come?
At the sight of Xi Fangping’s arrival, Zhang Gensheng quickly pushed the crowd away, rushed to Xi Fangping’s face and shouted loudly: Oh, say, throw her ten-day book and dry her umbrella.
, Daoyou. What took you so long? Do you know. Everyone is looking for you, and they are looking for four crazy people.
Xi Fangping smiled and said, "A-dao Zhang, what’s the matter? I didn’t give you enough stock to sell for three or four months, which should be more than enough. There is no need to be so nervous.
Zhang Gensheng smiled bitterly: "Xi Daoyou. You have no idea how tense the situation is now. The war between Jinguangding and Feixianmen will probably start in a few months. Feixianmen has issued a general mobilization order, but if it is repaired in Feixianmen. Everyone has the obligation to participate in the war. If they are neutral in the war, they can be allowed to join Feixianmen. What a good opportunity this is. Joining Feixianmen means that you can get guidance from your predecessors, which means that you can get the practice skills of Feixianmen, which means that the possibility of advancement should be increased by several times, or even more than doubled. In the past few months, there have been nearly 100 yuan-infant monks in Feixianmen, and the news came out, which almost caused a sensation. Therefore, in the past few months, our business has been very good. During the Dan period, the monks spent everything to buy our Lingcao and Dan medicine. The stock given by your old man was sold out in one month. "
Xi Fangping asked strangely, "What happened to those scattered practitioners? Don’t you know that they are fighting so hard? Will the chance of being killed be very high? "
Zhang Gensheng ha ha laugh: "Yes, the probability of being killed is really very high. However, everyone knows that the more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity. In order to join feixianmen, in order to advance. This little danger is worth taking. Besides, the people who bought Lingcao this time are basically monks in the Jiedan period in the San Xiu. They have basically experienced the experience of being refused entry. It is strange that they don’t seize such a good opportunity. "
After thinking about it, Xi Fangping asked, "Did Fei Xianmenbu force you to participate in the war after the call-up order? .
Zhang Gensheng smiled: "Theoretically, we all have the obligation to take part in the war, but if we don’t take part in the war, they can’t do anything to us. They can’t catch us one by one. Therefore, it is estimated that only about 30% of those who really want to take part in the war to seize opportunities. This ratio is basically the same for the scattered repairs in previous wars, so it is easy to work out. As for the Yuan infant monks in Sanxiu, they simply don’t care about the identity of the so-called Feixianmen disciples. If they take part in the war, Feixianmen will have to come up with a lot of things as a thank-you gift. Of course, monks like us in the Dan period, if they don’t take part in the war, don’t think about joining Feixianmen in the future. Also, if Jin Guangding wins, they will not accept the scattered repairs on the original Feixianmen site, and they can’t even accept the scattered repairs on their own site. Therefore, for the scattered repairs in the Jiedan period, There are really not many opportunities. It’s a monk in the gas-condensing period. If the talent is excellent, the chance is even greater than ours. There are people in each sect who are responsible for investigating the talent of monks in the gas-condensing period. They will find you on their own.
Xi Fangping nodded slightly, so that’s it. That is to say, the status of the scattered repairs in the Dan period is quite bad. If you can’t get on or off, it’s not worth introducing to Feixianmen because they don’t have much potential. It is no wonder that these Buddhist monks in the Dan period are so enthusiastic about participating in the war. Xi Fang moved calmly. There are so many scattered repairs here, and there are more than 200,000 in Dan period alone. If you can call some people to your own hands and practice them, then. Even if you don’t use the celestial beasts, you will have a certain influence on the Pleiades. As for the animals left in the celestial world, it is not an emergency. It is best not to use it. After all, if people all over the planet know that he has such a powerful force, it will inevitably arouse others’ suspicion and even jealousy, and some factions will gang up to attack Xi Fangping.
After careful consideration for a while, Xi Fangping said to Zhang Gensheng, "Wait a moment, A-dao Zhang. I just came back from picking herbs. Many herbs have not been sorted out yet. Don’t worry, the herbs in my storage bag are enough for everyone to sell."
Xi Fangping walked into his shop and closed the door. Only then did he take out a lot of herbs from his belt and put them in a storage bag. At the same time, he specially took out a storage bag and put in five thousand magic weapons from Yin Wuji. Inside his belt, there are many magic weapons. Apart from these 5,000 pieces, there are also several thousand pieces taken from the enemy in previous wars and from the side of more than 700 bodies in the secret room. Finally, there must be some. However, the power of those magic weapons is quite good, and the materials used are also good, and Xi Fangping is reluctant to take them out. And the five thousand magic weapons given by Yin Wuji are basically the most common magic weapons, which are on the magic star. It’s just a dirty magic weapon, and even the scattered practitioners on the annihilation star can’t see it. This is what Xi Fangping specifically asked Yin Wuji to refine. No wonder Yin Wuji cut corners. With Xi Fangping’s idea, even such a magic weapon is very powerful on the Pleiades. It’s at least twice as strong as the magic weapon used by the Godsworn in Feixianmen. A good magic weapon will attract others’ attention and may cause unnecessary trouble. I can’t help it. Arcturus is such a place. Good goods are easy to make others jealous. ,

Chapter one hundred and thirty-two Bodyguards
Chuan used this time. After sorting out my thoughts. Xi Fangping pushed away a few times, not collecting the previous payment, and then said to nearly 100 monks outside the door, "Thank you for joining us. There are plenty of herbs to sell this time. Just … I have something to say to you, and please think it over carefully.
This small shop under the sun has no name. Unexpectedly, you gave me the name of the firm, and I like it very much. Since it is a business. It’s not a good thing to always be supported by the next person. Over the past year or so, the business of the firm is getting bigger and bigger, and the pockets of the firm are bulging. It is estimated that your pockets will not be bad. With the understanding of the firm, it is estimated that there is one friend who sells well. There are at least tens of thousands of lingshi income in a month, and there are thousands of lingshi income if they are not sold well. If you have money, everyone will earn. This is the secret of doing business next time. It can make friends get some benefits, and I am already quite happy.
However, it is not good for the exhibition of the firm to sell it like this. I’m ready to open a large business in Feixian City, which is much bigger than Wanbaotang. With the quantity and quality of Lingcao in hand, it is more than enough to open this business. Of course, I didn’t want to compete with Wanbaotang when I opened this firm. I just wanted to change my herbs and other things into Lingshi. In this way, it is also good for all Taoist friends. However, I have only one person, and it’s really a bit too busy to open this business. Therefore, I want to call some Taoist friends to help me. According to a preliminary estimate, I need 1,000 to 5,000 Jiedan monks. I can’t help it. It’s a big business in the next home, and the goods sold are quite precious. The number of bodyguards in the firm alone is estimated to be several thousand.
Anyone who wants to join the firm will be given a magic weapon and 500 pieces of lingshi every month. Five hundred pieces of lingshi, and at the same time, some lingcao will be given as a reward. It should be quite good for all of you, right? The disciples of Feixianmen in the Dan-knot period only have a hundred Lingshi at most a month. Such treatment. It is estimated that there will be no more if you search the whole Pleiades. Of course, after the firm is officially opened, it will no longer adopt the way of selling streets and lanes for friends, and all goods will be sold in the firm. Therefore, if you don’t join the firm. Two months later. The supply of goods will be cut off in the future. Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused. "The monks were all stirred up and cut off the supply of goods after two months, which was for them. It’s just that they’re broke. For more than a year, those monks have been doing quite well by Xi Fangping’s Lingcao, such as Zhang Gensheng, and they already have ten or two hundred thousand Lingshi on hand. Such a large amount of lingshi is rich in oil in scattered repairs, but. Herbs, pills and magic weapons on the star Arcturus are so expensive. That stone doesn’t cost much. If Xi Fang cuts off the supply of goods, it means that they have to go back to the old situation of fighting for a few pieces of stone.
However, if you join the firm, the situation may be very different. Five hundred pieces of lingshi a month is quite good, and there are magic weapons and lingcao, which is simply a good job that falls from the sky. A position like this may not be attractive to people who have already made a fortune, such as Zhang Gensheng, but for those who have just joined the net and want to join this business, the temptation is hard to see. Therefore, many monks shouted on the spot that they were willing to join the firm. Among them, basically Xi Fangping has never met before.
Xi Fangping smiled and stopped talking. Instead, he took out a sword from the storage bag and said loudly, "Look, everyone, this is the magic weapon I am going to configure for the bodyguards of the firm. I don’t want to boast about the power of this magic weapon. Please invite a Taoist friend to try it. "
A monk who looked quite capable at the end of Jiedan stood up and took the sword in Xi Fangping’s hand. After looking at it carefully for a long time, his face showed a different color: "Boss Xi. This is the first-class magic weapon, the magic weapon used by friars in the Dan period of Feixianmen, whether it is material or power. It’s a long way from this sword, not to mention our bitter practice. In the workshop. The magic weapon of life’s core monuments used by many yuan infants is not as good as this sword. In my opinion, if this sword is sold in Wanbaotang, at least 100,000 pieces of Lingshi can be sold.
The monks present were all red-eyed, which was a magic weapon worth 100,000 pieces of Lingshi. These people worked hard, and most of them could not earn so many Lingshi all their lives, not to mention having a magic weapon that even the monks in Yuan’s infancy could be jealous. At present, 70% to 80% of the monks rolled up their sleeves and shouted loudly to join Xiji Firm and become bodyguards of Xiji Firm.
Xi Fangping calmly retrieved the sword from the monk at the end of the Dan knot and stuffed it into his storage bag. Then he said loudly, "Of course, the magic weapon will not be given to you in vain. Surely some people have made up their minds. When you get the magic weapon, run away at once. It’s all thrown behind the head. Therefore, if you want a magic weapon, you must impose a ban on me. If you want to escape with the treasure halfway, there are naturally ways to make it worse than death.
When the magic star was destroyed, after Xi Fangping ordered a lot of things from Shuangshengyuan and Baiyunguan, he wanted to think, if he didn’t order something from Feijianmen and "Jixiao". It really doesn’t make sense. Therefore, he purposely sent Peng II by individuals and sects. Flying Sword Gate is good at manufacturing all kinds of large-scale offensive machinery. However, those things can’t be put in the storage bag at all, and Xi Fangping doesn’t have the ability to put these things into his belt, and there aren’t so many flying boats to use them. Therefore, Xi Fangping only ordered some single crossbows from Feijianmen. Xi Fangping didn’t bother to calculate how many sets of crossbows Lingcao could exchange, and directly dropped ten Lingcao in seven thousand. Ask all the flying sword doors to be replaced with crossbows.
After arriving at Baihu Mountain, Xi Fangping watched it for a long time. Except for the forbidden character, nothing was to his liking. After all, what Baihu Mountain made. It’s a bit sinister indeed, and Xi Fangping doesn’t like it very much. Forbidden character is a specialty of Baihu Mountain, which is used to impose a ban on monks. Once the forbidden character is implanted in the monk, it can be easily done when he wants to die. With Xi Fangping’s strength, he can even ban monks in the middle of Yuan Ying. However, the forbidden symbol has a shortcoming. The forbidden person must be willing to let go of his body and mind. Otherwise, he will be a monk in the period of gas condensation, and Xi Fangping will not think about implanting the forbidden symbol into his body. Therefore, although White Tiger Mountain will create forbidden symbols. However, there are not many opportunities to come in handy. XiFangPing also don’t know if this thing can come in handy, he is just really bad to throw the White Tiger Mountain aside, so he just threw ten Lingcao trees. Just order the forbidden symbol from them. It is also quite easy to remove the forbidden symbol, as long as the person who is under the symbol breaks the forbidden symbol with aura. It’s just, if you want someone else to hit the symbol. The only end is that the operator is broken.

The emperor’s light on his body became more and more intense, which led to various transformations and gave birth to a trace of detachment and gradually stepped out of the realm of the fairy king

In a moment, a large piece of fairy land debris fell into the fairy road, and the dramatic changes and derivatives made all souls feel that they had witnessed the arrival of the fairy land
"The ancestors are getting higher and higher, and we can’t even see what we see. Only humanity can burn."
"There is a strong feedback from the source of blood!"
On a whim, the Ren Huang ethnic groups in the imperial court had inexplicable changes and breeds, which made them unable to help but exclaim.
Chapter five hundred and ten The ancient emperor Ji breakthrough
Immortal long-cherished wish
This is the pursuit of immortality by several creatures since the mythical age. Today, the immortal family, which has been in the mythical ancient books, is really alive.
Ren Huang came back and broke through the boundary wall, salvaging the fairy fragments one by one and bringing them back to Chengxian Road, which has been filled for nine days and ten places. A lot of source power was fed back, which made the environment of heaven and earth more and more extraordinary.
It used to be said that the two homologous ancient worlds were the masters of fairy land, but after being fragmented, they became vassals of nine heavens and ten places, and their poles reversed.
"Oh, my God, that’s really a fairy land, but it’s already in pieces. Ren Huang has actually recovered so much, even an ordinary fairy king can’t do it!"
The creatures in the strange world are shocked and confused, saying that the fairy land is so salvaged that it is beyond imagination to be a vassal in return.
Once their ancestors were more eager to go home, but who would have thought that they had seen Ren Huang’s feat before they succeeded, and the impact was too great
"This is … when nine days and ten places? After the fairy land collapsed, even the fairy king could not find out how powerful this revered Ren Huang was and could shuttle and salvage at will! "
"Look at him, the emperor’s light on his body is more than rich, and he has surpassed the immortal king’s emperor’s spirit. I’m afraid he has gone through the road of seeing the king and approaching the level of the leaders!"
Fragments of Fairyland are even more exclamatory. Those true fairies who have lived for a long time can’t help but shake the chaos in ancient times, and then this life was born with detachment.
In those days, the turmoil was so terrible that it almost destroyed everything. Some words came out, and most of the records of the lucky old people were unknown to the new generation.
"It’s a pity that you can’t see that he really has the emperor’s light to cover up the emperor’s gas, even the fairy king can’t look straight."
The ancient extension, the strong man in the fairy fragments, sighs inexplicably and feels a little familiar. From that gesture, it seems that a great man in ancient history has traces, but it is already hard to find.
"Didn’t you go to the pale with the breath of the temple?"
Li Yu’s eyes glanced through the debris, but he didn’t capture his orthodox breath. A thought from the long river of time looked into that colorful time, but it was blocked.
There is a strange power to block it, such as arbitrarily controlling the sword light of the ages, and it is like all the generations of Yongchang to block a hazy mist and let the ancient history be white, so that the traces will be distorted when they emerge.
"I will go back to liquidate everything soon."
When his brow froze, he remembered that when the ancient hell finally fell into the world war I, it would appear that the creatures were dormant, and he was bound to go once after he achieved his ancestors.
At the same time, countless robbery clouds piled up in the immortal imperial court. It turned out that a large number of Ren Huang ethnic groups were going to break through all the buildings and go to other cosmic areas.
If you stay in the imperial court, the thunder robbery will not fall. All beings are willing to shelter the robbery, and no thunder robbery can shine like the king’s Dojo.
"PSST, I didn’t read it wrong, did the man directly become enlightened? ! How is it possible that there is still a chaotic emperor Wang Bo in the world? His chaos has become a Taoist and his two Taoist avenues have been suppressed! "
"Nonsense is going to break the blood of the king and see the emperor’s creatures and feed back just a humanitarian creature?"
People are stunned to see that an alternative enlightened person has broken all kinds of repression and directly ascended the throne, thus achieving a near-fairy fruit position.
The one who seems to be saying that the emperor of Gu Hua in the middle generation actually stepped into the throne today!
And not far away, the old emperor of Gu Hua also appeared to cross the catastrophe and stepped into the realm of alternative enlightenment, which was quite shocking. That’s the realm of the master of the Emperor’s Way, so it was better than bullying.
Don’t say it’s a strange world creature or a fairy fragment. How can you be promoted like this when you are stunned?
What is this, Lying on the Emperor Avenue?
It is really terrible to feed back from the source of blood. Worse, it is not too easy for Ren Huang to break through the road of quasi-immortal emperor and drive the sublimation of the humanitarian field
"This world is crazy. There are people who have become immortals here and there. This is his grandmother’s fate!"
"What? Immortal? ! Impossible is absolutely impossible! "
"That means that Jiang Yifei, the king of Zhongjiang, is recognized as a young man!"
A more shocking scene appeared when Jiang Yifei recovered Su Teng from the enlightenment, and his blood was fed back to cross the immortal robbery.
His qualification foundation is natural enough, and he can’t help sighing from his heart that it is also very important to practice the road.
"Old friends, I’m sorry I can’t accompany around. I’m also very upset that this breakthrough is too fast.
I wanted to wait for you to make progress in the field of fairy tales together, but who knows that this repair will go up on its own!
Alas, the world is always like this. The more you don’t want him, the more you have to give him. I can make a breakthrough and wait for you in front. The younger generation is too outstanding and too outstanding. This makes my old man so good. Alas, I haven’t experienced the practice of Xiandao yet.
Old friends, remember to practice diligently. "
The imperial court has already become immortal and Hengyu lightly sighed and patted the virtual shoulder, sighing and sighing in each other’s complicated eyes.
"I’m far behind you when it comes to revealing the truth before people."
It’s so harsh to be ashamed that the other party is flashing dazzling’ Sage Spirit’ all over.
"The sea turns into dust, and the dream of tens of thousands of autumn-turned yellow-haired and long-lived sorrows is that there are thousands of fairy roads in the battery area; I’ll go too! "
Hengyu whistled with a magic furnace and ushered in the quasi-king’s robbery. His strength was greatly improved, and the mid-term realm of the real fairy soared directly and gained great benefits.
"Ren Huang ethnic immortal imperial court, this is the man’s royal power. No wonder it’s so horrible, and so on. What’s that? Someone broke through the quasi-fairy king? ! It’ s too scary to go against the sky! "
"People don’t talk in secret, I also want to be an adult royal race. It’s so tempting. You find that without this race, everyone is pregnant with special physique and has a strong blood recovery!"
"Quasi-fairy king, this is a big shot in the chaotic ancient era. It’s true that people are more popular than people today!"
And this scene deeply shocked the creatures in the Three Realms. It was amazing enough to break through all the ways to intercept and become an emperor. I didn’t expect that there was another immortal on the spot who even achieved the quasi-fairy king!
God, they are not so bitter, sweet and bitter when they practice, but they are not as hard as others at present. He is really lost in his mind when he works hard.
Even Gu Tuo is very silent, and there is a doubt that the illusion of life is terrible, not the feedback breakthrough is terrible, but this breakthrough way, and their foundation is solid!
This shows that no one in Gu Hua, whether it is the quasi-immortal Wang Hengyu or the immortal Jiang Ren Wang Naicheng, has a strong foundation, and no one is not physically strong, even the Taoist heart is very tenacious
They don’t know this, but the Ren Huang ethnic group in the imperial court clearly understands that it is not only because of blood, but also because of "reincarnation" and "psychological robbery"
This gives every ethnic group in Ren Huang enough opportunities to experience, fight for life and death, and fight for spiritual practice in the secret environment of all times. There is no shortage of preaching resources, no shortage of environment and no shortage of Taoism. How can the spirit of birth be weak?
It can be said that anyone who walks out can sweep the sky and practice the magical powers. This kind of situation is far beyond imagination. Naturally, there will be no so-called’ narcissus’ fighting power. It takes some time to polish and adapt.
Li Yu quietly watched this scene. Ren Huang’s ethnic groups have all turned into people now. Wang Ti’s blood is stronger, but it has become a second turn. There are three levels. At present, Hengyu has reached four turns alone.
All beings are getting more and more vigorous, and they are fed back from the reincarnation of all generations. He found that blood is not one-way, but two-way mutual benefit.
Just as he Heng Yu, who is stronger, is the source. The closer he is to the source, the stronger he is. Blood branches can also feed back the source, but many times the gap is too large to be significant.
If he hadn’t paid attention to it this time, he wouldn’t have felt the slightest growth, which seems to confirm that some strong people will choose to expand their ethnic groups and cultivate them, which is a continuous expansion and marriage
This is also a way of spiritual practice, but Ren Huang’s blood is more remarkable, or it is also his miraculous effect far beyond his blood.
There is a saying that the monarch, the minister, the father and the father, Ren Huang Road, are also highlighted here.
Gradually, the splendor of the world has ushered in a peak, and the imperial court experts have injected vitality into this life. Although they rarely compete for hegemony, each generation of outstanding people is still widely known.
"You haven’t exhausted your potential yet, so don’t sigh and continue climbing."
He looked at the reincarnation and walked out of several people, such as Emperor Tian, Hun Zhan and Qing Shi Gu Huang, all of whom were his followers for a long time. In the past, they all practiced Ren Huang’s evolution road and entered the level of being immortal, but there was still a long way to go before they became immortal.
While the tyrant Wang Jian, the king of God, has already gone through the cycle of jumping into the fairy land and gone through the experience.
After Li Yu gave the king’s blood to baptize and strengthen their foundation, they successively broke through the achievement of Xiandao fruit position in the long years; The speed of reincarnation is different. In one year, the outside world has been ten years, and this life has passed 50 thousand years. Their speed is not bad.
Wang Bo, the chaotic emperor, was avenged and killed the Buddha in secret. After some consideration, he chose to join the immortal imperial court to weigh the pros and cons. This is the best choice
Because he still wants to progress, he can’t touch it here.

Chapter seven hundred and twenty-one Re-understand "Leader! Tens of millions of reinforcements poured in from outside Sifang City, under the leadership of the heads of armies, re-deployed in the city as quickly as possible, and rushed to the defensive position in the heart of the city to join the soldiers.

Seeing the empty war fortress, no matter in the street or indoors, I can’t see even a figure. It’s like a ghost town. The hearts of the freedom alliance reinforcements entering the city can’t help but be extremely different. The information I received before is not to say that the troops of the four-zone Coalition are crowded with people, as if they are endless, and there is no end in sight. The original defenders here have been turned upside down and bloody. How can they now ignore their own people or the people of the four-zone Coalition, half of them? Even if the living can’t see it, how come there isn’t even a dead body after playing for so long? !
Bing Wang seemed to see the doubts in the hearts of his subordinates, and he was very proud. "Haha, I know what you are wondering. There is no doubt that the people of the four-zone alliance have indeed been to the war fortress before and fought with our people. Look, the culprits of the four-zone alliance are all here!"
The soldier king pointed to the nine heavy four people and continued, "But just now, it has been wiped out by this man of God with one stroke!"
"Oh …!" The arrival of the reinforcements all this just understand, all with incredible eyes looked at the heart of the city statue of Troy, head held high, think about a recruit between wiped out all the people of the coalition forces in the four areas, this is how terrible strength, think of this, all can’t help but feel awe of Troy.
"Now all four of them are army of one!" After a little explanation, the soldier king looked at the way of the nine heavy four people look fierce. "Do you think you can leave so easily by patting your ass? ! Since you have come to attack my war fortress, you must have the consciousness to pay for it! Somebody, chop these four chop suey into meat sauce for me! "
"Yes!" When all the soldiers under the King of Soldiers heard that they were rubbing their hands one by one, they were about to rush up to attack the nine heavy four.
"Bing Wang!" At this moment, standing on the top of the statue of the heart of the city, Troy suddenly said in a gloomy tone, "I just said let the four of them leave. Didn’t you hear me clearly? !”
“……!” When all the soldiers under the king’s command heard that Troy was wrong, they all paused and didn’t dare to make a move.
"This … this must not let them leave so easily!" Bing Wang’s expression is going, and his tone is unwilling. "You didn’t see how many people they killed me before. If I don’t kill them today, I will give the players who died in this war an account. How can I convince them later? !”
"That’s your business!" Troy said rudely, "Anyway, I said, let the four of them go!"
The soldier king didn’t expect Troy’s attitude to be so firm, but he was angry in his heart. He didn’t immediately take back the orders he had just given, and the atmosphere between Troy at that time could not help but be somewhat rigid.
Surrounded by the freedom alliance hordes, the nine-fold four people present were also surprised by Troy’s attitude. Listening to this meaning, it seems that this person and the soldier king are not completely at the same end. In the heart, they can’t help but gloat, watching the next conversation between the two people in a good way.
At this time, Helen, who has been separated from the Kog ‘Maw the Mouth of the Abyss where the skill effect disappeared, saw the veins standing out on the soldier king’s forehead, and some emotions were on his brain, which meant to contradict Troy. Although her arrogant attitude towards Troy was so unquestionable, there was something wrong with it, but after a cool thinking, she pulled the soldier king’s skirts and motioned for him to calm down and not to be impulsive.
Unfortunately, the current soldier king is already riding a tiger, and it is hard for Troy to make him so humiliating in front of so many of his men, which can’t help but make him somewhat unacceptable.
"May I ask why you want to let them go? !” Although the king of soldiers was very dissatisfied with Troy’s decision, because of Helen’s prompt, he finally didn’t lose his mind, and he fought with Troy, still sitting patiently with Troy. "These people are all ambitious. As can be seen from today’s raid, they have been spying on our American area for a long time! If we don’t take this opportunity to destroy their will in one fell swoop and let them go like this, it will be tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain and it will become a disaster! I can’t say when, today’s scene will be staged in the United States, and it will be our players in the entire United States who will suffer! "
"Are you finished? !” Troy’s expression hasn’t changed much, but people can obviously feel it, and his eyes become sharper.
"Ah, that’s it!" The soldier king feels that his words are meticulous and reasonable, so he is confident and supercilious.
"It seems that you have misunderstood something. The purpose of my coming to end this war is not to stop these people from invading the United States!" Troy said coldly, "I need to make you understand it again!" "
Troy said, and slowly came to the ground from the top of the statue in the heart of the city. He held his hand flat and grabbed it. A bow like a milky way appeared in his palm, and the other hand bent his bow and took an arrow, not an arrow, but a long sword like a milky way on the bowstring.
"Hey!" With the sound of a burst of surprises, the hilt of the long sword remained in the hands of Troy, and only the blade was shot out. More precisely, it was not the blade that was shot out, but the blade continued to extend out with the strength of the bow of the Milky Way, penetrating everything it had passed, and finally penetrated the walls of the war fortress and extended out of the city.
"Void chop!" The bow in Troy’s hand disappeared, and his hands held the vanity sword that stretched out and didn’t know how far it was, and he made a 360-degree roundabout chop.
People who see Troy, who are well-advised, jump up in a reflexive way, avoiding the chopping trajectory of Troy’s vanity chop.
Nine heavy four people are very well-advised and naturally hide in the past. Although Bing Wang and Helen are dissatisfied with Troy in their hearts, they dare not neglect the attack launched by Troy, so they avoid it and avoid it.
However, other freedom league players present who have never seen the destructive power of Troy’s attack will be miserable. In the gaping gaze of Bing Wang and Helen, as long as they stood on the ground and didn’t dodge Troy’s chop, they were all cut in half like tofu and died suddenly on the spot.
This is not just to shock the people who escaped, but to shock everyone, the whole war fortress was actually cut in half by Troy’s vanity.
"Boom!" The war fortress was completely reduced to ruins with a burst of disorderly thunder.
The king of soldiers was stupid, and so were the air combat troops of the Freedom Alliance, which dodged a bullet in the air. They were all stunned by all the destructive effects caused by Troy, and their brains were blank, and they didn’t know what to say.
At this moment, Troy, who accepted the formula, clapped his hands easily and said to the soldier, "Can you do what I say now?" !”
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-two There is a problem
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-two There is a problem "You …!" The soldier king’s expression was distorted, and he stared at Troy with a carefree expression.
"Do you have any opinions? !” Troy’s expression sank.
"No, no!" Seeing the soldier king standing there with his mouth closed, he didn’t mean to respond to Troy. On one side, Helen finally felt impatient, and quickly pulled the soldier king behind her, while answering for the soldier king.
Troy looked at Helen and then at the soldier king. Seeing that the soldier king didn’t object to Helen’s words, he snorted contemptuously and turned to Jiuchong for four people. "You can go!"
“……!” Nine heavy four people frowned, and didn’t hesitate to do more, and turned to go.
"That’s right!" Seems to be the matter here, Troy is preparing to leave, slowly lift off in the body, and suddenly seems to think of something, opening his mouth to everyone present, "A week later, I will hold the world’s first warfare competition to challenge the top players in various war zones around the world! Then I will distribute a list, and all players in the list must be present at that time, otherwise, the scene here is the end of your war zones! And the five of you! "
Troy’s eyes swept over the nine heavy four men and the soldier king, and he walked over and said, "They are all on this list. I hope you can all attend on time, and don’t make it difficult for me!"
Although it sounds on the surface, Troy is consulting with five people, but at this time, Jiuzhong, Bing Wang and other five people sounded, but they didn’t recognize any meaning of consultation, which was completely the tone of command.
"Since you all keep silent, I’ll take it that you all agree, and then I’ll be waiting for you!" Say that finish this last sentence, slowly rose in the air of Troy figure like a dream bubble disappeared into the void.
“……!” Looking at the place where Troy disappeared, all the people present stood there speechless for a long time. Nine heavy four people looked at each other, and then looked at the opposite soldier king and Helen, and their expressions were a little weird.
"… go!" Finally, Jiuzhong directly started the collective fixed-point transmission function of transmitting the ring, rolled up the big fiend, pacifism and please listen to me, left the war fortress that was already in ruins, and moved back to the Golden Jubilee Hall of the ethereal imperial city in Huaxia District.
“……!” Looking at the place where the nine heavy four people left, and looking at the ruined war fortress, the soldier king and Helen looked at each other silently.
The golden jubilee hall of the misty imperial city in Huaxia District.
Nine heavy four people appeared before the dragon platform golden throne, big fiend three people looked at each other, and finally focused on nine heavy, a face of vacant asked, "what the hell is this? !”
"This will be said later!" Jiuzhong leans back on the golden platform of Longtai behind him with a casual expression. "You’d better appease the players who just hung back inexplicably!"
"… hmm!" Three people to react, nodded, immediately open the voice communication, get in touch with their respective war zones.
Taking this opportunity, Jiuzhong also quickly opened the voice communication, and first recalled the marine troops led by Wang Baobao who were still intercepting reinforcements from various districts overseas; Then I told Simon Biao Xue and recent flowers about the whole thing, and asked them to appease their players, and then came to the misty imperial city to discuss something. Finally, Jiuzhong has to appease the players of the Holy Alliance who participated in this action, and call all the core personnel in the Alliance to the Golden Jubilee Hall for deliberation.
Time is not big, Shen Yue, one like Lyu3 bu4, Wang Baobao and others rushed to the Golden Jubilee Hall, and then Simon Biao blood and recent flowers also came together.
At this time, the big fiend three people also temporarily finished the things at hand, representing the three major war zones, and participated in the proceedings this time.
Jiuzhong first once again told the whole story in detail to all the people present. "That’s the thing, that’s the situation!"
In addition to the big fiend three people, others listen to nine heavy after finish, all is a face of startled looking at nine heavy, "no … there are even more abnormal people in this game than you? !”

Haikui looked at the girl carefully from top to bottom with playful eyes and sneered, "You don’t make me shameless. Although my face looks beautiful, I don’t like nobody with breasts and I like gentle and virtuous, and you hum like a tigress."

The girl listened to Haikui and rolled her eyes angrily. "You, you, you take advantage of me, you, you, you, you rascal."
"Why are you stuttering?" Haikui looked at her and sneered. "Besides, did I touch where you came from or what, where you are, you are a rogue?"
"Let me go" The girl saw that Haikui didn’t let her feel wronged and angry at all. She had never been like this before. The other disciples of Jiugui Xiandao let her talk to her, even the elders loved her. Where is it like Haikui that not only doesn’t let her eat her tofu all the time?
Haikui sighed when she saw tears in her eyes, and said, "You can cry if you are convinced by your woman. I will let you go as long as you promise me one thing."
"Hum, I won’t promise you anything," she said, looking away from Haikui.
"Well, then I have to kill you," Haikui said with a sigh.
"You kill you even though you kill" The girl turned back and stared at Haikui with tears in her eyes and said.
"No, I can’t kill you. Kill you. The reality of Wuyang will find me desperately. It’s not as good as this …" Haikui said with an evil smile on her mouth.
The girl was a little scared when she saw his strange smile. When she didn’t finish the rest of the story for a long time, she couldn’t help but ask, "What are you going to do?"
"Do you think I’m going to rape before I kill or kill before I rape? Which do you think?" Haikui snorted and stretched out his hand to touch her face with a smile on his mouth.
The girl looked a little pale, and when Hai Kui said this, she threatened, "Do you dare? Are you afraid that my grandfather will try his best to find you?"
"Of course I’m afraid that I’ll die anyway. It’s better to rape first and then kill, so that I can die happily," said Haikui. The other hand was put on the girl’s shoulder on airs to strip her clothes.
"Well, you just said you wanted me to promise you one thing, so let me go. I promised now." The girl closed her eyes and shouted loudly.
"Well, just keep your eyes closed and I’ll let you go in a minute," Haikui said, releasing her hands from the girl.
The girl’s eyelashes jumped as if she wanted to open her eyes. Haikui shouted, "If you open your eyes in one minute, you still rape first and then kill." The girl was too scared to peep.
Haikui cut her fingertips with her true qi, and a drop of blood dripped into the girl’s eyebrows. Then she grabbed her head and asked, "What’s your name?"
"Why do you ask my name?" The girl asked puzzled.
"Where so many useless talk do you want me to …"
Before Haikui finished, the girl hurriedly said, "Moon Spirit."
Chapter 226 Let you go
"Moon Spirit" Haikui chuckled and took out a jade bottle to put the ghost of Moon Spirit into the jade bottle.
"What are you laughing at?" Yue Ling frowned and looked unhappy.
"Nothing. I just feel that the girl with such an aura name is a bit too unruly."
The moon spirit opened her eyes and glared at Haikui "Who is unruly?"
"What I want you to do is not to speak ill of me after returning to Jiugui Xiandao, and not to pester people to bother me again. Are you willing or not?" Haikui looked at Moon Ling and asked coldly.
On the spirit of eyeballs which were ga zi ng turn HaiKui knew this ghost girl must be thinking about what a bad idea.
"Well, I’ll just go back and don’t speak ill of you, and I won’t ask someone to hit you." Yue Ling looked at Haikui and said with a sincere look.
Haikui can believe her, and it’s a ghost.
"Well, since you promised, I will let you go." Haikui’s purpose has been achieved, and her soul has been controlled. If there is any situation, she can be taken as a hostage.
Haikui stood up and walked outside the cabin.
"You really let me go," said Moon Ling in disbelief.
"If you don’t want to go, stay here," Haikui said with a straight face.
"Why don’t you go?" Moon Ling Ceng sat up and dressed up behind Haikui.
Wei Chengxian sat outside the door and waited for the two of them to come out. He stood up and looked at Haikui vaguely and said, "What took so long? I also heard a lot of action inside. You two weren’t really working just now, were you?"
"All like you?" Haikui said faintly at his one eye, flying towards the exit of abode of fairies and immortals.
Wei Chengxian saw Haikui fly away first, and the moon spirit was about to fly behind, but Wei Chengxian stopped her and stared at her again and again.
"What are you looking at?" Yue Ling frowned at Wei Chengxian’s lewd eyes.
"Little Miss, that boy is a silver wax spear. I’m sure it won’t make you feel better. Why don’t you be happy with me again?" Wei Chengxian rubbed his hands and said.
Wei Chengxian wants to do this mainly because he has been trapped by the white ape for a long time, and he hasn’t done it for a long time. He really wants to see such a beautiful bubbling girl. How can he let it go and absorb some yin from this little beauty to recover?
Wei Chengxian’s moon-watching spirit seems to be condensed but not scattered, so he teased Hai Kui and wanted to have sex with her.
"You go away" said Moon Ling, pointing to the tip of Wei Chengxian’s nose.
Wei Chengxian’s smirked old face is wrinkled and his eyes are shining with green light, so everyone can see what he is thinking.
"Don’t go yet?"
When the moon spirit saw Wei Chengxian was a little messy, Haikui turned his body and whispered that he turned a blind eye to Wei Chengxian’s wretched appearance.
"Oh" Moon looked up at Haikui, but I was still a little scared to see Wei Chengxian stepping on the ground and chasing Haikui.
Wei Chengxian gloomy looking at the back of the moon spirit and at the back of Haikui in front vomitted an one mouthful saliva toward the ground.

After all, the sudden rise of Master Liu has never even heard of it.

Plus, it is said that there is a 19-year-old uncle, which is even more ridiculous
Think about seventeen? How awesome is it to be able to cure and fight this?
So how can those young successful people pretend to be forced? I have been here today with superior talent, but I am only seventeen years old. Are they superior to dogs in the past five or six years?
So they came here for one purpose!
Pretend to force!
To put it bluntly, they are here to smash the field today!
What nonsense, Master Liu? Who believes it? If you really don’t play dirty, I’ll eat it live.
"I don’t know your so-called public"
If autumn in the face of these hungry wolves, her eyes are close to some Liu Yu.
She has a hunch that if she leaves with these people, nine times out of ten she won’t come back. There are even more terrible things waiting for her.
"Hey, hey, don’t you know Miss Beauty? I’ll know her soon. It’s true … our family is a family member. You’d better not give face to shame." The young man directly exposed the threat after smiling in front of him.
It seems to him that the family’s family, Nanling City, but the big family, Gu Shao, personally named the younger sister sooner or later.
"Ah ah ~ ~ ~ ~ who are you? What a shame, Qiu Jie? Don’t you want to hear it? Don’t want to! "
Liu Yu is impatient. It’s better to sell a fork knife than to sell it. I forced this gun from the inside tonight!
He glanced at Ruoqiu again. Gee, it’s really a femme fatale. This fucking water is coming. All right, come on. Let’s make this storm and rain more violent tonight.
"ouch? What about you? "
The young man froze and looked at Liu Yu’s kid? It looks as if you don’t even have a formal dress, and that dress is a hundred pieces of cheap goods, right?
Even this little Wang egg dares to tear me down?
Against my family?
"What he what situation? Hurriedly cross the border and influence. "
"Ding-dong, congratulations on the success of the host’s loading force. This force successfully crushes the opponent’s momentum and rewards 5 points of loading force value."
Liu Yu’s mouth is covered with a thief’s smile. It seems that I met a guy named Gu Yan when I was eating for 1,000 yuan. I think he is also a family man.
Speaking of which, he still has an account to settle with the family
"Wocao, believe it or not, my horse has your limbs torn down? You dare to call me over? "
The young man failed in pretending to be forced, even he didn’t understand how a young man dared to disobey himself. This is not so good. Even if he doesn’t invite a woman back, Gu Shao will be very disappointed with himself.
He flew into a rage when he read this!
Liu Yu got up and a master breath was released. He faced these guys like a sea of clouds. "Dismantle my limbs?" You don’t have that ability. I’m in a good mood today. I’ll give you a face … "
The angry face of the young man showed a smug look.
Pretend to be forced? Mom, you keep pretending. You can’t pretend when you hear Gu Jia’s name, can you? In the end, you can’t just go there?
Old mama must let Gu Shao teach him a lesson later!
However, his idea is wrong.
There is another sentence after Liu Yu’s original words: "I will give you a face to let your so-called Gu Shao roll over. Oh, by the way, don’t be shameless. I have a bad temper!"
"You! ! Okay, you got balls, right? It seems that you don’t know what you have offended tonight. Wait for death, stupid thing! "
Young people are blue and blue, and they can leave angrily.
"Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 762 points of loading force value"
"Poof ~ ~ ~ ~" If Qiu laughed at Liu Yu, it was too high.
What do you mean, treat people with humanity? This is it.
She found that Liu Yu was not only incompetent, but also an…… … She just didn’t hurt her.
Soon those people went back, but this time it was a man with a melon face and a harsh mouth. He was about twenty-five years old and exuded the arrogant and arrogant temperament of Wan Ku.
Obviously a man with five poisons!
Those who have just come to provoke are now respectfully waiting beside a eunuch owner.
"Who told me to roll over?"
Gu Heng comes over and drinks directly. Dare to let him take care of his family and roll over? What happened to your sister!

Twenty thousand foot soldiers! His elite!

It’s all over!
Liu Chang left for Chen with tears in his eyes.
After Ji Fan killed all the remaining troops, he looked at the thirty thousand troops coming from Mercedes in the distance and smiled coldly.
Led by a person looked at the scene of the shura hell, canthus twitched twice, then bring a smiling face to JiFan fuels.
"This is the five senses corps commander JiFan! It’ s really a hero who is a teenager! "
JiFan deadpan fuels said: "Not bad!"
The man was suddenly speechless. This JiFan seems crazy! However, at the age of seventeen, he is the third largest vassal in the world, and he has crazy capital. But led by the man’s heart is sneer at.
Without the support of your family, you are just lucky, crazy!
The man still said with a smile on his face, "I am a general under General Xiaji, Zhang Xiao, and I have met General Ji!"
Ji Fan was still expressionless. Just now, he saw a trace of disdain in Zhang Xiao’s eyes, and he said with a lack of interest: "Please ask General Zhang to lead the way."
There was a flash of displeasure on Zhang’s smiling face, but he quickly recovered his smile and said, "Okay, okay! General Ji also worked hard. "
. . . . . .
JiFan here is not very harmonious, Liu Chang here is not so good!
Liu Chang was rushed to Chen Liu by the general, only to find that Chen Liu had been surrounded by the military forces of General Ji and began to attack.
Soon after Liu Changgang arrived, he was seen by a detective of General Ji, and from a distance he was chased by a team of thousands of cavalry.
When really want to cry very much.
. . . . . .
Three days later.
JiFan led by Zhang Xiao came to Hulao Pass.
When Ji Fan looked at the majestic pass in history, he sighed: "Xiongguan! Xiongguan! "
A strange smile flashed in Zhang Xiao’s eyes and he replied, "Yes, yes!" Then he rode forward and shouted at the closed foot soldiers: "Ji Fan, the commander of the five senses, came to Kyoto to be appointed, but he didn’t open the door quickly."
A stout man shouted, "Where is the commander of the five senses!"
Ji Fan frowned lightly and rode forward and shouted: "Ji is here again!"
The big fellow raised his heavy eyebrows and said disdainfully, "How can a little boy be a doctor with five senses! Go back and eat milk for a few more years! Ha ha ha ha! Hahahaha! "
Ji Fan looked at Zhang Xiao expressionless and asked, "Come on, General Ji asked you to test me."
Zhang Xiao looked unnaturally shaken twice and changed the subject and said, "General Ji, this is Man Zi. I’ll say something about him."
Qiang Qiang!
The next moment, a long sword was drawn on Zhang Xiao’s arm and asked coldly, "Say! I don’t believe that General Ji will turn against me for you! "
The big fellow who closed it was angry when he saw it. He shouted, "Yellow Mao Xiaoer let go of Brother Zhang Xiao as soon as possible, otherwise I will kill you today."
Ji Fan shouted with a cold face: "Let’s see if he dies first, or if I die first! Say! " The last word was addressed to Zhang Xiao.
Zhang Xiaoxiao carefully swallowed a mouthful of saliva, just trying to control the horses to stay away, but the sword tightened again, and red blood was already seen.
Zhang Xiao kept beating drums in his heart: "It’s really General Ji who occupies the land of four states in Hebei Province. This boldness of vision is something that Hulao Pass dared to do before. Get it!
Zhang smiled faintly and said, "This is not what General Ji meant, but what I meant. I’m not convinced that you have achieved such success as a 17-year-old boy. I want to try and see what kind of strength you have. Just choose a general to defeat. "
Ji Fan sneered and said, "Send someone! I don’t want any more trouble, otherwise don’t blame me! "
Zhang Xiao suddenly had a sense of foreboding in his heart! At the moment, he shouted: "Li Xiong goes to war!"
The big fellow who laughed at Ji Fan before closing was in a hurry and shouted, "I’m going out to fight!" "
Another person was anxious and roared: "Didn’t you hear Brother Zhang Xiao say that I should play?" Say that finish ran down.
Ji Fan said in Zhang Xiao’s ear in a cold tone: "You have to pay for your behavior, this man is dead!"
At present, he shouted, "Dian Wei, I don’t need anyone alive! Slay on the spot! "
Dian Wei is riding a horse with a double halberd!
Two horses intersect. . .
Hey, hey, hey, hey! ! ! Poof! ! !
The man named Li Xiong got a cold heart on the spot by Dian Wei’s double halberd!
Zhang Xiaoxiao gawked at the scene in front of him, and a chill in his heart surged like his head.
Fortunately, it’s just a captain. . .
If Man Zi dies, the master will have the idea of killing me.
The only thing left in my heart is happiness.
The big fellow named Man Zi gawk at this scene.
One round. . .
Just one round, even he needs fifty rounds to kill this Li Xiong!
Is this the legendary bump on the iron plate?
Then quickly released.
In the following days, nothing happened again.
Everything is calm.
On the afternoon of September 30th, I finally arrived at the gates of Luoyang.
Ji Fan ordered 6,500 soldiers to camp outside Luoyang, and kept in touch with Ji Fan at any time.

This time, everyone has a maid to wait on them. They are responsible for picking the water and sending it to everyone’s mouth one by one. It is absolutely imperial treatment.

To be honest, it is not suitable for Ye Tian or other girls to be served like this, but there is no denying that everyone feels very served.
After eating for a long time, Ye Tiankou said, well, let’s continue the topic just now. Heidi, there are six people left in the dance company, so don’t you need to add it?
Stubborn shook his head, Heidi flatly said, no, we don’t need to add. We have all been trained together since childhood, and we are familiar with each other. Even if there is one sister left, we don’t need to add one person.
Frowned, Ye Tian flatly said, Well, if you don’t add, you won’t add.
Speaking of which, Ye Tian turned to look at Lenny. Lenny, what about you?
I looked puzzled at Ye Tianlai Lenny. I don’t seem to need a partner to sing here. If you can get me a band with enough grades, I will come myself.
Smiling and shaking his head, Ye Tiankou said that the lead singer is enough, but don’t you need a backup singer?
Lenny couldn’t help frowning when he heard Ye Tian’s words. I don’t know what you said was a backup singer. I haven’t heard of it. Can you explain it?
This frowned hesitantly. Ye Tian simply explained what a backup singer is. Listening to Ye Tian, Lenny lit up his eyes with excitement and gasped. Do you mean to find some songs for me to be a backup singer?
Yeah, I nodded. Ye Tiandao, that’s right. That’s what it means. What do you need?
Looking at Ye Tianlai Lenny excitedly, he said, of course I need it, but I’m just a little song. I’m not qualified to be a backup singer for others
Before Lenny could finish, Ye Tian shook his head and interrupted her proudly. What qualifications are not qualified? If I say you are qualified, you are qualified. Now you need to tell me if you need it.
Yes, of course, I need it. I can sing the auxiliary words. The appeal of the song will rise several steps, but can I really sing it? Lenny was excited and worried
Smiling and nodded, Ye Tiankou said, of course, but what about you? You don’t have any good candidates. I can look for them in the slave trade.
The candidate frowned, Lenny said with a wry smile. The candidate is not without facts. The other four girls are collectively called the five days later, and the five of us together are definitely the world’s double singing group.
Speaking of which, Lenny smiled derisively, but we are all on the same page. How can they come to be my backup singer? It’s impossible.
Suddenly raised his head and Lenny said excitedly, if it’s true, I’d like to be their backup singer. If we get together, it will definitely set off a huge wave of singing.
Oh, when I heard Lenny’s words, Ye Tian’s eyes flashed at Lenny’s five days later. Is that interesting? Are you familiar with them? Will they come if you invite them? I hesitate to look at Ye Tian’s words. Lenny is not sure that we are familiar with them. If I invite them, they may come, but.
But what leaf day asked
Hesitantly looking at Ye Tianlai Lenny with a wry smile, but they are all affiliated with the choir of the Vatican, so that they will not be oppressed. If they want to join, they must first get permission from the Vatican, and secondly, they must be paid a fee.
Ye Tian immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lenny’s words, and said with a smile, this is no problem. You are responsible for arranging and planning the salary, and then give it to me, and I’ll get it from the Vatican.
Ah, Lenny jumped up with excitement when he heard Ye Tian’s words. Are you serious? Are you really going to put our five divas together?
Uh, gawking at Lenny Yetian, his eyes were straight and he forgot to answer.
Looking at Ye Tian’s expression, Lenny was all stiff and slowly bowed his head and looked down at Ye Tian’s eyes. He saw his clothes and legs crossed, and Ye Tian was sitting and she was so close to the ground. Therefore,
Yes, Ye Tian saw everything, not just everything. Because of the close distance, Ye Tian even smelled Lenny’s purples.
Ah, suddenly folded his legs and covered himself with his hands. Lenny sat down in fear, and his heart thumped as if he could jump out of his throat at any time.
Lenny is a good girl, let alone a boy. Even a girl has never seen her there, but now Ye Tian has seen everything.
For Lenny, that’s the deepest part of her heart. Once it’s seen, it’s as if it’s the deepest part of her heart. She’s scared and confused.
I grabbed a water leaf in a panic and stuffed it into my mouth, but I kept replaying the picture just now.
There was silence at the table, and all the girls knew what had just happened and what Ye Tian had seen. At that time, the girls were shy and bowed their heads. Although they were not seen as them, they felt the same embarrassment.
Finally, Lenny, after all, is the first one to recover. If he is seen, he will be seen. Isn’t it a matter of time? In fact, he will be played by him sooner or later. This is fatalism to resist fate.
Think about Lenny’s efforts to restore calm and be serious about Ye Tiandao. Let’s talk about things. I’ll send a letter to invite them to the Vatican tomorrow, and it’s up to you.
Swallow your mouth, Ye Tian flatly said, No problem. I will get along well with the Vatican. Just ask them to come directly and return the band, and I will set it up as soon as possible.
Yeah, a shy smile. Lenny bit his lip and said shyly, it’s getting late. What are you going to do?
When I heard Lenny’s words, Ye Tian nodded and got up. It was late, and there were still many things to do. Let’s go home together.
Took a startled look at Ye Tian. In Lenny’s view, Ye Tian must have called everyone here to take the opportunity to occupy their department, and she was ready to be occupied, but now it seems that he didn’t mean it.
Doubt looked at Ye Tianlai Lenny’s heart shaking. In her cognition, men are all strange animals, always taking up one woman’s body after another.
However, Ye Tian is not like this. Although he can see it from his eyes, he is more restrained and doesn’t care that Lenny is ready to be occupied. However, Ye Tian just gave up Lenny’s strange feelings, that is, he was relieved and lost.
They didn’t think all this was valuable when they were in front of each other. In their view, Kayo is a day, Kayo is everything to sisters’ feelings, and that root is a burden. It’s no big deal.
However, when they were about to lose all this, they suddenly realized that what they thought was important was just rubbish, and they always thought that cumbersome feelings were valuable.
The three girls turned around and walked slowly toward the door. Kayo was dead and they lost hope in the future. Maybe one day they will die. Who will make them sad?