Just as the mayor grew up watching Mo Laosan grow up, Mo Laosan ate a hundred meals and grew up with a child who knew the mayor’s personality very well.

Mo Lao’s impression that the mayor rarely shows such a positive attitude towards uncertain things.
Only when the truth of the incident is confirmed will the mayor be so sure of his position. He also deliberately told Mo Lao not to rashly offend the exorcist.
"Master, I have a question I want to ask you."
Hesitated briefly and inexplicably gave birth to a curious mo Lao said in a low voice
"What’s the problem?"
It’s Pei Wende’s turn to be curious about what Mo Lao wants to ask.
"Well, the mayor said that you were exorcising evil spirits during this period. What evil is exorcism?"
The tone paused a little, and then he added that he could express himself more clearly.
"Is there anything evil in this land temple?"
"I grew up in Yongle Town. It seems that I have never heard of any evil in the land temple?"
Mo Laosan is telling the truth. He spent quite a long time in this land temple since his parents died.
If it weren’t for that uncle’s inexplicable disaster, Mo Laosan wouldn’t have finally returned to his ancestral home and lived by eating hundreds of meals.
"It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it, because the real evil has long since disappeared."
"It is a special resentment that remains in this land temple, and now it has been accepted by me."
Hearing Pei Wende say this, Mo Laosan’s premonition throbbed a feeling that a strange emotion suddenly poured out of his heart.
"accept? Is she okay? !”
Yet a don’t say PeiWenDe show amazing even mo Lao himself raised his head with a face.
"How did you know it was’ her’?"
Narrowing his eyes slightly, Pei Wende stared at the same million thoughts of Mo Laosan with horror, which flashed through his mind.
"I don’t know …"
Hold your heart tightly and feel inexplicably nervous. Mo Laosan is completely overwhelmed.
I just that moment what will blurt out?
Why are you so worried about a resentful person?
[I don’t know? 】
Judging from his heart, Pei Wende knows that Mo Laosan really doesn’t know anything.
However, in this way, it can explain Mo Laosan’s previous blurting out nervousness.
It seems that things are a little more complicated than I thought? 】
At this moment, Pei Wende felt the Prajna ghost mask ready to move.
As mentioned above, the Prajnaparamita ghost mask is not an ordinary instrument or magic weapon, but a ghost with life initially.
However, due to the particularity of life resentment, most of the cases will not actively express their emotions.
But Mo Lao blurted out that there was no mood fluctuation later, and the Prajna ghost mask actually had an impulse to take the initiative to show up.
"Speaking of which, I don’t seem to know your name yet?"
Hesitated a PeiWenDe suddenly turn (asked about the mo old name.
"What’s my name?"
Staring blankly at Pei Wende Mo Lao said honestly
"The little family named Mojia didn’t take a name because of the death of his parents at home."
"But my family is the third place, and everyone is used to calling me the third place."
Chapter VI Six Enchantments, Dancing Pure Land
"Mo Laosan?"
I couldn’t help but touch myself. Ba Peiwende could feel that the Prajna ghost mask became more and more stirring after Mo Laosan said his name.
"Did it ever occur to you that the mayor would send you here to inform me?"
Gently bow their heads and have a hunch that Mo Lao replied.
"Maybe it’s because of my hard life?"
The sound is full of doubts and uncertainty, but Mo Laosan can refuse to think about it.
"Hard life?"
If you think, look at Mo Laosan. Pei Wende then asks a sharper question.
"Don’t you ever wonder why your life is so hard?"
Pei Wende, although he has not practiced life in depth, can achieve his level of monasticism, even if he has a little taste, he has attainments beyond the average person
Therefore, Pei Wende can clearly see that Mo Laosan’s life is not inferior to the "Dreadwind Lone Star" mentioned in the speech.
The most important thing is that Mo Laosan’s life is not born this way, but that some experiences have changed his life.
This kind of situation is not uncommon, and it can be said to be a common practice.
The life trajectory of all beings is not static, and it is absolutely normal to change the life trajectory at a certain stage due to sudden changes.
Career change, imperial examination, windfall and marriage are all ways to change one’s life.
But the problem is that the average person’s life, no matter how it changes, fluctuates in a horizontal line.
Just like the sudden windfall, the class, cognition and personality determine that few of them can keep this windfall, and most of them will get rich and return to poverty after two years.
This is the so-called fate, and it is also the so-called fate.
However, Mo Laosan’s situation is different. His life seems to have undergone some earth-shaking changes when he was a child, which completely changed his life track.
"Master, do you know anything?"
After another dead silence, it seemed that Mo Lao had made some determination and looked up and asked.
"I don’t know much, but I guess something."
There is no such problem as selling too much. See Pei Wende tap a finger lightly, and a wisp of wave is blooming in his palm.
One second, one big and one small, two ferocious and weird Prajna ghost masks appeared in his hand.
"Mo Lao, do you know that there are many ways to change one’s life?"
"except for those opportunities that can be met but not sought,’ changing your name and taking words’ is the simplest way."
Pause for a moment. Pei Wende knows that the other party must not understand what he means, and further explains
"You’re past your prime now, and the theory has its own words."
"What about the result?"
"Don’t you think it’s strange that you don’t even have a proper name without words?"
Even if you eat a hundred meals and grow up, you will give yourself a good name to support when you grow up.
It happened that the old one seemed to be deliberately ignored by the whole Yongle town, and no one ever pointed this out, which is obviously not normal.
"Strange … strange?"
Look some trance staring at PeiWenDe prajnaparamita ghost mask mo Lao is light repeating each other’s words.
Seeing those two masks instantly gave birth to a kind and familiar feeling as if I had not seen my friends for many years.
Especially the big Prajnaparamita ghost mask Mo Laosan saw a little sadness and bitterness in the grim face opposite Gherardini.

I can’t wait to slap myself in the face. It’s too fucking face!

Jiang Xiaonan shouted, "Get ready, everyone. The Great God said before that he would find a chance to make a big move to completely disrupt the jackals. We should attack at this time!"
Ye Zhao said, "Adjust the team immediately and wait for the attack command!"
Onu has to admit that Hangyu’s experience and will are terrible.
Several skills are more skillful than others, and they can always predict their skills repeatedly, so as to avoid them by instant attack or flashing. However, it is impossible for him to defeat himself by relying on this strength, which is just the level of several jackals.
His vitality is too weak!
Bloodthirsty rage increases strongly and returns strongly.
But every second will lose your vitality!
It’s not a problem for Onu to persist for about ten minutes with his strong vitality.
Hang Yu potion can help but persist for a minute or two. If you just delay a little, you can directly kill him.
Can be expected to be completely different!
Bloodthirsty rage skill has a characteristic.
The higher the loss ratio of health, the stronger the skill increase effect.
If the loss of life accounts for more than 1%, the skill power will increase by 1%!
If the loss of life accounts for more than 5%, the skill power will increase by 5%!
After thirty or forty seconds of fighting, Hangyu’s vitality loss has reached as high as 6%. The bloodthirsty and violent power is getting stronger and stronger, which makes Hangyu form a counter-measure against Onu with its super strength, super responsiveness and super-fast moving speed!
When the loss of life exceeds 7%!
Hang Yu has completely suppressed Onu.
Every attack can cause amazing damage.
Hang Yu will keep her vitality at 3%.
In order to save the spirit, we don’t use redundant attack skills, such as instant attack and flashing. In most cases, the flat A attack absorbs vitality and relieves blood loss by constantly causing damage.
Onu has more and more wounds.
His vitality also slipped to about 56%
Hang Yu predicted that Onu still had about 3 vitality, so he suppressed his vitality again and let his vitality slide to 12%. The power of violent skills rose by 9%, and the whole person was just like hanging up!
Onu was completely angry.
I’ve never seen such a game of fire!
He decided to kill Hang Yu in one breath!
He is fragile now, like a piece of paper!
Onu first released a violent quarrelling, and as expected, he was flashed and hid, and then he released a shower of guns and was once again attacked and hid by Hangyu.
"You’re finished!"
Aonu has found out the routine of Hangyu.
Therefore, the opponent takes out a skill scroll in the process of avoiding.
Level 1 skill scroll fire rain arrival!
Hang Yu sensed the energy fluctuation of the skill scroll. He knew that it was a range to attack the skill. His current state and the cave were exhausted, so there was no possibility of hiding.
However, when it takes a little time to release the skill scroll.
Hangyu took the opportunity to activate the commander shield of jewelry suit.
Although the level 5 green suit skill commander shield is somewhat outdated, it is enough to weaken and buffer some attacks to resist several falling fireballs, and then a ring in Hang Yu’s left hand suddenly flashes, releasing an intensive therapy.
This is the treatment ring that Hang Yu borrowed from Xiaobai.
Its physical attributes are very good, which can enhance the fighting capacity of Hangyu.
But also because of that therapy, which is why Hang Yu dare to play with fire.
The treatment instantly restored Hang Yu’s half life and offset the subsequent injuries.
Hangyu took advantage of a slam and rushed to Onu, who was hit by a gun blade in the chest and was immediately knocked out of more than ten meters.
"Another blue dress?"
"All right, all right, kill this guy first!"
Onufa calmed down. He didn’t expect one of these weak chickens to be so strong, and the other person had two very good attributes: blue dress.
Although Onu is not afraid of Hangyu
But it’s too strong to fight like this
So Onu directly gave up fighting and ordered the Jackal to attack.
Hang Yu hung a smile on his mouth when he faced the jackal who was getting closer and closer with 5% of Onu.
Gun blade
Upset energy fluctuation
Condensed to the limit in less than two seconds.
Onu has sensed danger and his face changed greatly. "Back off!"

As soon as Jose and his wife arrived in Shampoo Island, they went to the shopping street area, and there were 79 areas in Shampoo Island.

Area 1-29 is an illegal zone for human trafficking; 3-39 is an amusement park; 4-49 is the tourist area where local products are sold; No. 5-59 are all coating craftsmen in shipbuilding; 6-69 naval and government access areas; At the same time, there is a naval base in each area. At this time, there is also a 66gr naval branch in area 66 where Jose is now living. 7-79 are hotel streets and other places.
Jose, they are going to the shopping street at this time, which is located in area 4-49, and they want to buy clothes! Furniture! Eat! You can buy it here. Although there is a shopping street in its area, it is not so neat.
Domino seemed to feel something and said to Jose, "Why do I feel that there are many people watching us from behind the island?"
"Ha ha, is it?" Jose laughed and explained, "Maybe you are too beautiful!" Although he said it was easy, he had already noticed that they were really stared at by many people all the way, but at this time he didn’t know what was going on.
"Do you also like reading newspapers?" Jose looked at Domino with a news newspaper.
"Not bad. I don’t watch it very often," Domino replied.
Oh, Jose answered and went on to his destination, but they didn’t seem to know that they were being stared at.
A sniper on a roof looked at pedestrians on the street and said to others around him, "Nock, do you think that guy just published in the Navy Super Newcomer today?"
"Yes! What’s the matter? "Asked Nock, looking at the street and walking, Jos answered.
Yes, it’s a good opportunity. The sniper looked at Jose with an excited face and said to Nock, "I said 11 thousand I’ll clean him up. Maybe the captain will note me!"
"Peng Ji, you are crazy to say something stupid. That’s Lieutenant General." Nock reached out and grabbed each other’s hand at first sight … but he was still a step behind.
At the moment of listening to the "touch", the sniper had fired. Looking at the trajectory, he seemed to have seen the picture of the other person’s head blooming by holding his breath. However, at the moment, his face changed. First, he saw a palm blocking the front of the bullet, and then he couldn’t believe it happened. The bullet was actually shaken by the other person.
"What’s the matter? How did it come about?" It seems that Domino turned to ask. She was so engrossed in it just now, and it’s not her fault, because newspaper news really attracted her.
Jose, a fly, shook hands, was shot, and a scream rang from the roof not far away, and then he heard an object falling from a height "plop" and then the surrounding area was quiet again.
Jose took Domino in one hand and said, "Let’s go! It’s almost time for us to go to the shopping street. For those who want to disturb them, Jose doesn’t give them any gifts at all
Domino then realized that Jose had just been stared at by pirates and was still a sniper. At this time, he remembered the information he had just read in the newspaper, "I finally know what a lot of people are watching us, not because I am beautiful, but because of you."
"How do you say this?" Jose couldn’t help wondering. He also wanted to know what was going on. The sniper was coming for him just now.
"Look at this." Domino handed me the newspaper.
Jose glanced at a newspaper and finally knew what it was. He saw that the newspaper said "Domil Jose, the youngest naval supernova in history".
Jos continued to look at the picture, and it was a picture where Jos escorted Luo Zheng, a pirate with a reward of over 400 million yuan, and it was also noted that he was promoted to the post of lieutenant general when he was less than 2 years old.
Jose has some words. When I think about the sneak attack just now, I think this ancient marshal is simply pulling hatred for him!
"It’s simply a death wish". Not far away, Nock, the partner of the roof sniper, was greatly relieved when Jos and his wife disappeared. He looked at the sniper who had rolled on the ground and scolded him, and then rushed away into the alley.
Jose Domino finally got to the shopping street safely after a small tune.
"Honey, go that way. We’re going to buy it at the Creminell store." Domino said with a happy face.
"Is it a famous brand?" Jos asked
Of course, Domino said, "Creminell Company is the top five brand stores in the world, and even Mr. papak, the design supernova, has reached a deal."
Jose, who doesn’t watch much news, really doesn’t know who papak is! However, looking at Domino’s excited face, he walked into the Kriminell brand shop together.
Look at the bustling shops, Jose has to sigh that it is the top five famous brand stores in the world …
Twenty minutes later, Jose braved the cold sweat and dominoes and came out of the Creminell store. At this time, Jose was holding several silk threads in one hand and the ends of the silk threads were connected with bubbles. The bubbles looked like balloons, and they were already filled with all kinds of clothes. After careful calculation, there were dozens of sets of samples.
Looking at the bubble, he breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren’t for these bubble bags, he probably wouldn’t know how to take these more than 50 suits.
Domino looked happy and said to Jose, "Honey, accompany me to buy some more makeup!"
"Good" Jose should be silent with Domino. Fortunately, he brought more money. Just now, these dozens of suits cost millions of Bailey, and they are even more expensive at a 30% discount. Moreover, for makeup that is more expensive than clothes, Jose feels that it will bleed again this time, but money is nothing to Jose. Just make Domino happy.
A figure in a bar in the French zone rushed in and said
"Captain Dreyer, we have to get out of here! Pengji has been abolished, and maybe the navy will come soon. "
Yeah, I was beaten until the figure was calm and put a glass of wine. "What’s going on, Nock?"
Well, Captain, when we were resting on the roof, we saw Domil Jos, the naval supernova Ponzi who reported for duty today …
It’s really no guy. The captain thought for a moment and got up. "It’s just that our crew may be laughed at if they don’t care!" I want to see if the other party really has that strength. "
At this moment, another man beside the captain clenched his fist and shouted "Let’s get to work, boys". The speaker was none other than Lip, the deputy captain of the Pirates Group.
Chapter 44 Against pirates
"I finally have something to do, and my body is getting rusty." A man rang.
As the man shouted down, there was a warm scream in the bar
At this moment, the man who had been holding the sword and his face was covered with scars got up and looked dignified. "Captain, are you serious?" That guy has arrested a pirate with a reward of 400 million yuan. "
"You won’t be afraid! If you are afraid, don’t go, I won’t have a problem. "The vice captain sarcastically said that he didn’t like this swordsman who didn’t even know his name.
The swordsmen regarded each other sarcastically and calmly said, "I really don’t know what makes a single-celled man like you a vice captain."
"You are dead" Lip’s face is full of malicious color.
"Don’t say it, no matter whether the other party has the strength or not, since it is necessary to go to our crew for a while, and it’s not that we haven’t met vice admiral before, and there is no problem in the end." The captain then walked toward the outside of the hotel.
Hearing the captain’s words, the assistant captain "cut" and then glared at the swordsman and followed him silently. If he didn’t know the swordsmen’s strength, he would have done it.
The swordsman ignored him but said, "Captain, do you know where that man is?"
As soon as the swordsmen’s words fell, the captain and the deputy captain stopped and turned to look at Nock with a black headscarf.
Being watched by everyone, Nock trembled. "I heard that vice admiral said that he would go to the largest shopping street in the islands."
With the captain’s order, everyone followed the captain angrily to the shopping street and roared off.
Time flies by.
Jose has spent more than 10 million Bailey on the shopping street. You know that’s more than 10 million Bailey! This can make an ordinary family spend all their money in less than half a day in two or three years. At this time, Jose’s bubble bag has changed from a few to more than 20, with clothes, makeup, room decoration, curtains, furniture and other things in it.
"Do you want to buy anything else?" Jos asked
Domino looked at the goods and said, "I think it should be enough to buy these first!" It’s not enough to buy it again. Anyway, the headquarters is not far from here. "
When Jose looked at it, he said, "It’s almost time to have lunch here or go back to eat."
"Go back and do it yourself! We’ll buy some solid materials by the way and just pass by later, "Domino said with a smile."
"Can you still cook?" Jose couldn’t help but be surprised. I didn’t expect Domino to cook. He paused and smiled happily. "Good! Then I’m waiting to eat your craft. "
However, at this moment, a gloomy voice came from behind. "The guy in front, do you still want to leave so easily after you waste my ship’s sniper arm?" Don’t you know that the arm is very important to the sniper? "
Jose zheng turned his head to look at each other carefully and then smiled strangely. "Are you really all right to appear in front of the navy like this, one piece?" Mr. Dreyer, head of the Pirates of Warcraft. "
On the other hand, when I heard Jose talking, Domino changed into the Pirates of Warcraft, but it has been well known that the Pirates have been fired since the year. The whole team, including the captain, has a total of two pirates with a reward of over 100 million yuan. Just one pirate group contains two supernovae. You know, there are only five new pirates with a reward of over 100 million yuan this year. The Pirates of Warcraft actually accounted for two. From this, you can imagine how horrible the strength of this whole Pirates of Warcraft is.
Jose handed Domino the rope attached to the bubble bag and said, "Don’t worry, I will protect you."
Domino took the rope, made signal with the lips, and finally retreated aside. Somehow, there was always a voice in her heart saying that he could do it.
Haha, the captain of the Pirates of Warcraft seems to hear some good jokes and laughs. "Did you hear that he actually wants to pick our department! In that case, let him try! "

The green brilliance brewing in the sky constantly plunders the vitality of all beings rather than the vitality of jade alone.

"Hung-chun dies" Tai Huang’s ancestor sold a khaki pearl and called Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu’s left foot turned yellow, and the khaki pearl was caught in an instant, and then the seal was thrown into the world by the fine rune circulation.
In a blink of an eye, another combat power was damaged.
"Hung-chun fate! This combat power is against the sky! " Twelve fiends feel their hearts tremble.
At this moment, SIRS demon gods withdraw their magical powers and assist the sky to kill Jade Duxiu Town.
"It’s no wonder that you wait for yourself to die." Jade Duxiu’s knife light flow is chopping away at the oncoming explosion ape.
The explosion of the ape shattered Yu Duxiu with one blow. Yu Duxiu wondered, "Is the law of force really that strong?"
"Hung-chun, stop it." The ape looked ugly and looked at Yu Duxiu. "I don’t want to be your enemy, but I can’t watch you do this sin."
Jade Duxiu looked at the explosion ape and looked weird, then his left hand instantly melted the sky and greeted the oncoming elephant god.
Looking at the head-on sky like a god, I suddenly changed my face. I am definitely no match for heaven.
At this time, the practice of the sky has been completed, and the vitality of the world has gathered in the sky from all sides, turning a vague seal into a jade show to suppress it.
"Good malicious! You say that I am vicious, but I don’t know how many times you are vicious than me. Today I am bound to kill you. "Looking at hundreds of millions of beings in the world, Tonghua’s bones are stunned and the jade show is furious."
"Want to kill me after this recruit to say again" sneer at the sky.
The vitality of hundreds of millions of beings, even at this time, is better than jade, and they have to retreat. After all, their blood has not been melted for five days.
The reorganization of God Jade constantly deduces and perfects all kinds of flaws of Jade Unique at this time to eliminate hidden dangers.
In the face of a blow to the sky, Jade Duxiu is not stupid enough to be hard-wired.
Jade Duxiu avoided a blow to the sky and cut it down towards Tiger God.
"Roar" Tiger God roars, but somehow it is also detached from the strong. Non-strong people are more entangled than incredibly jade solo killer. At this time, the air attack has arrived.
Yu Duxiu’s eyes are full of pitfalls. He glanced at the Terran ancestor and instantly abandoned the brocade. He reappeared and came to the grandfather’s side. "The treacherous generation should be cut to pieces."
"Godfather!" Everyone exclaimed.
The original king raised his pike and greeted Yu Duxiu with a cold light flashing in his eyes. "Die!"
Jade Duxiu’s long knife in his hand and his right hand instantly melted the five sides for five days and five fingers. Weili brewed, "It’s impossible to slay you only by God’s will."
Words fell on Taizu’s shocked eyes. Five directions and five days struck Taizu’s pike, and then Jade Duxiu’s hand was like a knife. In a flash, Taizu’s body was cut off. I don’t know how many times it was cut back and forth, but Lingbao broke into pieces and fell into the world.
"Godfather!" Taidao’s brother Qi Qi mourns the world and sheds blood and rain.
"I’ll fight with you." In the sky, the face was crazy, and the eyes were murderous.
At this time, it seems that all beings dominate the heavens and the earth and want to exclude themselves.
Looking at this time, Chaotian Jade Duxiu suddenly has some inexplicable thoughts, "Chaotian is really not simple."
"whoosh!" Jade Duxiu single-handedly cut out the cause and effect, and all the methods were instantly torn to the sky, taking a step toward the blockade, waving a long knife and turning towards the opposite twelve fiends.
Twelve fiends are the goal of jade show!
Twelve fiends’ fighting power is really beyond the expectation of Jade Duxiu.
"I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time." Like a god, there is a jade show in front of me, and hundreds of millions of elephants are flashing, breaking the virtual place and changing the virtual place.
Without the law, the strength of the five parties and five days is greatly weakened, and the fate of the jade show is greatly weakened.
However, a good jade show does not depend on God’s will for five days.
"Doom transfer" Jade Duxiu looked dull and looked at the elephant god’s attack. He didn’t hide or flash. With the elephant god’s attack, he fell to his heart. Then Jade Duxiu pinched the doom in his hand and instantly fell to the elephant god.
What’s it like to punch yourself?
Flying like a god will not kill you, but this blow is absolutely uncomfortable.
Jade Duxiu took the opportunity to pursue the knife in his hand and flashed into the elephant-like body, constantly slaying the elephant-like insect.
At this time, the pursuit of the sky came to one side, and the strong men also pursued it. They did not consider slaying the elephant god Jade Duxiu, but they could stop attacking everyone.
"Hey!" For a moment, jade alone took a step of providence, such as a knife, put away the palm of your hand, and instantly came to the sky for five days, and fell behind the altar.
A hole in the white jade altar that spurted blood into the sky was punched out by Yu Duxiu.
"Very fierce" sky eyes flashed with a horror.
"Go to hell!" Too many stars smashed in the hands of Godfather Tai Dou.
"You want to die, you will become you." Jade Duxiu abandoned the sky and looked at Taidou’s ancestor. He stretched out his palm and turned his long knife into a knife again. He was pinched and evaded Taidou’s ancestor’s blow and came to the front of Taidou’s ancestor.
"Not good!" Tai Dou’s ancestor knew with horror that it was not good, and he immediately tried to escape.
Jade Duxiu’s long knife shot into the poor universe of Taidou’s ancestor, and saw Taidou’s ancestor scream and fall into the clouds without a trace.
Chapter 23 trinity blow out the world
Jade Duxiu punched through the altar in the sky and called the sky to spit out a mouthful of golden blood with a jerk.
Looking at the pledge, the cold light flashes in the eyes of the axe jade show, and the fate is like a knife. Looking at the flaw of the fiend, it hits the flaw of the fiend array.
Like a sudden cassette disk, the twelve fiends’ large array was broken down by Jade Duxiu, and saw a mighty force. The large array saved twelve fiends’ method to run the large array, and immediately scared twelve fiends to escape from the large array.
A loud noise rocked the star, and half of the star was broken out by the twelve fiends, and the power was broken down and instantly fell. I don’t know how many beings were buried in the wild earth.
"Good terrorist strength" Jade Duxiu was rocked thousands of miles away, and the strong ones felt bad. They were shattered, fell into the wild land, and were thrown out of the world into chaos.
This suddenly called star burst accelerated dozens of times.
Listening to the cries of all sentient beings in the world, Jade Duxiu sighed gently, "Life and death are disillusioned. Everything is a phase, and death is a phase. Your life and death are just classified as chaos. In the future, heaven and earth will only reappear in a different form."
Looking at the people being thrown away, the jade show, the palm of your hand, an elongated knife, suddenly emerged in your hand and went after Tai Huang’s ancestor.

"The strategy in the chest can reach a million soldiers!"

I looked at the other three civil servants, looked at their calm faces and shouted in my heart, "Great talent. . . They are all great talents. . 。”
Jia Wen and looked JiWu, I knew what he was thinking, quietly left the pie mouth, and immediately resumed his calm touch and bowed to JiWu.
"Childe, some of my senior talents are not at home or refuse to be an official. Ah, there’s nothing I can do! It seems that they have already arrived. "
Ji Wu keenly grasped the word "it’s done", and his heart was shocked. There are such great talents in the world, but it’s a pity that they can’t be used by me.
Jia Wen said with a faint smile, "However, please rest assured, as long as the name of the son is true, I will have a reason to convince them." In addition, these two are also first-class talents, especially General Fang Jin, who is superior in force and brave in the three armies. "
"This Wang Qiang, even more scheming, is an exhaustive strategy!"
"The other three are even more talented people in handling government affairs!"
"With these people as the team of the childe, why worry about the great cause!"
Ji Wu was warm and indifferent by Jia Wen, as if he had set foot on the ninth five-year plan, and now he was full of lofty sentiments.
"If I am the master of Yangzhou, you will be the hero!"
Jia Wen bowed with a smile: "I wish you a son!"
Ji Wu thought to herself, "Hurry up and present it to win them over. Well, get a banquet first."
Then JiWu forward two steps, one hand holding a person’s hand, will party into, Wang Qiang’s hand firmly grasp! A face of affectionate said to the two.
"There are two, I feel at ease!"
Party into is nothing, a face of detachment, talk as little as possible.
Wang Qiang, with a trembling face and a bitter face, howled in his heart: "Is he the legendary gay man? Look at the affectionate eyes and listen to the coquettish tone. What do you mean,’ I feel at ease when I have two’? It is clearly empty for a long time. Look at this hand. "
Wang Qiang suddenly burst into tears and looked at Jia Wen with bitterness, cursing in his heart: "You didn’t say anything before, didn’t you?". . . You’re already with him? Look at you like this, it won’t be a small pain. "
Jia Wen looked at Wang Qiang and his eyes shone brightly. He gave him a look that you know. While Ji Wu was not paying attention, he said to Wang Qiang, "Your good friend is here."
Wang Qiang was angry and shouted at Jia Wen: "I am not gay friends!"
Ji Wuna asked Wang Qiang dully: "Mr. Wang, dare to ask, what is’ gay friends’?"
Wang Qiang said awkwardly, "Oh, this gay friends means. . . Yes. . . Good friend, haha. "
Ji Wu’s eyes lit up and said, "So, Mr. Wang, we should be gay friends."
Wang Qiang suddenly burst into tears. . .
What is this? My pure reputation has been ruined by this Jia Wen.
Jia Wen leaned in and said, "Of course, you are naturally good friends, but I am not. I am your subordinate."
Wang Qiang pointed to Jia Wen and kept shaking his hands, pointing to Jia Wen with a weak smile and yelling, "You are immoral!" Then he said to Ji Wu Shuo, "We are also your subordinates."
Ji Wu is very happy in his heart.
A line of people entered the banquet, and Ji Wu was very diligent in pouring wine for several people.
Wang Qiang muttered to himself, "There won’t be cuen medicine here, will there?"
. . . . . .
JiFan watching Xun Yu constantly send up intelligence laugh.
All the soldiers of the local garrison were trained, and Lu Xun also retrained 8,000 unique troops.
And the original six thousand five hundred unique army was trained by Dian Wei and Xu Chu to be a tiger guard, full-time protecting JiFan.
A new round of conscription has been started in various places. Before that, Ji Fan’s good deeds played a role, and there were countless people recruiting.
Ji Fan ordered the transfer of troops on the spot.
After a series of orders, more than 80,000 veterans arrived in the plain.
All these 80 thousand foot soldiers were transferred to Beihai.
On March 15th, JiFan officially ordered. . . The soldiers are going down!
Chapter 11. Your own way! The fourth more! 1w2ok!
Ps: I’m still 4 more till 1930 tomorrow! Keep your word! Currently collecting 1915. ! I hope you can collect it.
. Also ask for a ticket! For the sake of collecting so hard. Please!
March 24th, when spring is blooming.
"Xuzhou secretariat of Yim Ho,
Ji Fan’s 6,500 tiger guards, Zhao Yun’s 10,000 fine riders and 100,000 old soldiers add up to 116,500.
Thirty thousand old soldiers stayed behind to guard Beihai City, and Dong Zhao guarded it.
Seventy-six thousand five hundred foot soldiers went out of Beihai and pointed at Xiapi.
But the first stop is Sheyang Town!

My heart is completely immersed in sadness.

Even after Wang Dalang fell into the hands of a bunch of white clouds, I was psychologically prepared that something would happen to Wang Dalang, but I can accept the fact at this time.
Chapter four hundred and ninety-four Dark
Biting my lip to keep myself from crying, I collapsed in my place.
When I was in tears, I remembered once again that my grandmother had told me that maybe one day all my close friends would leave me.
I can’t stop shaking my head and don’t want to believe that Wang Dalang is like this. From then on, I don’t want to think about whether Wang Dalang’s departure will make all the close people around me leave me for a start.
Grandma said at that time that the more people hope, the more we should cherish life. At that time, I felt heartbroken and deeply sad after hearing grandma’s words.
Now that I know Wang Dalang’s situation clearly, I know that the real experience of the death of my loved ones around me has hit me far more than my emotions at that time.
Indulge in your emotions and extricate yourself. I can’t hear what Dan Tai Li continues to say. My ears are full of Wang Dalang’s hearty laughter. Wang Dalang affectionately calls me a girl.
"Master me" I responded to Wang Dalang’s address to my girl. I couldn’t stand it any longer and always squatted and wailed.
I always know what it means to cry in a daze. I once again realized that when I saw Xie Yiming fall to the ground against Baiyingbi, I couldn’t feel the outside world anymore.
When I could feel the external situation again, I saw that Dan Tai Li was squatting in front of me with his eyes full of anxiety. I felt that he was shaking his hands on my shoulders and heard Dan Tai Li calling my name urgently.
I looked at Dan Tai without eyes, and my mood was still in marginal sadness.
"Xiao Ran, listen to me. I won’t let Wang Dalang die. I promise to give you a living Wang Dalang." Dan Tai has a loud voice.
Hearing Dan Tai Li’s assurance, I froze and tears continued to flow.
Dan Tai Li repeated his promise again, and then I suddenly woke up. Generally, I grabbed Dan Tai Li’s shirt collar and stared at his eyes. I couldn’t believe it. I asked him what he said.
The sense of distraction began to come back quickly, and I was surprised and flustered. I was surprised that Dan Tai Glass could give me such a guarantee, and I was flustered. Dan Tai Glass’s guarantee was purely to comfort me.
Dan Tai glass I grabbed his shirt collar and confirmed to him that what he said was really solemn, with a heavy expression and a nod. Repeat it for me slowly, he promised.
I was so excited that I didn’t know how to express my feelings at the moment when I got up from the ground and walked around the room.
Dan Tai glass also stood up from the ground and gave me a big hug and smiled and said that there should be a big hug here.
I ran to Dan Tai Li’s side and threw myself into his arms. I looked up at Dan Tai Li and said thank you for saying that I am very excited at this moment.
Dan Tai glass held my waist in one hand and put my messy cheeks behind her head in the other, staring at me with eyes full of pity and saying that he would do whatever he wanted me to be happy.
Dan Tai’s words made my excitement slow down a lot. I asked Dan Tai if someone whose head was cut off could be resurrected after death.
Dan Tai Li said that it is necessary to connect the fine blood vessels, flesh, bones and muscles at the junction of the head and the neck exactly, and then make the external force make the wound at the junction of the head and the neck recover after being connected, and the head can also be resurrected after death.
Dan Tai Li’s answer refreshed my complete understanding of the corpse in the method of resurrection after death. I said that it should be a big project
Dan Tai Li said with a low smile that no matter how big the project is, it is worthwhile to stop my tears.
Just then, the door was knocked from the outside, Dan Tai glass was loosened, and I held my hand to open the door. I saw the hotel receptionist coming over here.
Dan Tai Li, the front desk clerk of the hotel, opened the door and looked around the room, saying that many guests had just complained that our room was crying like a pig.
I glanced at me with a black line on my face. Dan Tai Li tried to smile and said to the clerk that we just watched the tragedy on our mobile phone, but the sound was a little loud.
After the clerk got Dan Tai’s answer, he told us not to disturb others’ rest, so he left Dan Tai Glass and laughed directly after closing the door.
Seeing Dan Tai’s smile, I sat back to the bed and called grandma and Jiubo respectively to tell them the good news. It’s all right if my master can come back to life again, isn’t it?
Grandma said happily over there that it was so hard to say that she had found the blind old man’s current specific address and would come to meet me when the nine-headed bird statue was solved.
Jiu Bolian said it was great, saying that I would like to thank Dan Tai Li for helping me.
Hang up, I hope that I have stopped laughing and sat cross-legged in another bed and started to heal myself. Dan Tai Li is full of gratitude.
Confirmed Wang Dalang’s situation, my heart was a little wider, and at the same time I began to worry about Wang Haowen’s situation, and my emotions began to track down Baiyun Zhonghe Bai Linger’s invisible paper man.
Wang Haowen feels indebted to Wang Haowen because I am suspected. I don’t want Wang Haowen to get into trouble because of this incident.
Lianke Stealth Paper Man: I know that just now, I received a call in Baiyun. The other party told me that Wang Dalang was forced to break into the prison in Baiyun, and all the people were killed and Wang Dalang was taken away.
After listening to what the other party said, Bai Yunzhong looked gloomy and asked the other party if Wang Dalang was dead or alive when he was taken away.
The other party told Bai Yunzhong that Wang Dalang had his head cut off by them before he was taken away, and then his face was slightly gloomy in Bai Yunzhong, and then he made the other party try to find out who had intervened in Wang Dalang’s affairs.
The other party should ask Baiyun whether to put the matter of tracing me on the agenda, and Baiyun said that it must be.
Baiyun confessed that the other party was disabled, but he had to be taken alive. I said that this was his only chance to get paper pie, and that if I died, I should send paper pie again.
The other party told me to take me alive again in the white clouds, and I hung up.
In the white clouds, his Dojo room is pacing behind his back for a while before calling Bai Linger. Ask Bai Linger if he wants to come to his place at the moment. If Bai Linger comes to his place tonight, he will bring those individuals suspected of leaking secrets with him.
Bai Linger said that he would take those suspects who had leaked secrets over now, hang up in the clouds and leave the living room on the first floor of the Dojo to sit and drink tea and wait for Bai Linger to arrive.
It wasn’t long before Bai Linger came to the first floor of the villa with Dojo in Baiyun with a dozen people.
In the white clouds, a gloomy face sat on the sofa and kept silent. A dozen people brought by Bai Linger stood in front of the white clouds and stared at the ground for silence.
Hao-wen wang is one of the dozens of people. I actually saw Lai Yuejing.
After Bai Linger brought people to this villa, she went straight to sit in the white clouds. Gherardini expression glanced at a dozen people standing in front of her eyes. Her eyes stayed the longest when Wang Hao was tattooed.
The silence lasted for a long time before opening your mouth slowly in the white clouds is to let the leaker automatically step out, saying that if the leaker automatically steps out, he can implicate his family.
A dozen people in front of the white clouds in the pestle didn’t move. Half a minute, the white clouds picked up the cups in front of them to drink tea, then narrowed their eyes and repeated the previous words.

"I was there when I was in Zhuang Guogong!"

A moment in Yunlie Day has already contained many meanings in a short sentence.
"I will also participate!"
Andy Zhuang’s favorite is to arrange troops and immediately volunteer.
When Zhuang Shun saw that his second brother and fourth brother had gone, he also shouted, "I want to go!" "
Tang Luoling smiled at these cousins. It’s no small matter. They are all willing to help Yunlie train soldiers. That is naturally a good thing.
Now that I think about it, it’s better for the whole family to stay in the military camp. There’s nothing to worry about. When I think about it, she directly said, "I have an idea. Let’s form a corps in Xinling County and train here. After that, we will live here. Even if the new emperor wants to play tricks on us, it’s impossible."
Xia Houlian took a sniffle at the corner of his mouth. "The new emperor declared that he could not resist the decree when he entered the palace."
"Can’t resist purport and you? You can go. "
Tang Luoling immediately replied that she didn’t know about him.
If the rebirth of an evil spirit of Emperor Wudi can’t settle a new emperor, he deserves to die!
This girl was born to beat him!
Summer Hou Lian was so angry that she couldn’t wait to sew her mouth now. It’s hard for her to run like this!
"So I don’t need a wheelchair?"
Zhuangqi is very happy to stay here. No one knows that he is not in a wheelchair.
Tang Luoling immediately shook his head and said seriously, "Now it’s not enough to send those wives and concubines away from Zhuang Yongan."
"good! I’ll do it! "
Zhuangshun put away the paper fan in one hand and looked triumphant.
Things are almost arranged. Some of their young players are ready to meet the palace attack. They need to recruit, that is, they need to arrange accommodation for the soldiers.
It’s better to wait for the stars, Wen Qing and others to come in with those bandits or have a place to stay.
Fortunately, Xinling County is divided into two parts, half is wasteland and half is Sichuan waterfall jungle. If the wasteland is to be developed into a big city, I am afraid that no one will come. Chapter 499 New Corps 1
At three months, the blink of an eye.
From hot summer to autumn, the whole Sichuan waterfall jungle is covered with yellowing leaves.
And they also began to be busy. From time to time, they went to the wasteland. Tang Luoling painted on the map. She found that there was no so-called city in this southern Zhou Dynasty.
She designed a castle that can be attacked and defended, a big pool, and even the edge of the Sichuan waterfall jungle. She designed a wall, and some poisons crossed the border and hurt the city people, which is not good.
The city she designed definitely occupies more than half of Xinling County. If hundreds of soldiers don’t start work, they are afraid that they can’t finish it.
However, Yun Lietian, Xia Houlian and Zhuang Hao directly nodded and decided to build as she said after reading the drawings.
Even in the summer, Hou Lian went back to Kyoto specially and found 300 wall-building masters to help with the work.
There is a moat around the city because of Tang Luoling’s tossing.
As soon as the design is finished, she will continue to practice, because Yunlie’s day is already a statue of Wu, and she can’t be too weak.
So when several cousins were busy, she directly gave them the gold from the auction, and then from time to time, she refined some high-level Dan medicine for Zhu Yi to take back and start the auction with the help of the reputation of Huishengtang.
In this way, the name of Huishengtang is even louder in the mainland of martial arts.
But the silver from the hidden world kept flowing into Tang Luoling’s hand. Unfortunately, the silver was not warmed in her hand for a while and then transferred to Xia Houlian, who asked him to invite masons and carpenters.
Wen Qing returned with 30,000 troops when Xinling County was in hot work.
She traveled all the way back, and those rough people were as young as 30 and as young as 16.
Yun Lietian looked at those people admiringly and said, "Well done!"
"The handmaiden dare not take credit because she needs to avoid the eyes and ears of the palace. The handmaiden boldly arranged for them to enter Xinling County before and after a team of one thousand people. The handmaiden made a claim and asked the Lord to punish her."
Wen Qing stood by hand, thin and dressed in a strong face and calm waves.
"Where are the stars?"
! ! ! ! ! w! w! w! ! ! ! ! 8! ! ! !
"The stars came behind with hundreds of troops. Because of the large number of people, Yan Luo and Mo Yi also crossed the river with 60 thousand troops."
Wen Qing returns in an orderly way.

"Look out!"

Purnot saw this scene and couldn’t help but want to stop it.
Yesterday, he saw with his own eyes how sharp these weapons were made by the Holy One. It would be terrible if it caused trouble to the Holy One.
But Purnot woke up obviously late, and the only thing that can stop things from happening at the scene is Norman, who is not suitable for shooting now. Everyone can watch this blond man put his fingers together and go to the spear. After a little try, there is a blood line.
Seeing this scene, the two guys behind the blond man’s eyes have been indifferent and calm, and their eyes have changed color in an instant, while the blonde man is not angry but happy to drink "good!"
"Although the manufacturing process of this gun is average, the head of this gun is really sharp, and it can even cut my fingers with such a light touch!"
….. Norman felt that it was shameless to brag about himself at ordinary times, but compared with the blond man in front of him, he found that it was not natural enough to brag.
Blonde man’s finger is cut, but his eyes are hot. He obviously likes this gun to patrol the shuttle back and forth.
"How much is this gun?"
The blond man didn’t speak, but one of the two men behind him spoke first and asked Purnot.
Norman, they have already discussed the price. Purnot quoted a number without thinking at the moment.
"15 Quintarans"
This figure seems to be beyond the expectation of the man. He looked at the blond man with embarrassment and then saw the blond man nodding "It’s worth 15 quintalands!" "
Have you met the suckers?
Norman consciously exchanged a look with Purnot when he heard the blond man.
They agreed that it was wild speculations in the plan and waited for the other party to pay back the money on the spot. As a result, I didn’t expect the blond man to promise to come as soon as he didn’t pay it back. I just didn’t know if the other party was just talking.
After the blond man looked at the pike several times, he finally put his eyes on the ground and put the two weapons on the ground. The light in his eyes was even hotter.
The pike is more of a soldier in the battle, but it is an enduring service. The pike is also a compulsory subject for knights. However, in the daily use of non-battlefield environments, knights often use short weapons, such as knives and swords.
Especially for the blond man, who looks like a noble knight at first glance, the attraction of such a short blade of sword to him is much greater than that of pike, because in this era, people like them can hardly really make pike occasions.
Blonde, look at the machete first.
There is nothing to say about the well-behaved shape of the pike gun body because it was helped by Porter Lyme, but this machete was created by Norman himself … People who are not proficient in post-modern magic art style will never appreciate it.
The blond man’s artistic attainments are obviously not beyond this era for thousands of years, and he can’t appreciate Norman’s abstract style. When he saw the ugly and strange shape of the machete, his brow wrinkled slightly. But because of the psychological expectation of the pike just now, he didn’t stop here, but picked up the machete, carefully observed it and then got up and waved it.
From the action, it can be seen that the blonde male knife method is much better than the marksmanship.
After waving for a while, the blond man finally stopped, tried his finger like just now, and then drank a "good!" But the horse is quite sorry to say, "It’s a pity …"
This machete is extremely sharp and tough, but it seems that the forger only pays attention to these properties of the weapon. The blade body design is very poor, and many places are hung up.
If we can redesign the blade, this blade can be upgraded to another level. Of course, the blade is already excellent now.
The two men behind the blond man didn’t seem to know whether the blond man wanted this knife or not, and finally the blonde man asked himself, "How much is this knife?"
Purnot again quoted a figure they discussed.
"Three Quintarans"
Norman also knows that the scope of machetes is much larger than that of pike, and there are more materials, which directly doubles the price of machetes.
Of course, the price of three gold talans is not the reserve price. If you really want it, let’s discuss it slowly, but the blond man is as good as before and simply promised to come "no problem!"
Promising fast seems to be afraid that Purnot won’t sell him this knife.
Although the blond man talked about buying it, he didn’t pay for it, but put a machete and finally stared at the cross sword.
Looks like he’s going to pack this weapons department?
It’s a good thing, especially if the blonde still buys it without paying back the price as before, so much the better. They can raise the money they need as soon as possible, but they don’t know if the blonde has so much money. After all, their plans have gone wrong. This last one is a magic weapon …
Seeing that the blond man is going to pick up the cross sword as he did just now, Norman quickly reached out and held it down first. Purnot also quickly said, "This guest is a magic weapon. Waving words at random without familiarity will destroy this place!"
"Magic weapons? !”
Purnot this a blond man, the two men behind the blond man and Norman beside them the two artists are shocked obviously didn’t think there will be magic weapons in this place.
The blond man seemed to be well-informed and dazed, and soon he came to his senses and stared at the cross sword for two eyes before shaking his head again and again. "How can this sword be a magic weapon without jewels?"
Many magical things can be used by ordinary people, and so can magic weapons. It is because these things have adopted magic substitution devices that the blonde man often calls the method of setting gems. Those gems that are set with magical things are not ordinary gems, but can hold all kinds of magical gems. This is how ordinary people use magic things.
The blonde can tell whether something is magical or not from the setting of gems, but he is obviously not a mage, and he doesn’t know that some magical things are magicians’ magic things, so there is no need for magic replacement devices.
Of course, Norman wouldn’t explain these things to him. It was a woman who said, "If you don’t believe me, you can read them."
Then he came out from behind the booth with a sword.
There are very few people in this place, which is why the blond man can play with weapons at will just now. Now Norman is also holding this cross sword and starting to wave it. But here, of course, he can’t teach those who move but clumsily how to play it. How can it be called wild dog swordsmanship? The blond man can’t bear to look straight.
But in a short time, the blond men’s eyes changed and they stared straight at Norman-seeing that the cross sword suddenly burned up, and the horrible temperature made the three of them feel that kind of tingling and burning!
Norman then stopped "panting" and laid his sword horizontally so that several people at the scene could clearly see the beating flame.
After practicing and getting familiar with Norman last night, he has been able to control the magic in this cross sword, and Ji has been able to control it freely. It won’t happen again, but for those who are not familiar with it, they will dance at will, but it will easily be like Norman yesterday. This side is attached to a level 4 spell and is also a passive spell of flame trap. This spell is generally much more powerful than the active spell at the same level. When the flame flies around, it won’t get messy here. As soon as things get serious, they can’t sell things quietly.
Sonoman, you have to personally demonstrate the magic effect of this sword.
After seeing that this is indeed a magic weapon, the blond man stared straight at the blade until the flame was extinguished, and his eyes couldn’t move away. It was then that he noticed another shape on the surface-it seemed that there was a light fish swimming constantly!
But when the blond man looked carefully, the light fish disappeared again, but just as he was about to look away, the light fish appeared again!
This different shape … This thing is obviously extraordinary in quality besides being a magic weapon.
The blond man thinks like this in his heart. Purnot’s words prove his idea from the side.
"This cross sword is sharper and stronger than that machete."
Now not only the blond man, but also the two men behind him can’t help staring at the cross sword, and their eyes can’t move away. For a knight, a good weapon is comparable to their life, and it is obviously such a weapon in front of them.
"How much is this sword!"
The blond man asked for a price again, and this time Purnot offered a higher price.
This is almost equal to 1 Quintana’s horrible price, which made two down-and-out artists stunned, but the blond man was not scared. Instead, he agreed eagerly for fear that Purnot would go back on his word.


Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Amazing move
Yun Xuan Valley Master, who hasn’t opened his mouth since he entered the stadium, was a little puzzled. He turned to the crowd behind him and said, "It’s not necessary for this child to say that he is swollen and fat. W WW. T XT 8 0. C OM The fastest novel network to update the text section: If this child has a false appearance, it’s not entirely true. Before the competition, not everyone can enter the final of the Four Immortals, and luck alone is not enough. I think his purpose at the moment is just to make Yunxi suspicious and lose his mind, which will greatly increase the winning rate. I wonder if you are satisfied with my opinion? "
"Yun Xuan Valley Master’s words are just what we want. They are reasonable and have been taught!" At the back of the people began to Yang in y and n violations of pinch mei said.
In the ring, Yunxi made Tianjun make moves, but he was still as motionless as dead mouse feels no cold, just staring at her firmly.
Suddenly, Tianju spoke golden words and said softly, "This dance of Yan is also practiced in perfection, which is gratifying."
For the dance of Yan, Tianjun has some different feelings. His inner thought has always been that there must be a set of footwork that can be attacked, retreated and defended as the backing and dependence. At the beginning, if this dance of Yan hadn’t been specially designed for girls, it would be hard to get involved in it myself, and it wouldn’t have taken a lot of trouble to learn the art of flying Sect with the old, which would be a little far away.
Yunxi’s county has begun to tremble slightly at this moment, and every word of your husband can really kill her this day, and every word pokes in her heart.
The trembling voice came slowly, and the jade hand was a little shaky, pointing to Tianjun and saying hesitantly, "You, you …"
"Sister, sister, what’s the matter with you?" Yunyue was on Yuntai, shouting from a distance. Yunxi’s gaffe had never happened since her memory, and she couldn’t help but worry about being scared, thinking that she had been countered by something.
Fu Bo is still cheerful. This expression is not noticed by Yunyue, but Zuo Hao, who had seen one side before in the dead of night, has a big doubt in his heart, but there is no worry about Se inside. Somehow, he always feels that this old man is an aboveboard person and will never do anything to hurt Tianjun. Besides, if such despicable means are investigated, it will be swept out of the house by Van Gogh, even if he is a dignitary.
"I what?" Tianjun said jokingly.
"You, who are you?" Yunxi asked with some disbelief. Although she had some slight doubts at the moment, everything was still undecided.
"Me? I am Tianjun of Tiangu. " Tianjun ha ha smiled, and his face turned straight. He said solemnly, "Yunxi, look at the move."
Panlong Jian flew out with the tone of Tianjun, and it was soft and weak during the flight. Everyone saw that this sword did not bless any spiritual force.
At first Yunxi was still in the middle of Mi Li, and Hun was so suspicious that he didn’t expect Tianjun to suddenly shoot himself.
I suddenly woke up and hurried to run the psychic force, but at first glance, the sword flew to me lightly, and I didn’t even feel any sense of danger, and the Excalibur Van Gogh also sensed something. I didn’t move, but just flew tightly against the Panlong sword, which also meant nursing.
Panlong Jian gradually flew to Yunxi’s eyes. Looking at this half of Excalibur, Yunxi felt a little distressed about who was so reckless, but after the sword, a sword ear immediately attracted all her attention, even her body and mind.
"Kowloon bound silk sword spike?" Yunxi recognized it at a glance, because there is a cloud word in the middle of it, and there is nothing in the world except the one he gave to Tianjun.
"You, you …" Yunxi finally confirmed who the person in front of him is at the moment, and there will never be a second one except that person in the world.
"Brother Tianjun!" Yunxi has been crying, and finally shouted out the sentence that has suppressed her heart for many years. This sentence will only be silently recited when no one is around. Today, I can finally say the name that has been bothering me for many years in public.
Tianjun was touched by the scene and remembered Yunxi’s feelings for himself all the time. Even as a man, he could not help but burst into tears at the moment.
"Brother Tianjun, when it is really you?" Yunxi still can’t believe everything in sight, because this dream is too long and too long, which makes her a little hard to accept at the moment.
"Well, well, it’s me, it’s me." Tianjun choked to answer, and the unforgettable scene came and went in my mind.
"My name is Tianjun!"
"My name is Bingxi!"
"Uncle," Yunxi knew that it would be difficult to control himself if he went on like this, which would make people gossip, so he made up his mind and said to the law enforcement elders, "Please declare Tiangu Tianjun a winner. I know I am no match for him, and I hope Uncle will forgive me."
No one, no matter how imaginative, would have thought that Yunxi, the number one popular Van Gogh, would give up to Tianjun in Tiangu before it started, and it seems that they are already familiar with each other. Was the previous play for everyone?
Too wide of the mark, this amazing king began to talk in succession, not to mention them, even the famous man on Yuntai was at a loss for a while, and such a game that was originally expected ended in such a farce.
Yuntai, Yun Xuan Valley Master only moved a ripple at that moment, and then returned to his usual style, which made people unable to see whether it was happy or sad for a father to see this situation.
Yunyue nature is even more jaw-dropping. Brother Tianjun, who has been chanting in my sister’s mouth for a long time, can’t have you near him, while Fubo has already made an official visit to this place, ha ha, smiling, but he didn’t realize that he couldn’t help but leave tears.
Others, ZuoHao nature is also a confused face, this way is unheard of, rare in the world, so, I’m afraid that Tianjun will kill two birds with one stone, although I don’t understand, but I’m really happy for my lover.
For example, Wu Qiang of Tianyu and Yuan Jin of Wu Zong are totally unnatural. This time, they can’t kill Tiangu, which makes them feel bitter. Moreover, this new champion seems to have some ambiguous feelings with the size of Van Gogh’s alum elder sister. If this continues, the two factions will share the same spirit, and it is not as convenient as before to want to move some hands and feet in the future.
This competition really lost both the wife and the soldiers, which is the same idea for both of them.
Jin Xun and Feng Ling looked up at the challenge, but they couldn’t help but look at Xuanji around them. I just wanted to ask if Xuanji didn’t mean to be angry.
Although Xuanji understood that this day would come sooner or later, it seems that the beloved is in love with another woman in full view, even a saint, and it is hard to accept for a while. ! .

Chapter one hundred and sixty-four Strange feeling
"YunXi wench, do you really want to decide to quit and his game? Don’t think about it? " This law enforcement elder is also very surprised. From the appearance, there is nothing surprising about this day. In his view, Yunxi is fully capable of World War I, and even has a chance of winning more than fifty percent, so he asked puzzled. {ww.txt80.com fastest text chapter reading}
"I still hope that my uncle will be fulfilled." From beginning to end, Yunxi’s eyes never left Tianjun’s figure, as if in her eyes, Tianjun was the only one left in the world, and all her eyes contained was the deep tenderness and endless love for Tianjun, which was a feeling that others could not read.
"Well, in that case, I declare Tiangu Tianjun the winner!" Helpless sigh, a puzzled face said, endless depression and depression in my heart.
After all, there are too many unknown things between Tianjun and Yunxi, and these people can’t understand them. Yunxi understands what these people think and see, and although he can’t control their thoughts, he doesn’t mind people’s opinions.

At that time, everyone was frightened and uneasy, and speculation was everywhere.

Bai Zhi is casting spells, although there are some doubts, and he is not interrupted by being disturbed.
The black-faced man couldn’t help but snort when he saw this picture of everyone. They only feel ear suddenly sounded a loud thunder. The scene suddenly quieted down.
When the black-faced man saw that the panic was stopped, he said solemnly, "What a scandal? If I disturb Bai Zhi’s sorcery, who can afford it? This volcano was blessed by a powerful array of ancient wizards, and it will explode there. And even if there is an earthquake outside, there will be no problem if there is array protection. "
Although he was reprimanded, everyone was relieved to hear that the volcano had a secret blessing.
I heard the black-faced man say, "Zi Sang, Dan Tai will go out with me to see the outside situation, and the rest of you will stay here and take care of Bai Zhi. If anything goes wrong, you will not be spared when you come back. Heaven and dark black, you two should restrain everyone. "
"Yes, Han Dawu" and dark black should track at the same time.
Looking at Han Dawu with two middle-aged men left, looked at each other for a total of days and dark black, without any language. There was a sudden silence here. Only Bai Zhi waved a bell and beat silently.
Yang Xiu flew down the crack, and after a kilometer, it touched the ground.
Although it was dark all around, Yang Xiu’s eyes were working spiritually, and he immediately saw the surrounding space clearly.
Unlike a glimpse of the gods just now, it is completely different to feel the shock brought by being there.
It’s like a temple, surrounded by vast space, without a pillar to support it.
Rows of statues stand on both sides of the temple, coldly overlooking all beings.
These statues are as high as a hundred feet, carved with stone, and lifelike.
Most of them are heads of animals, or heads of animals, wearing giant snakes in their ears and stepping on dragons on their feet, all covered with scales.
Yang Xiu stood at the foot of these gods, looking extremely small, and felt the coercion of the gods.
Occasionally, a cold wind blows, which makes Yang Xiu feel that these gods are alive. This idea makes Yang Xiu shudder, but it still lingers.
Through the rows of statues, the pattering footsteps seemed unusually empty. Yang Xiu always felt that someone was watching him in the dark, but no matter how he probed with his gods, there was no problem now.
Some hair in my heart, Yang Xiu opened the wings of Qingluan, and I quickened my pace. He wants to check the temple thoroughly and see if there is anything worth taking away, and then leave at once. He doesn’t want to stay here for a moment, and he always feels that it seems extremely dangerous here.
The temple is so big that it has been half a column of incense for coming in, but Yang Xiu has only gone less than a third. Besides, there were statues everywhere, and there was no temple or anything else.
"It is impossible for such a big temple to have nothing but to store these gods!" Yang Xiu, frowning, flew to the front of an idol, and then checked it carefully with the gods. There is nothing special about these statues except that they are too realistic.
"Is it what’s in the idol?" Think of it and do it, brimming with hair in my heart. Yang Xiu stood in the distance, raised his palm, and tentatively patted the vanity of one arm of this idol.
The arm of the idol suddenly broke and fell to the ground, and there was a crisp sound of "thud, thud".
Yang Xiu didn’t expect the arm of the idol to be easily interrupted, and he also found that the middle of the broken arm of the idol was hollowed out. Just now, I was able to deceive Yang Xiu’s divine knowledge.
But to Yang Xiu’s surprise, in the middle of the broken arm of the idol, a dark red liquid was constantly flowing out, which smelled pungent and turned out to be blood.
It was weird enough that there was blood in the middle of the idol, and it was still blood that could flow. You know, look at the existence of this temple. I’m afraid it hasn’t been thousands of years. Even if there is any blood, it should have solidified long ago.
This now makes Yang Xiu more cautious, and I don’t know what else will be hidden in the idol.
Yang Xiu will immediately open the whole statue to see it, but he is afraid that there will be any trap. He first opens the protection of the dark blue cassock, and when his wings move, he flies to the distance flush with the head of the statue.
After getting ready, Yang Xiu waved his hands again and again, and the spiritual force hit the bottom of the statue from a distance, and the statue with a height of 100 feet suddenly collapsed and shattered.
"Wow", more blood was scattered on the ground like a waterfall. When everything was calm, Yang Xiu didn’t have any magic weapon, jade slips, classics and so on in the fragments of these gods.
But there is a big push maggots surging in the blood.
Although I know that the secret code of magic weapon is not so easy to get, this is still disappointing for Yang Xiu.
Looking at the ground, dense, overlapping and entangled maggots, Yang Xiu is going to give birth to a true torch and they are all purified. After all, it is so weird to appear in a place like this, and it is inevitable that something will happen.
But just as Yang Xiu was about to start work, these maggots on the ground suddenly mutated.
One by one, the bodies began to turn black and hard, but actually a layer of skin like a carapace grew. Then a pair of cicada-like wings emerged from their backs. Eyes protruding, hands and feet growing, tentacles, unexpectedly began to mutate with the naked eye.
Yang Xiu instinctively feel bad, immediately move innate true fire.
However, after the real fire, except for the pool of blood on the ground and the maggots that haven’t had time to change, the mutated bugs were not damaged at all.
Instead, one by one "buzz" flew, even tens of thousands, forming a dark cloud, and immediately swept to Yang Xiu.
But Yang Xiuxian, fortunately, although these bugs are dissatisfied with their flying degrees, there are still many gaps compared with Yang Xiu’s qingluan wings. This gives Yang Xiu enough time to attack with the charm and magic weapon.
But to Yang Xiu’s horror, these bugs turned out to be hard and abnormal. The general low-level and intermediate ofuda had no effect on these bugs, while the advanced ofuda could only destroy a dozen at a time, and this number could not hurt the worm army at all.
Also, when Yang Xiuyong attacked Yun Jian, now these bugs are like all desperately taking the initiative to pounce on Yun Jian, completely covering the magic weapon in an instant. Then these bugs spewed a black unknown liquid at Yun Jian. Yun Jian was corroded by these liquids, and before he could react, he lost his mental strength and fell to the ground. And Yang Xiu immediately lost contact with Yun Jian.
Yun Jian was destroyed in an instant, which made Yang Xiu surprised and angry. Unexpectedly, the magic weapon of liquid pollution spewed by these insects was so severe that he dared not attack with it again.

Chapter one hundred and nineteen Wu Tomb II
【 Recommended collection can’t be little, and don’t forget the level novel selection there. Hey hey! 】
Since it is not easy to destroy, then avoid it. Because these bugs are limited in size, as long as Yang Xiu fully expands the size of qingluan wings, they can be dumped immediately.
However, just after Yang Xiu’s promotion, inadvertently, these bugs actually stopped chasing and devoured each other together. Yang Xiu don’t understand, but also know that this is not a good thing, so before leaving at the last moment, and hit a high-order "filariasis" to them. But it still didn’t have much effect, and there were not many casualties.
He didn’t care, no longer stayed, and immediately flew elsewhere.
Yang Xiu really doesn’t believe that these are the only stone statues in such a magnificent place.
But now I’m still disappointed. There are really only these giant statues in such a magnificent place.
Yang Xiu is just going to visit all the places now, and then he will leave after completely breaking the hope in his heart.
But before long, Yang Xiu suddenly heard a buzz from behind.
Looking back, now it’s just that group of black-shelled worms, but to Yang Xiu’s surprise, the number of worms this time is less than half, but the size is much bigger than just now, and its flying degree has also increased nearly times.
Yang Xiu didn’t know how they found him in such a big space, but the thought that they could evolve immediately by devouring each other shocked Yang Xiu.
And it seems that they seem to be chasing after Yang Xiu, so Yang Xiu won’t let them evolve, and intends to solve them while he can still deal with them now. Otherwise, if they are advanced, Yang Xiu can’t imagine what will happen.
Mind move, the ghost king and day ghost immediately released from the hand of the dry Kun. Yang Xiu immediately gave the order to attack them.
I saw the ghost king suddenly spit out a mouthful of black gas in the direction of the worms. These worms were unguided and didn’t know how to dodge, so they were easily covered by the black gas from the ghost king.
Insects suddenly fell in succession, but although these black gases have some effects on dealing with them, they are not obvious. Most of those fallen bugs flew up from the new place because they didn’t count their breath.
Fortunately, however, these bugs can’t deal with these ghosts as they can with healthy Yun Jian. The scene was deadlocked for a while.
While the ghost appeared from the rear of these swarms, just sticking out two bones and claws, tearing and pulling, until some bugs died, but for many swarms, it didn’t hurt elegance at all.
Yang Xiu saw this seesaw battle and couldn’t help worrying.
Although he still has a purple jade gourd treasure that can be attacked in a large area, he doesn’t dare to use it now because he is afraid of being blissfully honored or Ji Yuxin outside, so he hasn’t recovered it since he gave Jiman self-defense in a different space last time. And regardless of whether it will be sensed by those two old monsters if it is used here, it will have to be refined again even if it is not sensed.