The news of the chaos in Caizong Temple flew to all directions of the sky as if it had spread its wings.

The front-line Chu army marshal camp
Chuzhaohou and Crane Immortal listened to a report from a genus, and they were all at sea.
"You’re not exaggerating?" Chuzhaohou sink a way
"I don’t dare to have a bigger and more chaotic scene. There is nothing to hide. The real Cai Zongmiao ruined the fate!" That belongs to the respectful way
Chu Zhaohou and Crane Immortal looked at each other.
"Bian Que sermon conference? Is this ok? " Crane Immortal eccentric way
Chu Zhaohou "…!"
"All the sermons are for the willing, others don’t want to listen, and there is nothing they can do. But Bian Que forced the doctor’s thoughts into others’ heads and made others feel grateful?" Crane Immortal dignified way
"No matter how much, the most important thing now is to take Cai Guo Cai Wang, a defeated country toy. Haha, Cai Guo’s fate is just our good time!" Chuzhaohou. "
"Not bad!" Crane Immortal nodded.
"Come and inform the public that Hou Daying will attack Cai in the future!" Chuzhaohou drink a way
"Yes!" ——
There is a Xu Guochen beside Xu Sicai.
"Are we going back?"
Xu Si nodded. "It’s a pity that I couldn’t kill Zheng Jia, but Cai Guo’s luck has run out. Cai Wang, an idiot, is really a loser!"
"Let’s go. This place shouldn’t stay long!" Xu si sink a way
"Yes!" ——
In a mountain forest in northern Cai Dong.
Man Zhong, Chen Yi, Lu Brothers, Little Witch, Jiang Tai’s 100th brother, Chen Liushu, and a group of doctors’ brothers.
I am waiting at the moment.
Next to a pile of skeletons, it is obvious that they have just experienced a sumptuous meal.
"Jiang Tai, try it!" The little witch pointed to a big stone and said
"get up!" Jiang Tai drinks a lot.
The big stone crashed over the head of the country.
"The tenth major perfection of quenching body condition! Jiang Tai’s arrival can impact the abdomen!" Cried the little witch
"hmm!" Jiang tai satisfaction laughed
"However, it is not so easy to impact the abdomen, and it may take some time!" Little witch frown way
"Don’t let me get together for a while!" Jiang Tai is in no hurry.
A black light came in the distance, but Bian Que instantly arrived near.
"Giant!" The doctor brother respectful way

Four people control their magic weapons and fly over Leigong Mountain, leaving a faint sigh and waiting to fly over the border of Guizhou Province. The evil spirits can’t help but feel glad that this magic shuttle is actually comparable to his normal flight speed. If the Pappy duo sacrificed the magic shuttle just now, the speed pursuit can’t catch him, but it can’t be much slower.

Yi also thought in his heart, "If you hadn’t come here today to hide evil, you might have to plant it in the hands of Pappy."
Great scenery changes along the way, not only that today’s Babbitt duo wouldn’t have made things so satisfactory if they weren’t guilty.
Although Yi has both magic weapons and a series of great events, they can’t hide the fact that his debut period is too short and his age is also a problem. Most people look down on him a bit if he doesn’t have magic weapons, he must take care of them.
Kuang Yan is generally exaggerating the truth and falsehood. Maybe that magic sword is not worthy of the name. Maybe Pappy’s two men have never experienced the magic, so they are not so afraid. Otherwise, today’s sweeping of the face will help the evil spirits to deal with the two brothers, and the consequences will not be like this.
In that case, it is also the only regret and guilty place for Babbitt’s twins. They were called "the king of big stomachs" when they were young, and they were greedy for the new and tired of the old. At the beginning, they were able to eat chicken, duck, fish and other meat. Later, when they were completely fed up, they stared at those monsters in the deep mountains of osawa, but most of them were hiding in crypts. Although they were happy with each other, they also suffered enough and suffered a lot. At the same time, they also had a narrow escape experience.
It’s easy to see that after the reform of Tianlong Mountain Villa, only one or two monster dishes became a hit. Babbitt twins were the first wave of customers, and they were able to win the lottery at that time. Since then, they have been wandering around Tianlong Mountain Villa in various provinces with years of accumulated money. They have solved the three problems, which is simply a long time. The owner of Tianlong Mountain Villa in all provinces there, Xiao Er, rarely knows Babbitt twins. At the same time, they have made many friends. It’s so unpleasant to eat and drink in the mountains every day!
There is a saying that "the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease" is-"the spring breeze is proud of the horse’s hoof"
In just a few months, all the money accumulated for more than ten or twenty years was filled into the underground hole of Tianlong Villa, where people from all the villas were familiar with and owed a lot of debts. Before the two brothers began to repent, the debt collectors from all the villas came in waves. Together, the debts owed by these dozens of villas were astronomical, and both of them had the idea of fleeing overseas. This happened at the beginning of the month, and it was now that they were struggling to pay their debts every day and were running around.
They also have the idea of defaulting, but as soon as they remembered something happened in Tianlong Mountain Villa, they were dismissed.
It turned out that some people, like their brothers, owed a lot of debts, even though they wanted to default on their debts. Later, they made a rude remark and annoyed the villa owner. They made a big blackboard and wrote down the debts owed by this person in detail. Just a few days later, the people next to the gate of the villa paid tribute to this person. Even the house dared not make this move, which was worse than the killer. The only magic weapon that harmed people’s reputation was still easy to use in the secular world, but the effect was multiplied.
How dare the Babbitt twins reproduce such thoughts? If there is a villa, it will be a shame. But don’t forget that Tianlong Mountain Villa is full of flowers, and there are branches in every province. The passenger flow is very large. If it annoys people, it is better to put this killer at the door of each branch.
Today, it’s easy to encounter the evil spirits. I’m so glad to hear that the hairy and stupid two brothers are Pappy twins. You know, all the measures of Tianlong Villa can be done at the behest of others, and I dare not offend the guests so much without his command to the villa owners.
Yi’s ambition has always been small, but it’s impossible to have ambition alone, but with the rapid increase of repair, this hand is full of big cats and kittens, and it’s not ten years before they come out. At that time, the daylily was cold!
Up to now, the four brothers Yi Dong, Nan Yi, Yi Xi and Yi Bei, who are able to get their hands on, are barely left. There are less than ten people who have just stepped into the field of fixing the truth for three or four years.
The only resource is that Tianlong Mountain Villa is easy to rack one’s brains to think of a way to pay debts to win over all parties. Ying Jie is so reluctant to let the child set up a wolf. A win-over failed. Yi Zheng is thinking about finding the second goal, which is the third goal.
Otherwise, do you know that Tianlong Mountain Villa has no credit rules but let people credit? Of course, this is for an individual. At least, the mature person in the realm of spiritual cultivation should go there, otherwise everyone can get credit and don’t do that business.
At present, some people in the intelligence agency managed by Xu Rou revolve around these people. It is also a precaution to prevent this person from missing. In addition, it is necessary to inquire, observe the line, background and so on. Because the spies have worked very hard to track down, they can arrange a large number of people to win.
Yi, if it weren’t for such a hurry to form a scale of his own power in a short time, just those young men and women in Tianlong House and intelligence agents will form a certain scale after ten years.
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter five hundred and forty-nine Mysterious red carp
Let’s talk about Yi and his party’s four-person flight, which is striking enough. Let’s not talk about Yi’s evil spirit. Let’s say that the flying momentum of the two of them can be shaped by the word "Biao Hu"
It’s not surprising that the magic shuttle flies fast, but the two of them fly in a big way, and the yellow halo unearthed from the body surface is not obvious at close range, but it will be much thicker at a distance, and a cold wind will blow out and a yellow tail will fly backwards like a cloud, leaving two long ripples. This sword is very similar to the red sword.
Through the conversation on the way, Babbitt became more and more aware that he was easy to be angry with his brothers. Not only did people look pleasing to the eye, but he also spoke very generously. Except for his voice, he was a little shorter, and there were similarities in other places. He was particularly easy to be a carnivore and had a deep accomplishment in external work. So after a while, the two sides exchanged a lot of experiences and talked more speculatively.
And the evil spirits on the side can become marginal figures. His bad feelings between Papilions are not so easy to eliminate and he doesn’t want to interrupt. If it weren’t for his easy saying every once in a while, he might have been forgotten by Papilions.
However, he is not idle, except for flying silently, but observing Yi. He found that Yi’s means of communication is very bright. It is a refreshing feeling in his heart to listen to him. Didn’t you see the appearance of the Babbitt brothers? It seems that it is even longer than when they met Yi. In such a short time, the three of them have become brothers, and nothing can be abandoned.
Moreover, Fu Xie also found that Yi Xiu was not the same as Tianlong Mansion three years ago, which made it more and more difficult to ponder. When I first met him, he definitely refined the realm of gasification, which was also discovered by an accident. Now, I feel the strength of Fu Xie from the magic sword and conclude that Yi has cultivated into a Yuan God and entered the realm of refining God and emptiness. The word "stormy waves" is not enough to say the mood of Fu Xie at this time.
Three years is just over three years! Actually, from the realm of refining and gasification to the realm of refining and returning to emptiness, even the older generation can’t work so fast, can they?
He wanted to ask all the questions seriously, but after considering it, he suppressed this discovery. It was very uncomfortable. When did he even consider other people’s opinions?
The towering peaks rise from the Bifu Mountain Range, and the dark green virgin forest is misty and misty. The outline of Nanling Mountain is already in sight.
Crossing the boundary of Qin province, Babbitt duo looked at the misty peaks of white clouds on the horizon, but they could not help but converge a lot and spoke a little less.
Glancing at it quietly, I secretly lamented that it was too great a prestige accumulated over the past thousand years. Even such a muddy person knows that convergence is no wonder that it can stand out from the crowd. However, I wonder if Kunlun and Emei can keep the present situation?
Babbitt’s twins can’t wait to look at the faint colored whirlpool in the sky seen by Tianlong Mansion. Look at the blue waves of the oblique side and the horseshoe-shaped island in the lake. Babbitt’s twins can’t help but admire and envy.
People can piss people off more than people. The two of them have worked hard to settle down for so many years. The abode of fairies and immortals is just a corner of an unknown hill. Let’s see if this mansion stands directly in the sky or this inch of land in Qin Province and its neighbors are too many. Who dares to run wild here?
I think that there was no good place for the demon monk and the flame venerable person to run wild here after several years, so I don’t want to say that this Tianlong mansion is too one place to enjoy even the slightest bit.
Who says there is no pure land in downtown? Look at the layout of Tianlong Mansion from now on, and you will know that it is a first-class gathering of spirits. Besides the envy of the land, there are three points of loss and inferiority.
At this time, the mind was suddenly and fiercely, as if there was a qi machine coming from its own side, and the mind swept past but found nothing.
"Bro, what is this fish in your family? Red as fire, fat and beautiful, and still jumping out? " Male flashing eyes looking at the lake fish throat still shaking two.
Erxiong touched a round belly and sneered, "Is Big Brother greedy?"
Nobita’s question shifted his attention. He took back his mind and took a look at the lake and smiled. "Speaking of this, the origin of fish is very strange. When the magic came out, it caused a vision of heaven and earth. The crazy thunder split the ten-mile land in Fiona Fang and watered it by rain to form a lake. It was still a dead lake …"
"Ah …" Nobita opened his mouth and suddenly said, "So this lake is formed in this way. Did I already have it?" Say that finish and tut.

Daisies, sweet milk and sunshine

Turn this silly fat mouse yellow
He waved his wand, and the wand gave off a yellow glow. Poor Scabbers were so frightened that popcorn fell to the ground.
"Are you sure this is really a spell?" The little girl asked, "it doesn’t look so good, does it?" I tried several simple spells at home, which were linked and all worked.
No one in my family knows the magic house. When I received the admission notice, I was very surprised, but I was very happy.
Because I mean, as far as I know, this is the best magic school ―― I have memorized all the classes. Of course, I hope this can ―― my name is hermione granger. By the way, what are your names? "
She finished in rapid succession.
"Arlene Smith" Arlene said with a smile.
"My name is Ron? Weasley, "Ron muttered.
"Harry Potter," said Harry.
"Is it really you?" Hermione asked, "I know everything about you, of course-I bought some extra references, such as History of Modern Magic, The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic and Important Magic Events in the 20th Century."
"To me?" Harry asked inexplicably.
"God, you don’t know that if I were you, I would try to find everything for me," Hermione said. "Do you know which college you will be assigned to? I’ve asked around, and I hope to be assigned to Gryffindor. They all say it’s the best. I heard that Dumbledore graduated from there himself, but I don’t think Ravenclaw is too bad. Anyway, we’d better go to Neville Toad first, and you’d better change your clothes quickly, because we will arrive soon. "
Chapter 293 sorting hat (night)
"The distribution ceremony will start in front of the teachers and students in a few minutes. I suggest you dress up beautifully during this waiting period." Her eyes stopped for a long time with Neville’s hat rope fixed to her left ear and Ron’s dirty nose
Harry hurriedly touched his hair to smooth it out.
"We’ll call you when we’re ready. Please wait here quietly." She finally left the room and Harry swallowed nervously.
"According to what criteria do they assign us to different colleges?" He asked Ron
"Maybe he passed the exam. Fred once said that the distribution would hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking." Harry suddenly felt heavy to take the exam? In front of the school teachers and students? But he can’t even know the simplest magic now. What should he do? When he first arrived here, he never expected such a thing to happen. He looked around anxiously and found that others were as scared as he was.
In the crowd, Hermione gossiped to the people next to her, listing all her magic skills and saying that she didn’t know which ones could be staged.
Harry really wanted to plug his ears. He had never been so nervous, even when he turned the teacher’s wig blue and returned to Dursley’s house with a school complaint letter.
Professor McGonagall will come back at any moment and take him to the place where his fate will be decided.
Arlene found it very interesting, and everyone was nervous. Hermione chattered, Harry was silent, and Ron was bitter. It seems that I have seen this situation before.
He shook his left index finger back and forth and suddenly realized, oh! By the way, it turned out that it was the real-world squad leader who told Yalin the exact date of their college entrance examination.
"You will find that not all pure blood wizards are so noble." Malfoy Draco made Ron’s nose crooked after he wooed Harry Potter.
Then Professor McGonagall came back.
"Form a team," Professor McGonagall told the freshmen. "Now come with me!" Arlene walked in front of Khaliyar Lin, Hermione on the right, Ron on the left, fell behind them, crossed the hall, entered a split door and entered the restaurant, which can also be called the meeting room, because all countries in that country talked about customs while eating.
It’s beautiful and brilliant here, and everything around the atmosphere has a sense of dignity.
His senior students are already sitting in front of four long tables, and thousands of candles are floating in the middle of the head, lighting up the whole hall.
The table was fil with glittering gold plate and goblets.
There is another long table in front of the dining room, where all the professors are sitting.
Professor McGonagall walked slowly to the high platform with the eyes of new students and old students. wait for a while stared at Hermione in the candle. He was shocked and whispered in his ear, "Someone once enchanted it to make it look more like an outer star. This is what I learned from a history of Hogwarts." It’s hard to imagine that the Great Hall is not an open-air hall with a ceiling at the top.
Arlene, Hermione, Harry, Ron and all the freshmen stopped in front of the high platform, and their eyes were all looking at the same place.
A four-legged stool on the high platform with a pointed magician’s hat, which is dirty and old enough for people to look straight at.
There was silence, and suddenly the hat twitched, and its edge cracked like a human mouth.
Then the hat began to sing.
Maybe you think I’m not beautiful, but don’t believe your eyes. If you can find a hat smarter than me, you can do anything to me.
Your bowler hat is black and bright, your top hat is slippery and high, because I am from Hogwarts sorting hat, and they are not as good as me.
I know what’s on your mind best, and I know where you should go when you wear me.
Maybe you should go to Gryffindor, where warriors have more courage, spirit and torsion to fear the challenge;
If you belong to Hufflepuff, you are loyal, upright and outstanding, and people are patient and sincere and afraid of hard work;
If you can enter the wisdom Ravenclaw, it’s really a lot of good scholars and wise men, and it’s hard to find anywhere else;
Or you will go to Slytherin, and you will find sincere friends. The residents there are cunning and sinister, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
Come and wear me. Don’t be scared! It’s safe to have my protection because my hat is not stupid.
When the hat performed his wonderful singing, the whole auditorium applauded warmly. It bowed to four tables full of students and then became motionless.

"Swallow some B-wood dust and then transform. Look at this appearance. Wait a day or two and the gourd will be transformed."

"Not the kui is a fairy tale good baby …" Baiyun Tower is not out of praise.
This seems to say that Xiaohua Ling’s heart was delighted at once, and his eyebrows were smiling and little wings flapped more briskly.
Zhao-yang Xia satisfactorily replied, "Yes, this wishful bead is really getting worse and worse. It also collected all the sticks of the big black fox demon and remembered that the big demon wanted to laugh at that time …"
Think of the thunder gourd and immediately turn it into a dark staff.
"I haven’t tried this stave after I’ve collected it. The black fox demon is so mean …"
Speak Zhao-yang Xia raised my hand to the dark staves caught in the past.
In the middle of a grasping stave, a strong wind suddenly bursts out from the grip of hands.
Chapter six hundred and fifty White jade staves
Qi Qi explodes the little flower spirit and is instantly blown away, but the reaction is that when passing by the little master, he slightly adjusts his body shape and grabs the little master’s hair and swings directly behind him to hide.
The relatively close hill was suddenly blown away by nearly half.
Xia Chaoyang has fairy clothes to protect his body, and the fairy light naturally reveals the influence of strong wind on his hair.
Oriental Ziyan is even more hindered by the wind, and it is eliminated by slight fluctuations as soon as it is close to the wind.
A little gust of wind and white cloud tower will not be seen by the wind, except for a little hair that blows with the wind, and even the sword in the sword field has not been released
After all, Bai Dazhao is also a yogi now.
I recalled the half-tea set that was blown away, and the tea liquid fell back on its own. Everything in the teapot was restored to its original state. Only then did I look at the staff in my sister’s hand.
The black gas of the black wood stave dispersed from the middle of the stave and finally turned into a glittering and translucent white jade stave.
Just now, it should be the difference of Tao that causes repulsion. The immortal light of Yi Mu forcibly dispels the residual evil spirit and restores the stave phase.
"This should be the heart of the sacred tree. No wonder that the sacred tree desperately condenses crystals and doesn’t want to be refined by the big demon. It’s cheaper. Sister Chaoyang is good …"
The little flower spirit dances around the white jade staff, and the more you look at it, the more satisfied you are.
At this time, the fat rabbit with long ears bounced out from behind the gauze screen, and the tips of its claws were covered with blood, but a frosty fairy fruit was in its mouth.
Seeing that everyone wants to see himself, it seems that the long-eared fat rabbit’s ears have a vertical demon force to urge the blood to dissipate immediately.
It was a thick and strong green light that hit the long-eared fat rabbit halfway through the line, and it fell to the ground on the spot and twitched all over.
"Er … Xiao Xun is injured … pool, I want to treat her …" Looking at Lopunny’s sad appearance, Xia Chaoyang said with a white jade stave.
"The increase is nearly times … this staff is really extraordinary." Xiaohua Ling couldn’t help but exclaim.
Zhao-yang Xia smell speech is not from one leng immediately also white to come over and didn’t tube the convulsion Lopunny delighted to look to the hands of white jade staves.
"With this staff hand XianShi not dragon can also be very severe …"
Speak with a wave of his hand, lift the staff and swing a green vine, and suddenly lean out from the head of the staff and plunge into the ground beside Lopunny.
The smooth bluestone ground was instantly broken, and the strong wind gravel turned the Lopunny belt over twice.
Zhao-yang xia hands staves can not help a stiff "power is too much to confiscate …"
Then the green vine slowly leaned out of the rattan net and gently took Lopunny to the front of the three.
There was a flash of white mountain in Lopunny, and a tingle turned up.
Is this Baiyun Tower convulsing endlessly or sending a small shower to relieve one or two?
However, it can be seen that Xia pool is too strong to cast evergreen this time. Even after getting up, Lopunny is still a little confused.
Zhao-yang Xia stretched out his hand and picked up the small conveniently quickly put away the white jade staves.
"What happened to Xiao Xun? Didn’t the ice in the backyard disperse?" Looking at Lopunny convulsions didn’t let go fairy fruit Baiyun tower asked doubtfully.
This Zhu Guo is still wrapped in a thin layer. Xuan Bing has just been tossed by Lopunny for a long time and there is no Explosicum.
Always smiling at the tea, Ziyan replied, "It should be caused by the cold when the martial sister Yaochi in Qingchi realized the true meaning of Xuan Bing. When Chaoyang came over, the Lingcao fairy fruit around Yaochi had been frozen again."
"This morning, the elder martial sister woke up with an epiphany and said that this layer of Xuan Bing has sealed the medicine of these fairy grasses but will not affect their growth."
"This extremely thin layer of Xuan Bing is not the original seal. Ordinary monks then can disperse it at will …"
"Elder martial sister should have told Xiaoxun when she saw Xiaoxun’s thoughts and came up with Yaochi Wonderland that if she wanted to eat, she had to work hard on her own. In this case, it would be difficult for us to intervene too much."
Xia Chaoyang couldn’t help but pick up the words and said, "Xiao Xun seems to have increased his confidence after being baptized by the big teacher elder sister again, and he struggled with this Zhu Guo early in the morning and was finally tossed."
"Very good, my younger brother Qingyun has to have this kind of will to fight." The Baiyun Tower is very praised, and he also raised his hand and scratched Lopunny Feiba to take away Zhu Guoxuan’s ice.
Praised by the big brother, touched by the big brother, Lopunny Xiaoxun immediately got carried away, which made Xiaoxun even more carried away with Zhu Guo in his mouth.
The cold breath in the mouth suddenly disappears, and the taste of fairy fruit is better than that of sweet juice.
"Ah, it seems that Xiao Xun is dizzy …" Zhao-yang Xia felt that Lopunny was paralyzed in his arms and his rabbit’s eyes turned a little startled.
"It should be that Zhu Guo’s delicious food will be found … sweet and dizzy, so it’s good to sleep." Baiyun Tower said with a smile as soon as it was telepathic.
"Don’t worry about the little flower spirit. You go ahead …"

Yunzui can’t figure out whether she is really crazy or not, but it doesn’t matter. She will make Dou Saiqi really crazy!

"Cloud foam …" Cloud drunk deliberately said two words and didn’t say it.
Dou Saiqi looked around after hearing the name for a moment and then stood up and shouted, "Moer, where are you?" Moer! "
How did Yunzui Lengran Dou Saiqi react like this?
What else does Yunzui want to say? Dou Saiqi has stood up to go outside. Yunzui also got up and put his hands around his chest. Is this Dou Saiqi really crazy?
If a normal person is drunk, normal people can judge logically, but if she is really crazy, she is not crazy, and I don’t know if she is really crazy or not.
393 Chapter 393 First encounter (11)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Yunmo, she is still alive. Do you want to know where she is?" Cloud drunk sound behind her.
Dou Saiqi’s back was stuck for a moment and then walked out.
Yun Zui couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, then turned around and picked up the Dou Saiqi and walked out without touching the food.
Dou Saiqi was just out of the hospital, but it was not long before he was robbed and stopped by the people in the Prime Minister’s Office.
When I saw someone drunk, I handed the square plate to someone and then said, "The Prime Minister’s wife won’t eat a glass of water. If you don’t eat, you may drink water."
With that, Yunzui walked away.
The food hasn’t moved, so Dou Saiqi is hungry for a long time. If someone brings her a glass of water, she will be hungry and she won’t eat rice. That is a very painful thing.
How long can she last before the water drops in? Why don’t you just eat? Then it is easy to eat something by mistake!
After leaving Yunzui, she went back to her yard. She knew that Chi Mie was waiting for her in the room, but she didn’t go in, but called out seven people in the yard.
They immediately showed up and went straight to the point and ordered, "Now give one to two of you. Keep an eye on Dou Saiqi, and let her give it to me whether she is really crazy or not."
Say Yunzui took out the medicine bag and threw it to 7.
7 immediately reached out and took it, then bowed his head and obeyed, saying, "Yes, it will be completed."
And Yun Zui said, "There are three people in General Mu Lian’s office who are pegged to Yun Mo’s courtyard. I want to know whether she is close to Mu Lian or not."
"Is brought life" 7 mouth way again
Yunzui nodded with satisfaction and immediately said to 7, "Then you choose five people to do these two things."
"Yes" 7 immediately brought life.
In staring at such a small thing as Dou Saiqi, Yunzui sent two people because they could be reduced to rest and supervise around the clock.
It takes three people to go to Mulian, not only to be reduced to rest for 24 hours, but also to be careful about Mulian. Moreover, if Yunmo takes action to give someone a message to Xiangge, one person can continue to monitor Yunmo, the other person can rest, and the other person can send someone with Wuxiang Niang, so more secrets can be found out.
Yunzui turned and entered the room, but she didn’t expect to sit in the room. There were a lot of pools in front of a case, and they were watching attentively.
And put a whole table of dining tables at the table position.
When Yunzui entered the room, he saw a man flying from the window with a wooden box in his hand, and then saluted Yunzui before turning to the table to beat the wooden box and decorate the dishes.
Do you feel three black lines dripping from your forehead?
What’s the big deal? Let’s get a few dishes. Do you need people to fly around to arrange meals?
And it’s so full of tables, and Chi Mi doesn’t take her seriously, does she?
How can you account for her case? And brought him all here
Yunzui looked at the room carefully again and found that Chi’s clothes had also moved here!
This is the concept of cohabitation?
Cloud drunk immediately fierce fierce stare to pool what immediately nu way "your ya is too independent, have you ever asked my opinion? You treat this place as your territory. What if someone sees you if you don’t handle it in this room? "
394 Chapter 394 First encounter (12)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
But Chi Miwen’s reaction was faint, and then he raised the piece of evil spirit Yan, who was charming all beings, and said with disdain
"It turns out that you are so insecure. Didn’t you speak? No one else is allowed to enter this hospital except the maid who brought you food. Since you have given orders in this way, you should believe how dignified you are. You shouldn’t show such insecurity for fear that others will find the king in the hospital."
Chi Mie deserves to be Chi Mie. Both of them are black-bellied masters. Even if things are wrong, they can say that they are reasonable and become others.
"You …" Yunzui molar immediately said, "Forget it. Whatever."
Then he sat down at the table and prepared to eat.
But Chi Mie said, "Wait a minute."
Cloud drunk was stuck. Why wait?
Because just before Yunzui came back, the front door of the house was lit with many candles in the room.
Otherwise, the light will be dim and you can’t see clearly.
Chi Mi blew out some candles and left two candles on both sides of the dining table before Yunzui said "Eat".
Yunzui was startled. What, are you cooking a candlelight dinner like her?
Suddenly Yunzui smiled and said, "Although you did everything right, you don’t understand the meaning of romance."
"Then tell me about it?" Chi Mie is very curious about all the strange behaviors and words of Yunzui.
He also wants to blend in with the drunken world and be as strange as her.
"It’s not the same if you can explain it to you. You have to taste it slowly. Let’s eat at the Evil King’s Hall." Yunzui chopsticks knocked on the rice bowl and gave a tinkling sound.
It’s really special for Chimie to get drunk with a smile.
Just now, he heard Yunzui tell 7 people in his room, and he had to say that Yunzui means is very accurate.
"Don’t call me evil king. Am I evil?" Chi Mi can’t help but leave her eyebrows slightly.
Besides, the temple is too much of a title.
Yun Zui couldn’t help but be stunned. She said casually. I remember that many names in the city are called the report evil king, and the temple is also very pleasant to hear.
"Not evil is evil! Charming! " Yunzui flatters a sentence because he doesn’t want to talk too much.

The green light is intermittent on the ground, Yunfeng disappears with two guns, and in the dark sky behind the patrol at dusk.

Green light spans the sky.
A moment later, there was a roar after another.
Like the sound of the earth, like the cascade of tsunamis.
Tianyang’s heart felt something and looked up to see that the intermittent green light was growing and tilting from a beam of light to a frank green road!
At dusk, the figure of the patrolman exudes dim light and is passed and separated by this blue avenue.
Suddenly there was a sharp ugly cry at half-ring.
The original magnificent yellow light quickly faded, so Tianyang could finally see the true posture of the evening parade in the deep glory.
It’s like a woman wearing a long skirt, and the six-winged patrolman’s light retreats, and its body is actually a humanoid skeleton. One of the ribs has a bright yellow heart.
The heart encourages blood vessels and nerves all around, and they wrap around the skeleton and spread around.
There are no arms on both sides of the skeleton, and many nerves stretching from the heart are woven into the shape of wings. Those nerve lines just float and emit yellow light.
Some of its nerves and blood vessels weave a long floating semi-skirt to the waist of the patrolman.
Qingyi Avenue passes through the right side of the patrolman’s body and weaves two nerve wires on the side of the small half skeleton, and its wings are smashed and torn!
At this time, the layers of cascading roar finally synthesized a thunderbolt, and the huge sound waves resounded through the whole city, making Tianyang and others feel dizzy.
"Let’s go"
Yun feng yin lai
Tianyang discovered that the second young master’s specific physique had lifted the faint breath and the star aggregates were dim.
Now he’s afraid a few ghosts can kill him.
The shocking shot was so powerful that the patrolman’s twisting ability was destroyed without making it work.
However, the cost is also very high, except that it takes a while to prepare for the accumulation of energy, so that the star cloud is almost exhausted and falls into a weak period of 2 minutes.
This secret skill will bring great danger to Yunfeng if there is no companion or comrade-in-arms around.
Chapter 562 Green Day Road
Cloud home team evacuated along the street.
Yun Fengli will fight again after a blow, but there is still some mobile strength.
Now he is closely protected, located in the center of the team, surrounded by cold rain, several elemental hearts and a group of hunters, while the outer circle is the fortress and the rank of God of War.
Tianyang and Feiyuan are in charge of the rear of the house, and their melee ability is the strongest, which ensures that the team can move forward quickly without worrying about the future.
The evening patrolman didn’t chase after the big loss, but ordered the nearby dusk clan to hunt down this team.
Just like the night star said that the king’s guard was proud of his personality and was shot by Yunfeng. Are you willing to let it go? After a slight adjustment, he gave off a dim light and chased him back.
It is this evening that the light emitted by the patrolman has grown stronger and brighter in the early days, and that evening brilliance has shrunk by a circle. In the light, the body has not recovered to the state of missing less than half a skeleton and two wings, and it is floating and floating.
Moving behind the team, Tianyang suddenly felt a pressure coming back and looked back at his eyes. A dusk clan was rushing over. The teenager immediately stopped and released the crescent moon without hesitation.
Star aggregates consume pieces of gray-blue crescent moon like running water, resisting the dark people who rushed to them, polluting them with gray-blue and making them empty
Clear this piece of pursuer, and the sun flashes back. His speed is amazing, even if he doesn’t start the alien superior mobility, Fei Yuan can’t match it.
The miscellaneous soldiers who cleaned up the institute of technology took it over in a backward way. If Feiyuan was allowed to clean it up, it would take no effort, but he could quickly chase the team after cleaning it up like him.
Feiyuangong is mainly to clean up those middle-class black people who suddenly appear.
For example, screaming female demons, such as shapeshifters, are often hidden in miscellaneous soldiers and will cross the juvenile pursuit team when the sun intercepts them.
This time it’s Fei Yuan’s turn to make moves.
The two men cooperated with the method of constantly reducing the number of troops to stop them.
In the fourth round of alternate cover, the day after tomorrow, when masculine returned to the vicinity of the team, he felt that there was a dusk in front of him, and when he looked up, there were several black spots expanding rapidly in the yellow light.
"Look out!"
The sun warned and avoided the black spots, and it was not until the crystal matrix was tied at their feet that they found the feathers entangled by the warp of God.
Feathers fall from the sky, and these flying feathers appear from the dusk. The hand hair feathers of the patrolman hit the ground without explosion, and there was no abnormality, which instantly reminded Tianyang of another ability of the patrolman.
These feathers should be a gift from the patrolman. If they are hit, they will be rewarded and something will be returned to the patrolman at random.
Feiyuan’s posture is not as flexible as Tianyang’s. He dances with a huge sword and carries stars to form a frenzy. The sword wind blows those feathers off.

White jade table flashes, nail head seven arrows book and Yuan Tu, A Nose double swords disappear, and then instantly appear, and this moment, nail head seven arrows book and Yuan Tu, A Nose on the residual soul residual spirit disappeared …

Yan Mo smiled indifferently, then took out a book of life and death, and wrote "Empress Chiling" and "Dark Goddess of Heaven" on the book of life and death.
In the wild, saints are above everything else, and no one can disobey the will of saints. The names of "Empress Chiling" and "Dark Buddha" are written on the Xuan Ming sage’s life and death book, which means that the two lives should be over. However, these two have great magical powers, which are enough to be dragged by the arrival life and death book, but they can’t resist the traction of saints. Besides, their residual souls are still in the hands of Xuan Ming saints, so they are only at the last moment of their lives.
The collapse of two behemoths means the end of the great era of the wild, and the semi-witch tribe has occupied the peak of the wild species, so it officially entered the leading role stage …
Chi Chang is the establishment of heaven, as the jade emperor, governing all immortal ways.
The semi-witch clan changed its name to "Man", and Chen Feng became Ren Huang, ruling all corners of the country and covering a territory of 100,000. After 3,000 years, it became the holy throne. After abdication, it was appointed as one of the four emperors in heaven, Gouchen the Great!
The lunar star has become the most mysterious place in the wild, with various legends circulating everywhere. However, the lunar star is empty, and people can only see pieces of tea trees on the lunar star …
Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and there is no other saint except Xuan Ming. Many quasi-saints are looking for the jade die, but the jade die is missing …
Many Xiandao elders speculated that Xu Qi was the fate, but Xu Qi had disappeared in the wild, and no one could find him …
A few years later …
Another world, the earth.
Xu Qi Yin God stood in front of "himself" and looked at "himself" lying in the hospital bed, while his sister Xu Min took care of it …
One day …
"Min Min, the total solar eclipse is coming. Push me out quickly, quickly, quickly."
"Come, come, it’s not time yet. Why are you in such a hurry?"
"Hurry up, hurry up, the total solar eclipse will come out later, and I want to watch it for the first time."
"Elder brother, are you hot? Do you want to take an umbrella? "
"No, the total solar eclipse will come out soon. Besides, it will only take a while. After reading it, I will go home. It will only take ten minutes before and after. I will be fine."
"Brother, look, the total solar eclipse is coming out."
Xu Qi stood by and watched the total solar eclipse with her sister. At that time, she was still very young …
Looking up at the sky, Xu Qi smiled indifferently at the strange total solar eclipse and said, "Six roads are connected with six roads, and nature meets nature, but it can’t be changed for a lifetime, just, just."
The new book "Cold Blood" and the rumor.
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volume one
Chapter 1-Missing persons
Time: In the 13th year of Xiaozong in the Southern Song Dynasty, location: In the discussion hall of Qiyun Club, the first and largest cuju organization in Lin ‘an, the founder and former master of Qiyun Club, Mr. Qi, was playing anxiously in the hall. In addition to Mr. Qi, there were a bunch of wives and servants of the Qi family in the hall. Dim candlelight swayed gently with the evening breeze, and one or two dazzling snuff bloomed from time to time, and the atmosphere around the servants dared not take a bite. The atmosphere was oppressive and suffocating.
Something terrible has happened! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Yes. Something really happened.
A few hours ago, a bolt from the blue made the whole family still unable to recover. The pride of the family, the grandson of Qi Yun’s former husband, Qi Na, fell off the cliff when he was hunting outside the city because his mount slipped.
It’s the Cliff of God. Father Qi knows it all too well. When he was young, he hunted with his close friends every month, and he was familiar with its dangers. Even God fell and it was hopeless, let alone a human being. It’s been almost five hours since he came back to report that he had gone hunting with Qinan and the search and rescue personnel rushed to the rescue. There is still no news back. If he was not worried about being too old, his health was not very good. Father Qi couldn’t wait to go out and search and rescue his baby grandson himself. That’s a heritage. ! ! ! ! ! !
Sit back in the spacious and soft tiger chair in the discussion hall, rubbing his thigh that is sore from walking for a long time, and his thoughts slowly drift into the endless night with the wind in the dark night. ……………
During the reign of Xiaozong in the Southern Song Dynasty, it was a contradictory and delicate time. After Xiaozong ascended the throne, he rebelled against the policy of compromise and concession to the Jin State in the Gaozong period. He restored Yue Fei’s reputation and actively fought against the Japanese. Although defeated, it also made the Jin State suffer a certain amount. In addition, with the rise of northern Mongolia, the Jin State was caught between Scylla and Charybdis, unable to invade the South on a large scale, so he had to accept the negotiation of the Southern Song Dynasty court and signed the so-called "Longxing Peace Negotiation". The imperial court in the Southern Song Dynasty gained temporary peace with some concessions. The economic and cultural prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty was continued in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the capital city Lin ‘an (now Hangzhou) also replaced the position of Kaifeng in Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty and became the largest commercial center in China at that time.
At that time, Hangzhou had become a place where merchants concentrated, and people’s living standards reached an unprecedented height. Books such as "Old Wulin Stories" recorded that there were 440 lines in Hangzhou at that time, a royal street across the north and south, also known as "Tianjie". From north to south, Shili Street was painted with carved buildings. All the way to Fengshanmen, the pavement is paved with stone slabs, and there are many businesses on both sides. "There is no one who doesn’t buy or sell."
A minister in the Southern Song Dynasty complained about the extravagance of the world, saying: Now farmers’ pawns actually put on silk shoes. No wonder some western scholars say that the living standard of a European monarch at that time was not as good as that of a soldier guarding the city gate in Hangzhou.
"Outside the castle peak building outside the mountain, when will the West Lake dance stop? The warm wind makes tourists drunk and makes Hangzhou Bianzhou. It should be the best summary of the bustling scene of Hangzhou at that time.
Qiyun Society was born in such an environment. During the Southern Song Dynasty, although politics was extremely corrupt, the development of economy and culture was not greatly influenced by politics. Since the signing of the "Longxing Peace Conference" with the State of Jin, the Southern Song Dynasty entered a relatively peaceful stage.
Cuju, a popular entertainment activity in the Northern Song Dynasty, flourished with the development of economy and culture. Cuju activities have become a common practice, whether in the folk or in the court.
When he was young, Grandfather Qi was a keen fan of cuju, enjoying a high reputation in the field of cuju. His family was originally a business family, doing business for generations, with abundant funds. When Grandfather Qi was old, he set up a cuju team by himself, named it "Qiyun Club" after his own name. This was the first cuju organization in Lin ‘an. Later, various forces in Lin ‘an followed suit, and cuju organizations mushroomed and organized various competitions on a regular basis.
Father Jiyun had three sons, but none of them had great interest in Cuju. However, Qi Nan, the eldest grandson, showed great desire to learn Cuju since he was a child, and his talent was extremely outstanding. Therefore, among the younger generations of Qi’s family, Qi Nan was the most popular with the father.
For this reason, the old man did not hesitate to teach in person. In order to exercise his leg skills, Qi Nan became a teacher at the age of 8, and hired some of the best cuju masters in Lin ‘an to teach Qi Nan cuju skills. Qi Nan didn’t expect much. Cuju skills were better than blue in shine on you, and he led the "Qiyun Club" to win the cuju competition organized by the royal family in one fell swoop at the age of weak crown, and was given calligraphy by Emperor Xiaozong.
Since then, Mr. Qi has retired from the background with peace of mind, and let Qi Na officially take over the Jiyun Society and become the second generation master of Qiyun Society. Although Qi Nan people are only in their twilight years, they have a rare composure among young people, and they have kept a large Jiyun Society in good order. It is a great comfort for Mr. Qi to have such a grandson.
But who would have thought that such a situation has happened now? Is it that heaven is jealous of talents?
"Master came back, master came back! ! !” A rush of footsteps at the door caused a commotion in the hall. Father Qi recovered from his meditation, but his heart tightened with the approaching of footsteps.
Qi Qing, the elder’s eldest son, Qi Nan’s father, walked in quickly, and his face was anxious and tired, even the dim candlelight in the hall could not hide it. Father Qi sighed, but he didn’t find it without asking. The expression on Qi Qing’s face spoke for itself. There are endless inquiries in the hall, and it is like a vegetable market. Father Qi felt that his soul seemed to be far away from his body, floating above the noisy chamber. Naner! Where the hell are you? ? ? ?
Ten days pass quickly. Qijia has organized a lot of manpower and material resources to search and rescue, but there is still no news from Qinan. Not to mention the body, I didn’t find a hair under the cliff. The hope in his father’s heart also faded bit by bit. Ten days! ! ! The old man feels like ten years later, and people have become ten years older. People who live always have expectations. When God deprives a person of the right to expect, it is meaningless for that person to live. This is the general mood of the old man now.
A month passed, and there was still no news from Qina. Father Qi was so ill because of Qina’s disappearance that he died half a year later. Jiyun Society also gradually declined with the death of his father and the disappearance of the second husband, thus withdrawing from the stage of Lin ‘an Cuju. This is another story, not for the time being.

Thousand-Eye Pacific "Ah!" With a roar, I raised my feet and stepped on a tree and immediately rushed over. His face has been deformed, and now he is a six-headed bird, and now he is a 30-year-old strong man from other places. No matter how he changes, he is full of murderous look.

Without waiting for others to make moves, Bai Meng once again threw the big five elements and swept away thousands of dust. Even under the sword of Xuanhuangshi, he smashed into pieces, leaving only spots of blood on the white jade altar as if it were the tears of six birds.
Bai Meng slowly opened his eyes and stared at Empress Shi Ji with endless bullying and repression. She grabbed the flying stone and came over step by step, and said coldly, "I’m willing to save your life. Don’t kill yourself. I killed your master and brother just for self-protection, so I won’t embarrass you if you are willing to surrender!"
Empress Shi Ji stopped and laughed, suddenly stopped and glared at Bai Meng. "What you value is just my magic weapon, so I don’t blame you for killing ourselves today, just as you said, you just did it for self-protection."
After she said this, she threw the flying stone banners in her hands on the ground and ran retrograde. Zhenyuan’s whole body was thumped and rattled, and she was about to burst and smash the rocks.
"Don’t worry, girl!" Suddenly there was a high drink in the sky, but it was Huang Lingzi and the Arctic reality.
When Huang Lingzi saw that this woman was a flying stone on the Huangshan Mountain, it took tens of thousands of years to absorb the essence of heaven and earth before her soul came to life. It was really valuable and had some true temperament. She immediately flew out of the 36-way Zhenyuan charm to suppress her rebellious truth.
Bai Meng doesn’t try to stop difficulties. Like Huang Lingzi, only the woman turned out in this stone enjoys herself the most. Although the personality is inevitably a bit extreme, it is also affectionate and righteous.
Tian hu’s old demon deserved to die, but she, the green fox, and the Three Demons with Thousand Eyes didn’t deserve to die. It was just an accident. I accidentally killed the blue fox and had to kill Qianyan. Now she’s the only one left. Naturally, I hope Huang Lingzi can save her.
Seeing that Huang Lingzi’s lack of practice can’t stop this stone spirit, she is also bent on death and Bai Meng has to make moves. The fairy vine flew out of the sun and moon and bound the stone essence. This vine binds the spirit to lock the soul, and immediately curses the real yuan scurrying about in her body.
Seeing Bai Meng’s rescue, Jinguang Mantis hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed again and again and shouted, "Master, spare my life. Jinguang is willing to be a servant all his life and will not regret it!"
White faint a sneer at. Excalibur Dreadwind immediately flew out along his mind. This golden mantis was immediately pierced without a dike, and its protector, Jin Guangwan Daozhen Yuan, flowed like a spring into Excalibur Dreadwind.
Standing next to Golden Mantis, the doll monster opened his mouth and didn’t know what to do, but he didn’t dare to help. He just looked at Golden Mantis in disbelief and watched her body dry up a little.
"Help me … old white squid!" The golden mantis reached out to the doll monster with great difficulty and pain. Begging him to help.
The doll monster made a tingle all over, as if it were an electric shock. It was shocking to see that the golden mantis slowly lost weight and finally became a dried-up mantis mummy.
Bai Meng will Dreadwind Excalibur back. He took a cold look at the doll monster and asked, "Who the hell are you? With your strength. Why aren’t they in the Thirteen Pacific Islands? "
The doll monster listened to Bai Meng’s question but didn’t throw the dark sword directly. Hurriedly and busily caressed my chest and asthma, I gasped and plopped down on my knees and said, "I … little demon … was originally a jade squid in Huangtian River of Lushan Mountain, and some people called me a jade-skinned giant salamander. When I was practicing for a thousand years, an old man from the northern Sect of Lushan Mountain taught me a line of five elements of Taoism. I practiced hard at the foot of Wulaofeng Mountain in Lushan Mountain. Two years ago, I was bullied by some old men from Taiqing Sect and had to flee to Huangshan Mountain. Later … I got to know this golden light. He said that he would protect me from soaring in the future and I entered this evil demon gate! "
As he talked, he even cried and cried, and he was really similar to a baby.
Bai Meng couldn’t guess whether he was telling the truth or lying, so he took a look at Tianlong Zi. When Tianlong Zi saw Bai Meng, he immediately offered a mirror of destiny, first according to Shi Ji’s empress and then the jade squid.
After taking a photo of two goblins, he showed a smile and didn’t speak, but in Bai Meng’s view, it was natural that the white squid didn’t tell the truth and had a predestined relationship with Zi Xia Wonderland. He immediately shouted, "I see that your practice is not easy and there are no bad consequences. From today on, you will practice in the Linglian Pool outside the Hall of Tibetan Scriptures. You can’t go out without my law. If you dare to get sick, I will take your sex and order you not to be reincarnated forever!"
Jade Squid was overjoyed. He immediately kowtowed several times and loudly said, "I know that I just want to get through all kinds of difficulties safely, so I won’t make trouble if I get a positive result in the future!"
Bai Meng could see that this jade squid was a timid guy, and it was useless to keep it. It’s just that since this jade squid hasn’t done anything bad and it’s not easy for him to practice, he should stay in the fairyland and let it practice slowly and wait for it to soar.
At this time, there is only the problem of Shi Ji, but this Shi Ji still needs Huang Lingzi to slowly enlighten Bai Meng and doesn’t want to ask too much, so let Huang Lingzi take Shi Ji back to the Purple Palace.
Bai Meng asked Tianlong Zi to lead Zhu Xingjun and the second generation of disciples to clean up the war-torn land, while he conveniently collected the seal of thousands of dragons and thousands of treasures and returned to the fairyland.
The second generation of disciples who suffered heavy casualties before and after the first world war are afraid that no fewer than 20 people are injured and almost half of them die. Bai Meng counted the list and couldn’t help frowning and sighing.
Most of these second-generation disciples were brought back from the Ziyang Sect and the Moon Magic Temple in those years, and they have already built a foundation. After experiencing this World War I, the accumulated network foundation in Zi Xia Wonderland was destroyed a lot.
Nangong Paiqingsong was seriously injured, and the other four disciples under his name were not saved except Tian Changzi, Tian Lezi and Tian Jizi. Even the big disciple Tian Changzi was seriously injured, but it was not Qingsong and Qingmei San who were afraid to die on the spot, but only three second-generation disciples were left.
Although the Ziyang Sect went to war late, it was rather tragic. Not to mention the five disciples killed and four others brought by the door, only the big disciple Tianjizi got away with it. Fortunately, there are still many young people in Ziyang School whose accomplishments are not low, which does not affect their luck.
The Guanghan Sect is even more bleak. The Red Crescent was wounded twice. Not to mention that the last Huangyue was also wounded by the old demon in tian hu. It was not Guangyang’s real hand that would have killed him on the spot. Seven female disciples under the sect injured three of them before, and finally the other four died in battle and almost broke the foundation of the sect.
These three factions were originally the most prosperous ones in Zi Xia Wonderland except the authentic Yin and Yang of Xuanmen, but all of a sudden they lost most of their foundation and suffered heavy losses.
Most of them were in Bai Meng’s heart when Bai Meng, Huang Lingzi and the Arctic reality rushed out to kill the bat bodhi old zu because of the lack of strength in this door.
If he hadn’t gone after the bat bodhi old zu with ice silkworm and Jin Chanzi’s Gankun Tongbao, there wouldn’t have been great damage in the third battle. Now it’s better that the damage in the third war is a little worse than that in the second world war.
Bai Meng sat silent on the lotus throne with his head down, and his heart was a little frustrated. If he hadn’t been too reckless, it would have been a great victory, but he couldn’t help sighing again.
When Huang Yue saw Bai Meng’s remorse, he immediately forced a smile: "Master, don’t worry about my fairyland. Although it suffered many losses after this war, it was still a great victory. Since then, it is expected that no one will dare to break into our mountain gate within a hundred years!"
Bai Meng said with a wry smile, "The bodhi old zu bat may not dare to come again. Now that he has seen the great array of mysteries, he will definitely dare to come with his skill and courage after careful preparation. In fact, even if he comes again ten times, I’m not afraid. It’ s just that I made a mistake in this war and it’ s really embarrassing for everyone to suffer heavy losses! "
"Patriarch, you don’t need to blame yourself. I think it’s rare for Zi Xia Wonderland to be able to lick those big monsters with such force. However, what I am worried about is not the bodhi old zu Bat or the Shushan Sect, which has always liked to be biased and has three treasures in the Mahayana period. If they take advantage of our weakness at the moment to make trouble on the pretext of a two-year contract, I am afraid we will not be able to resist it! " Guangyang reality suddenly sank with a sigh.
Bai Meng’s heart was in a deep depression. It was clearly the victory of the war. Now I don’t know why, but everyone’s heart is in a low mood. I think it’s also a fairyland in Zi Xia. I’ve never had such a setback. It’s hard to avoid being unacceptable when people are used to everything smoothly for a while.

Chapter two hundred and twenty-one SuoRen
Today’s Zi Xia Nebula … It’s too low to breathe; It’s a little confusing.
Bai Meng stood on the white jade temple of heaven and looked up at the sky. It was a bit monotonous but so quiet to have only that endless nebula in the sky.
"I’m afraid the Shushan Sect won’t come after the First World War. After all … they have to measure it!" Violet scattered people step by step, carrying their own skirt, light and quiet, but they couldn’t hide a trace of worry in their eyes.
"It will come!" Bai Meng looked back at her, and gave me a subtle smile. She continued to look up at the Zi Xia nebula overhead for a long time before saying, "How could she not come?" Nowadays, the so-called four factions actually come and go for the benefit of our school, but some are long-term interests and some are short-term interests. Many things seem to be doomed, but they are also reasonable to follow. I think the weakest point of their Shushan Sect is the method of mind. Their Emei method is only a second-rate method, but it is only as long as the sword. Therefore, the greatest sense of crisis among the four schools is that they have the sense of crisis at this moment. The Emei people of all ages are very persistent in strengthening themselves and even sacrificing their peers! "
"But after all, they are noble and decent Taoists. I still hope to have a settlement. Even if they disagree, there is no need to fight like this!"
"You are bored here all day long and don’t know what’s going on outside. In fact, the so-called noble decent is not just a big gate. The means used by each are not very aboveboard. Forget the shushan school. Let’s just say it’s too clear. Actually, He has been holding us all these years, just like the Shu Mountain holding Huang Lingzi. " White faint a sneer at.
"Ah … this is really unexpected. What are you going to do?"
Bai Meng only replied faintly: "I’ll see you then. What good way can people be detained in their hands?" Even if I’m right It is impossible to get people back without losing money! "
There is still a year to go before the appointment of sending the mountain gate in Shushan, and it is said that the length is long, short and short. A year’s time is just a blink of an eye.
Tian hu and the old demon suffered heavy losses in Zi Xia fairyland. A year’s time can’t be fully recovered at all, and then we will face the appointment of sending the land to the mountain gate in Shushan. Although the Shushan Sect may not have such an old demon as the bat bodhi old zu. There are absolutely no fewer than six or seven people in the Mahayana period, and the three treasures that are even more difficult for ghosts and gods are run.
In particular, there is a more difficult seven evil spirits to deal with in the middle. I don’t know why Bai Meng always has a bad feeling in his heart. Tian hu’s old demon, though terrible, is just the strength in the later period of Mahayana. Compared with the seven evil spirits who are proficient in Taiping Daoism, it’s a little different.
Fortunately, the damage caused by the first world war with tian hu’s old demon is also quite fruitful. There are many magic treasures captured, including thousands of seals and thousands of seals. In addition, there are rare treasures such as Shenmu sword, and there are a bunch of strange magic treasures such as flying stone banners, tian hu sword, green fox sword and golden sickle.
Yaobao is a unique category. Gankun Sitongbao belongs to Yaobao, but it’s just authentic. This kind of demon treasure is different from the magic weapon of magic fairy, and it is also growing with the improvement of its own strength by the owner, because they are part of the fairy’s novel arrangement and are almost the same as the fairy’s inner elixir.
Most of the demon treasures are difficult to imitate or even unique! Sex is like everyone is different, and so is every goblin. If the owner of the demon treasure dies, there will be no room for growth in the future. It can only be re-refined as a very rare material to become a magic weapon, otherwise it will be impossible to use it.
I accidentally got dozens of demon treasures. As long as I refine them well, I can really refine a lot of good magic weapons to worry about the lack of magic weapons in fairyland. This is a supplement.
After the war of Seven Shamen and Huangshan Mountain, especially this mountain gate war, Bai Meng has seen through that it is vain to cultivate for the highest level, and it is of little use without proper magic weapons and exquisite occult skills.
On the one hand, the reason why our side took themselves, the Arctic real person, the Guangyang real person, the Jin Lingzi and the Huang Lingzi as five people in the previous World War was that the five people were able to practice. The more important reason was that they all had their own treasures and wonderful skills.
All the schools in the world, the Emei Shushan School, have experienced the most wars and have the deepest understanding of the importance of this treasure, which is why they are extremely keen on all kinds of good magic weapons.
The Shushan Sect’s sword practice is a unique skill, and it also has its own opinions, but there is no great idea, and there is no advantage in alchemy, array method and character seal, which further stimulates the desire for the magic weapon of the Shushan Party.
After so much experience, I gradually feel that I can understand more and more that Shushan sent people to die for wealth, birds to eat and fix the truth … to die for magic weapons!
The more I can understand that Shu Shan sent Bai Meng, the more I can feel that the Covenant between Shu Shan and my own mountain gate must be imminent, so it is rare to give them such a good excuse not to seize the opportunity to seize the magic weapon in their hands. How can they be willing?

"If you go back on your word now, I’m afraid your unbearable information will fall into the hands of Bai Yinting. If you don’t mind, you can leave here." The man is a little impatient and seems to be finished for him.

Yimo closed his eyes and slowly took off his clothes. The man also took off Lin Biao.
When Yimo slept beside Lin Hao, some intimate photos were taken soon, and even Yimo threatened to take some very bad photos.
These photos have got the restricted standard. Imo finally got a little confused. Why did she do these things?
"Don’t worry, these photos are all to threaten him, and they will never flow out, which has no influence on you." One man winked at another man and the two of them went out.
It took Yimo a long time to slow down and look at the men around him. What did they just do?
Although it’s a little flapping, is it any different from what really happened?
It’s a disgrace, but it’s a lifesaver for Yimo. But there’s no turning back.
Now all she has to do is wait here for Lin Hao to wake up. I don’t know what those people injected him with. He has been sleeping for hours without waking up.
Yimo sat beside him with his shawl, his hair disheveled and his eyes staring at the overhead lamp.
She doesn’t know if Bai Yinting will find her mobile phone at home. It’s so quiet. Yimo began to suspect that Bai Yinting might not know about it.
When she came out, she was very careful. Aunt Qiao didn’t even know about that family. She has always been lovely. This is her sadness.
In order to realize his ideal, all this may be worth Yimo’s constant encouragement, but he found himself crying.
"Uh ~" Lin Hao made a sound.
Yimo gently turned to look at his tears more turbulent.
Lin Hao slowly opened his eyes and saw Yimo for a long time. Suddenly he sat up from the bed and found himself naked.
And Yimo is almost naked. What happened? How did this happen? Isn’t he drinking with his friends?
"You’re awake." Yimo cried even harder.
"What’s the matter?" Lin Hao caressed his forehead and his brain turned white.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-six I’m not that stupid.
Yimo doesn’t talk. Lin Hao grabbed his mobile phone and looked at it. It seems that he was sent to investigate that Yimo people called him. Is it because he remembered wrong?
He looked up at Yimo suddenly seemed to be white. "What do you want? Do you do it again? "
"I was caught here and they forced me …" Yimo buried her face in pain and began to cry.
"Being caught here?" Lin Hao looked around and knew that this was really a bar room.
Moreover, he remembered that he seemed to have been knocked out after entering the health service, and he woke up here.
Someone is trying to frame him? When Lin Hao took one look, he quickly got into bed and got dressed. Then he took one look at Yimo and said, "Get dressed quickly and I’ll send you out of here."
Yimo didn’t expect Lin Hao to be so calm. Even if those things didn’t happen?
"Don’t tell anyone about me and you for the time being, including our boss. I’ll find out." Lin Hao suspected that all this was done by the so-called behind-the-scenes eyes
"But we have a lot of photos. What should they do?" Yimo is also concerned about those photos.
"What photos did you say?" Lin Hao realized the seriousness of the matter.
"What else are you and I afraid of?" Yimo finally saw the panic from Lin Hao’s face
Lin Hao was afraid that these photos would be sent to Bai Yinting. At that time, he really explained it.
"Yimo, this should be your means?" Lin Hao suddenly showed fierce eyes.
Yimo was wronged and cried. "What good is it for me to do this? I can’t live much longer, but should I spoil myself like this? "
Lin Hao suddenly felt that what Yimo said was reasonable, but what should she do with those things?
"Lin Hao, I think I can stay with Bai Yin Court at last to make up for the mistakes of that year. Please give me this chance, but I beg you for two months." Yimo is good at delicate and touching.
After all, Yimo has not been idle for three years since she left Bai Yinting. She was kept as a lover by two middle-aged men, but I’m afraid she wouldn’t be swept out of the house if she wasn’t sick.
"Yimo, I’m afraid you didn’t really feel guilty to come back? I think you just want to find a meal ticket at the end of your life. "Lin Hao really looks down on Yimo.
Yimo is wry smile "even so? Think of it as a good deed every day when people are dying, and it’s not good for you. "
Lin Jieshi also hates threats, but today he is really threatened and has no resistance.
Even so, he still wants to see who dares to set him up.
Of course, there is no such thing in Yimo unless there is someone behind her to support her, or all this is done by someone else
"I’ll send someone to send you back first. Remember that you can’t say a word about what happened tonight." Lin Hao wanted to investigate the matter clearly
"Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid." Yimo knew it was done.
Lin Hao won’t tell Bai Yinting about her for the time being because he doesn’t know what trouble it will bring to himself.
It seems that Yimo is going to die, even if she tells Bai Yinting about her rotten stalls, it won’t make any difference.
Who would have known that Yimo had deceived everyone by hiding so deeply?
After Yimo left, Lin Hao began to enter the investigation and checked all the monitoring. Sure enough, he and Yimo were dragged into the room.
And I can’t see clearly who are those people with strange faces.
What chose Yimo? Do they just want him to have any conflicts with Bai Yinting?
Lin Hao asked people to continue the follow-up investigation. When he glanced at it, it was dawn. If he saw Bai Yinting, would he tell the truth?
After all, everything is unknown. If these words come out of those people’s mouths, I’m afraid it will be more likely to cause misunderstanding.
Lin Hao was very worried that those photos were sent to a newspaper or a network and had a temporary investigation.
Lin Hao was completely at a loss. Yimo and Bai Yinting were special. He really didn’t know what to do.
But fortunately, this woman is Yimo instead of Xia Zhu, otherwise wouldn’t he feel more guilty?

He began to meditate cross-legged and suck the energy * * to forcibly absorb the spiritual force in the sea water to heal himself. The force of this energy * * to reshape the flesh is really powerful. He has absorbed enough physical injuries and has been much better.

Open your eyes, the dim eyes have disappeared, replaced by bright eyes.
He knows that the bodhi old zu has gone after the monster. It’s a good time to go first. After all, he doesn’t have much chance to win the battle against the bodhi old zu, but he can’t bear to leave the monster and escape by himself. Moreover, his flying sword has been taken away and his magic weapon has been abandoned, so he can’t escape this Haikui.
After making up his mind, Haikui dived into the water and drew a long arc to catch up with the bodhi old zu.
In the distance, the sea water fluctuated badly. Haikui knew that the bodhi old zu had not captured the monster. This monster was so strong that he could persist for such a long time under the hands of a monk who was a baby. He just didn’t know if the bodhi old zu had any other magic weapon besides the turtle carrying the stone tablet.
Haikui accelerated and rushed in their direction.
At this time, the outside world has become a mess, and inexplicable storms and waves have had a certain impact on coastal cities. However, fortunately, it is only rainy and windy, but there is no other harm.
Haikui quickly found the bodhi old zu of the robe, but the situation changed at this time
This surprised Haikui. At this time, the bodhi old zu was fighting with the monster, and the black turtle with the stone tablet and a white water ape with a three-pronged fork fought together
When did you have such an extra water ape? Haikui is strange.
Chapter 155 Water Ape
The water ape actually fights with the bully evenly. Under the frequent waving of the trident in his hand, the sea water can also form a water rope under his command to plague the bully.
And the bodhi old zu of the robe alone can’t resist the monster’s extraordinary power.
Grass is this monster calling for help?
When the bully opens his mouth, he spits out a water arrow and goes towards the white water ape, while the white water ape waves a trident to disperse the water arrow.
A strange scene happened when the water ape shook his body, and all the white hairs scattered on him were shot at the bully. Then the water ape actually pinched and printed them quickly, and all the white hairs burst to form a rune, which surrounded the bully under a mass of white light and sealed the bully.
I can’t believe when monkeys are so awesome.
After the water ape sealed the bully, he raised his big fork and hit him at the bully.
At most, the water ape is three or four feet in size, and it looks small in front of a dozen feet, but even so, its momentum is extremely amazing. When the trident is lifted, even the huge bully seems so powerless.
There was a loud bang and the trident slammed on the stone tablet.
A trembling rune flashed, and the whole sea was trembling.
I saw that the bully kept shrinking under the trembling, and finally became smaller and smaller, becoming only the size of a fist. The water ape reached out and grasped Naha in his hand.
What I saw by Haikui was tongue-tied. Isn’t this monkey too strong? Not only is it powerful enough to control the sea water, but it can also spell and rune.
Is it a relative of the Monkey King who is so powerful and so made?
The water ape took over the magic weapon of the robe bodhi old zu and then jumped to the front of the robe bodhi old zu and fought with the monsters. The situation of the robe bodhi old zu changed immediately.
Although the monster is powerful, it can’t do any spells or rune spells, but the water ape is almost no different from a human being, and he is the water ape. This sea water is its main battlefield, and it also has a magic weapon trident in the hands of spells and runes, and it is not weaker than the bodhi old zu.
The white-haired water ape came to the side of the robe bodhi old zu, waved a trident, and several water ropes appeared quickly and wrapped around it and went to the robe bodhi old zu.
The bodhi old zu already knows that he will lose, and even the magic weapon has been taken over by this monkey. I’m afraid he will be grabbed before the storage bag is patted. After the red gourd reappears at his feet and sets foot on it, the whole person rushes out and runs towards the distance.
How can Haikui let him walk away? At least leave the flying sword behind.
Haikui shouted, "Leave my flying sword", and the whole person was like an arrow leaving the string and chasing after the bodhi old zu in the robe.
The bodhi old zu of the robe bit his fingertips and painted spells with blood, and then pushed out those bloody spells one by one, and quickly spread backwards, blocking Haikui’s way. Haikui’s flying sword was robbed, and there was no other magic weapon, so he had to stretch out his hand and hold the bronze mirror in his hand and pat it towards those runes.
The rune collided with the bronze mirror and gave off a huge collision force. Fortunately, Haikui released the protective qi, which was such a huge impact that he was washed out and spit out one mouthful blood.
The footsteps of water apes and monsters have also been blocked. The water apes stopped in great anger and opened their mouths with a loud roar. The roar resounded throughout the sea, and everywhere they could spread was the roar of water apes.
The bodhi old zu was running away, and suddenly it was dark like a wall in front of him. Look carefully where the wall is, and there are countless sea fish standing in front of him.
The bodhi old zu is furious that you little shrimps are going to block my way, too. With a wave of your hand, a cold breath instantly freezes the sea water. With a wave of your hand, an ice arrow goes forward and pierces the sea fish. At the speed of thunder, dozens of sea fish burst open, but the number of sea fish is too much, and they just die a little, and then they are filled up quickly.
Haikui only felt the darkness at the moment, and he also saw countless sea fish blocking the way of the robe bodhi old zu. These fish were carefully looked at and looked at, which was completely different from the fish he usually ate
He saw the white-haired water ape open his mouth and shout again, and then Haikui saw several huge sharks appear in front and bite away at the bodhi old zu.
Haikui instantly understood that the water ape was commanding all the fish in the sea to fight against the bodhi old zu.
Hai Kui suddenly remembered a sentence: there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called the king, but this is not the mountain, this is the sea, and this monkey is not an ordinary monkey at all, so it makes sense to be the king.
Haikui stopped with water apes and monsters and countless schools of fish. He felt that the bodhi old zu couldn’t run away. He just stood by coldly and watched as long as he could get his flying sword back later. He didn’t want to fight so many fish and water apes and monsters. The number was terrible.
The bodhi old zu of the robe waved his soul frequently, and the freezing speed of the sea water became faster and faster. Ice arrows were sprayed out and harvested the lives of these marine fish, but those marine fish rushed towards the bodhi old zu of the robe without hesitation.
The sea is no longer bright green, and it has begun to be dyed red. This scene looks spectacular, just like on the battlefield, which is as tragic as the first world war. Countless fish soldiers died here with blood on the sea.
Those sharks are dead, two of them are dead, and several others are desperate. When the bodhi old zu waved his hand and the red light flashed, countless marine fish died again.
Several souls appeared on the coffin, some with knives, some with guns and some with axes. Those souls had all kinds of weapons in their hands. They rushed out and harvested the lives of those fish like chopping melons and vegetables.
Haikui was shocked.
Although it’s just killing fish, it’s not killing fish in the vegetable market. It’s tens of thousands of fish killed in the blink of an eye, and their limbs are broken and slowly floating in the sea, as if they were unwilling, and their eyes are wide open and deeply unwilling.
Haikui retreated dozens of feet, and he didn’t want to get contaminated with the fish blood, which seemed terrible to him.
The bodhi old zu of the robe was jealous. He didn’t expect that there were so many fish as ants, and there seemed to be endless supporters from all directions.
Water apes and monsters have also joined the first world war with the Pharaoh, who wants to escape, but his teleport distance is limited, and the ocean is vast and boundless, and they are thousands of meters under the sea. At that time, they were unable to fix for his infancy.
The truth in his body is not endless, so after several hours of war, he was finally captured alive by the water ape.
At this time, the sea water has been dyed red by fish blood, with nearly tens of thousands of cubic meters. Haikui saw only the endless blood in the sea water, but he still smelled the bloody gas that made him vomit.
This war made Haikui see what is tragic and what is angry fish.
After catching the bodhi old zu of the robe, the monster became bigger again, and opened his mouth and sucked all the dead fish and blood in the seawater into his stomach. Other living fish had already fled far away again.
The sea has returned to its original appearance, and there are still dead fish everywhere before.
The white-haired water ape is holding his trident in his right hand and the bodhi old zu with some broken clothes in his left hand is moving slowly towards Haikui.
A few feet away from Haikui, he raised his fork and pointed it at Haikui’s sharp fork tip, showing cold light and expressing hostility to Haikui.
At this moment, Haikui guessed that the white water ape might have regarded him as an enemy. He knew that the Taoist robe bodhi old zu could not defeat himself and certainly could not. He hurriedly said, "This monkey brother, I mean no harm to you. It was this bad guy who drove me here. I didn’t intend to come to your territory."
White-haired water apes screamed twice when they heard Haikui talking.
Haikui didn’t understand what it meant, so he said, "Don’t get angry. I’m leaving the sea. Not only is my flying sword still in this guy’s hand, can you ask him to give it to me?"
The white-haired water ape glared at him and barked twice.
Haikui still doesn’t understand
The monster behind the white-haired ape whispered. Niu Jiao generally called two times. The white-haired ape turned around and shouted at him with dissatisfaction. The monster seemed very wronged. After calling a chase, the white-haired ape actually reached out and stroked it like a compromise, just like a human appeasing a pet.
Seeing this scene, Haikui felt amazing, but he felt like a monster. The two of them are human beings who can communicate with each other.
After communicating with the monster for a while, the white-haired ape suddenly turned around and threw the black bully snatched from the bodhi old zu’s robe to Haikui.
Haikui wondered what he meant. He took over the bully and asked, "You want to give me this."
The white-haired water ape nodded.
Hai Kui didn’t expect it to understand his meaning, and thanked him with joy and said, "Monkey, look at my flying sword."